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With text, movement, actors, sets.

Blood Sister: sharp and humorous musical theatre about identical twins

From 17 October to 21 December, Blood Sister - Same and Different in Everything tours the country. Top actresses Wendell Jaspers and Lotte Dunselman, on stage together for the first time, play identical twins in this sharp, humorous and musical performance by MATZER Theatre Productions. The text is by Maaike Bergstra, Madeleine Matzer directs. The premiere is Saturday 19 October at De Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch. If... 

ZID Theatre presents ROOTS & WINGS - a mosaic of worldly stories and personal memories

Welcome to the multidisciplinary collage performance Roots & Wings on 27 September at 20.00 at ZID Theater Amsterdam! Roots & Wings is a co-creation from ZID Theater Amsterdam and Antwerp-based Madam Fortuna. The performance combines short solo performances by six different dance and theatre makers who each unleash their personal interpretation on the theme Roots & Wings. 'Where are my roots, and where do I want to go? As a maker, as a human being, as an individual'. In a mix of dance, storytelling and theatre, each maker takes the audience on a ten-minute intimate solo performance inspired by personal experiences and memories. 

The NUT presents King Krump during presidential election USA

A breathtaking Shakespearean royal drama during the 60th presidential election in the United States. Utrecht, 2 September 2024 - In November, all voting Americans will go to the polls and choose their new president. In the weeks leading up to and during the election, the show King Krump can be seen in theatres across our country. King Krump is a breathtaking Shakespearean... 

What They in Weimar can learn from We in Rotterdam

'Plattenbau,' the driver says with some horror as we pass some boarded-up concrete porch flats. The GDR-built flats are in Alt Schöndorf, two kilometres outside Weimar's historic centre. Nailed shut for years, and squatters didn't look after them either. A hated legacy, but more by the West than the East. The... 

Calderon's truth is a dead cow

What is the similarity between a reggaeton band, two pizza delivery boys, a butcher, a talk show host with neanderthal DNA, the Vietnamese Red Army and a Chinese university? In Guillermo Calderon's imagination: a cow. The Chilean playwright and author is now a celebrity in international theatre and has been touring Europe since last Sunday. At least: whether he will be there himself, we know.... 

ITA breaks with Ivo van Hove

The management of ITA (International Theatre Amsterdam) is terminating its collaboration with Ivo van Hove with immediate effect. The world-famous director of high-profile, often rather serious performances, had become discredited. An unsafe working climate had developed under his management. Not only the strict leadership by van Hove himself, but also the transgressive behaviour of his life partner and regular designer Jan Versweyveld was... 

Square Theatre presents Summer of Music and artist-in-residence Kate Moore

Plein Theater provides a stage for contemporary music. Adventurous and small-scale performances, new compositions and leading musicians; in the Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam series, audiences are given monthly opportunities to experience this unique concept in an intimate setting. In the summer of 2024, Plein Theater will open its doors wide. In the Summer of Music in and around... 

'Paris' was wonderful, but has everything to gain when you add 'Den Bosch'. 

Going over the edge, exploring and pushing boundaries, pushing the limits of bystanders' comprehension, performing feats no one expects. And seeing gnomes walking through a forest. Or reading things in water. Seeing half a boy save the world. The first 11 days of August 2024 were legendary, never to be forgotten. And all in the... 

The Dancers sought depth with Club Gewalt, delivering a highlight of Boulevard

"How nice it would have been if, as a (male) viewer, I had really been taken out of my comfort zone by the fact that the anger was not so obviously played and commented on. How thought-provoking I would have been when they weren't making goofy faces at their Rudi Carell-German that - if implemented consistently - would have made me laugh.... 

Boulevard diary #3: basil connects the world

The nice thing about festivals like Boulevard in Den Bosch is that after a few days, you automatically make connections between everything you experience. Not that everything starts to look alike, like in sport. There, a single chromosome or hundredth of a second determines the difference between world peace or the apocalypse. There, everything has to be so similar that over... 

Boulevard diary #1: Den Bosch has a cosy village in it

Yesterday, someone from Amsterdam told me that he had long thought Boulevard was a provincial version of an Amsterdam rosé party: lots of conviviality, food, drink and mediocre art. Fortunately, after just one visit he was convinced that something has grown in Den Bosch over the past forty years that cannot be compared to other Dutch festivals. There... 

"Musical De Tocht announces bankruptcy", but whose fault is it really? Or is it Elfsteden magic?

It's cucumber time and many journalists are on holiday, so Culture Press has to turn up to interpret something that doesn't smell quite right. This time it is the press statement the directors of De Tocht have put on their website. In it, they explain how it was possible that this musical company, Friesland's pride, could suddenly go bankrupt. In a nutshell: it was not... 

New toddler show PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP (3+) premieres at Maas theatre and dance

On Saturday 19 October, Maas theatre and dance's new toddler performance PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP (3+) will premiere at the Maaspodium in Rotterdam. Creators Sara Giampaolo and Esther Schouten build on the line of toddler theatre that Maas has developed in recent years: big themes brought in a playful way. After the premiere, the show will tour until February 2025 

pr image by Sjoerd Derine

Star actress Sigrid ten Napel says 'yes' to King Krump

Star actress Sigrid ten Napel can be seen in theatre this autumn in Het NUT's (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) new play: King Krump. Koning Krump is a breathtaking Shakespearean king's drama in a modern twist that can be seen in Dutch theatres at the time of the US presidential elections. The new play is by Jibbe Willems, directed by Greg Nottrot. Besides... 

International Theatre Amsterdam makes report on sickened working climate public 

"Regarding the victims, it was mainly employees with managerial duties who experienced the cross-border behaviour. This seemingly contradictory result with the discussed hierarchy is explicable from the fact that the perpetrator of the transgressive behaviour in the majority of these cases is (a) board member(s) or other manager(s)." Ivo van Hove suddenly left as director last year 

We remain the most humble theatre group in the world!

Theatre Group Alum welcomes the many newcomers in the new Arts Plan. That this is at the expense of Aluin, among others, we find surprising and of course very unfortunate. Of course, we can now report on our bewilderment at so much injustice but, after all, getting a subsidy is not a right. Although it sometimes feels that way when you have so many talented... 

Granting multiannual subsidy Fonds Podiumkunsten for Delft Fringe Festival

Delft Fringe Festival receives positive advice for policy period 2025 - 2028 by Fonds Podiumkunsten Delft, Thursday 4 July, 2024 - On Wednesday 3 July, the opinions of the Council for Culture and the State Cultural Funds were published. Delft Fringe Festival received a positive advice for the policy period 2025 - 2028 by Fonds Podiumkunsten. This means a four-year grant award.... 

Fltr: Madeleine Matzer, Martine Manten, Agnes Bolwiender

The Performing Arts Fund again awards Multiannual Production Grant 2025-2028 to MATZER Theaterproducties

's-Hertogenbosch, 3 July 2024 - MATZER is extremely happy with the award of the multi-year production subsidy 2025 - 2028 from the Fonds Podiumkunsten. "We see this as a great compliment for our work and for our innovative plans for the next four years and as a great encouragement to develop MATZER into a multi-voiced house of makers," said artistic director Madeleine Matzer.... 

Holland Festival 2024 concluded with successful 24-hour The Second Woman 

The 77th edition of the Holland Festival closed on 29 June with a minute-long standing ovation for Georgina Verbaan who showed a phenomenal acting performance in the The Second Woman, a performance by Anna Breckon and Nat Randall, in which she played the same break-up scene for a full 24 hours with a hundred most non-professional counterparts. The day before, Victor Pilon closed... 

Stage photo Second Woman by Heidrun Lohr

Rineke Dijkstra captures 24-hour theatre marathon with Georgina Verbaan  

Today, the Holland Festival presents the groundbreaking performance The Second Woman by Australian theatre-makers Anna Breckon and Nat Randall. In this theatre marathon, actress Georgina Verbaan plays the same break-up scene no less than 100 times over the course of 24 hours, each time with a different opponent. This extraordinary performance will take place on the stage of ITA (Internationaal Theater Amsterdam) and will be streamed live at Pathé... 

Gender fluid musical spectacle 'Twelfth Night' by Theatre Group Alum back on tour due to great success!

After a successful tour in season 2022-2023, musical Queer comedy Twelfth Night returns to theatres from October 2024. Writer Ayden Carlo created an adaptation of this seventeenth-century Shakespeare play. Once again featuring the infectious music of composer Willem Friede (of New Cool Collective, among others), Jaike Belfor, Jilles Flinterman, Floyd Koster, Sasha Muller and newcomer Ebony Wilson play a show... 

Business leader Jannet van Lange leaves NUT 

Utrecht, 26 June 2024 - Jannet van Lange (1982) will step down as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) in October 2024. She worked together with theatre producer and artistic director of NUT Greg Nottrot for more than 16 years. Van Lange and Nottrot have worked together since 2008. As a freelance dramaturge, Jannet was involved in his work and stood... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Three days of Good Gold Money yields over €11,000 in excess capital

Theatre-maker Greg Nottrot works continuously on an idealistic dream. Three days of Good gold money yields over €11,000 in surplus capital Utrecht - Last weekend, the reprise of the performance Good gold money yielded a whopping €11138.16. Over three days, theatre producer Greg Nottrot (the NUT) played to diverse audiences at Heimland Festival and in Utrecht for... 

Who_s afraid of Oscar Wilde - photography Bas de Brouwer (attribution always required)

Theatre Kikker, for your necessary dose of drama

Ticket sales for season '24/'25 start On Thursday 13 June at 12:00, Theatre Kikker will start ticket sales for theatre season 24/25. With over 130 different performances, there is something for everyone. Be amazed and overwhelmed by theatre, modern dance, youth theatre, storytelling, performance and hip-hop. Theatre Kikker is ready for you all year long with your necessary dose of... 

Dying drummer says it all in Tiago Rodrigues' Dans la Mesure de l'Impossible at the Holland Festival

Live music in the theatre, I long for it more and more. Performances in which actors are accompanied by a soundtrack, amplified with or without transmitter microphones, always only half captivate. You soon find yourself watching a kind of live performed film. But without the comfort of a cinema and the technical capabilities of the camera.... Sunday 9 June sat in... 

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