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Cloudless 40th edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard

De terugkeer naar de Bossche binnenstad, het prachtige weer, 48.000 bezoekers aan voorstellingen (37.000 verkochte kaarten, 11.000 bezoekers van het gratis programma) en in totaal 100.000 bezoekers van het festival vormden de kroon op het veertigjarig jubileum van Theaterfestival Boulevard.  ‘Een thuiskomst, die het team, de kunstenaars en bezoekers ervaren hebben. Door de centrale ligging van het festivalhart op de Parade… 

'Paris' was wonderful, but has everything to gain when you add 'Den Bosch'. 

Over het randje gaan, grenzen verkennen en verleggen, het uiterste vergen van het bevattingsvermogen van de omstanders, prestaties leveren die niemand verwacht. En kabouters door een bos zien lopen. Of dingen in het water lezen. Een half jongetje de wereld zien redden. De eerste 11 dagen van augustus 2024 waren legendarisch, om nooit te vergeten. En dat allemaal in de… 

The Dancers sought depth with Club Gewalt, delivering a highlight of Boulevard

"How nice it would have been if, as a (male) viewer, I had really been taken out of my comfort zone by the fact that the anger was not so obviously played and commented on. How thought-provoking I would have been when they weren't making goofy faces at their Rudi Carell-German that - if implemented consistently - would have made me laugh.... 

Lancering culturele INTROWEEK MBO

Het Amsterdams Platform Cultuureducatie MBO organiseert, op initiatief van de cultuurcoördinatoren van het ROC Amsterdam en Flevoland en Mediacollege Amsterdam, samen met het Amsterdam Museum, Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam, MOCCA expertisecentrum cultuuronderwijs en CJP de eerste culturele introductieweek speciaal voor mbo-studenten in Amsterdam. De culturele INTROWEEK MBO wordt op dinsdag 3 september 2024 feestelijk gelanceerd in het Amsterdam Museum in aanwezigheid… 

Boulevard-dagboek #3: basilicum verbindt de wereld

Het leuke van festivals als Boulevard in Den Bosch is dat je na een paar dagen vanzelf verbinding legt tussen alles wat je meemaakt. Niet dat alles op elkaar gaat lijken, zoals in de sport. Daar bepaalt een enkele chromosoom of honderdste van een seconde het verschil tussen wereldvrede of de apocalyps. Daar moet alles zo gelijk zijn dat over… 

Boulevard diary #2: Bossche street culture is different

Right by St John's, next to the Tower Stage where Theatre Festival Boulevard holds its talk shows and free live concerts, is 'Tent Purple'. That tent is different, this year. Outside, kids in baggy trainers are doing break moves, inside it is steaming hot. For ten days, Tent Purple is Cypher HQ, the home of Bossche hip-hop and street culture, also known as... 

Boulevard diary #1: Den Bosch has a cosy little village there

Yesterday, someone from Amsterdam told me that he had long thought Boulevard was a provincial version of an Amsterdam rosé party: lots of conviviality, food, drink and mediocre art. Fortunately, after just one visit, he was convinced that something has grown in Den Bosch over the past 40 years that cannot be compared to other Dutch festivals. There... 

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International research facility for Holocaust research step closer

The arrival of an international research facility for Holocaust research - headquartered in the Netherlands - is a step closer. So write Minister Bruins (Education, Culture and Science) and State Secretary Karremans (Health, Welfare and Sport) in a letter to the Lower House. The cabinet has submitted the plan for this on behalf of several countries, and in cooperation with the NIOD, among others... 

Artist Jonas Staal examines (neo)fascism and own family history

Staal is artist-in-residence bij KNIR in 2024 Kunstenaar en propaganda-onderzoeker Jonas Staal is in 2024 artist-in-residence bij het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (KNIR). Hier zal hij gedurende drie maanden onderzoek doen naar de rol die familie speelt binnen het (neo)fascisme en onderzoekt hij zijn eigen familiegeschiedenis. Mussolini in de familie Onder de titel Mussolini in the Family stelt Staal de… 

New toddler show PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP (3+) premieres at Maas theatre and dance

On Saturday 19 October, Maas theatre and dance's new toddler performance PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP (3+) will premiere at the Maaspodium in Rotterdam. Creators Sara Giampaolo and Esther Schouten build on the line of toddler theatre that Maas has developed in recent years: big themes brought in a playful way. After the premiere, the show will tour until February 2025 


ROTTERDAM CHILDREN PENETRATE THE FIBRES OF THE MAASPODIUMIN PERFORMANCE WE (8+) CHILDREN SHARE THE STAGE WITH PROFESSIONAL PERFORMERS. From 24 August to 1 September 2024, the performance WIJ (8+) plays at the Maaspodium, Rotterdam. The performance is a theatrical route through the Maaspodium and explores the power of change. A group of Rotterdam children dabble in the fibres of theatre and... 

A giant water giant, the world's biggest spinning top and joyful bicycle acrobatics at Porto Circolo 2024

Street theatre festival in Tilburg's Piushaven is about to start Festival Circolo is proud to present the second edition of Porto Circolo, the free street theatre festival taking place during the Tilburg Fair. On Saturday 20 July and Sunday 21 July, the Piushaven in Tilburg will be transformed into a vibrant stage for circus, dance and theatre, suitable for young and old. Throughout the weekend,... 

Director Tessa Smeulers leaves Boulevard after 15 years

This summer, the fortieth edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard will be celebrated in 's-Hertogenbosch, with new names and old acquaintances. For director-director Tessa Smeulers, this special anniversary year is a moment to change her tack. After 15 years, she will bid farewell to Boulevard on 1 September. Head and heart "For years, my head and heart have been connected to Theatre Festival Boulevard. With great... 

Nominate new members for the Academy of Arts

Who will be the new members of the Academy of Arts? For 2025, the Academy is again looking for distinguished artists from all disciplines who have distinguished themselves on the basis of demonstrable artistic achievements. Do you know any eligible artists? Nominate them! Nomination deadline is 15 September 2024, 23:59. New members The Academy of Arts brings distinguished... 

pr image by Sjoerd Derine

Star actress Sigrid ten Napel says 'yes' to King Krump

Ster-actrice Sigrid ten Napel is dit najaar in het theater te zien in de nieuwe voorstelling van het Het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel): Koning Krump. Koning Krump is een adembenemend Shakespeareaans koningsdrama in een modern jasje dat ten tijde van de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen te zien is in de Nederlandse schouwburgen. De nieuwe toneeltekst is van Jibbe Willems, in regie van Greg Nottrot.  Naast… 

Ticketverkoop voor alle programma’s van ILFU 2024 gestart

Nieuwe namen bevestigd: o.a. David Nicholls, Tommy Orange, Maggie Stiefvater, Teun van de Keuken en Carolina Trujillo. ILFU International Literature Festival Utrecht vindt dit jaar plaats van 21 september t/m 5 oktober. Jaarlijks bezoeken zo’n 200 schrijvers en ruim 20.000 bezoekers het ILFU. Eerder startte de kaartverkoop voor grote festivalonderdelen als de Nacht van de Poëzie, Exploring Stories, de Belle… 

Boulevard on the Parade

Positive opinions for Theatre Festival Boulevard

This week, Fonds Podiumkunsten and the Province of North Brabant announced that Theatre Festival Boulevard will also receive subsidies for the next four years. On Wednesday 3 July, the Performing Arts Fund issued its advice on national cultural subsidies for the period 2025-2028. Theatre Festival Boulevard is extremely proud of the Fund's positive advice. Thank you to the committee who gave us... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

NAPK launches campaign 1TP5Don't drop the cloth

Amsterdam, 4 July 2024 - Yesterday, the decisions and opinions of the Performing Arts Fund, Fund for Cultural Participation and the Council for Culture were announced. Besides a huge budget over-demand, we see major shifts in terms of new inflow and disciplines. This affects more than 50 companies affiliated to the Dutch Association for the Performing Arts (NAPK). If there is no budget... 


Een roep voor meer queer activiteiten klinkt vanuit Nieuw-West en zal op 29 juli worden beantwoord. Op de eerste maandag van Pride Amsterdam zal The Kiki Kiki Ball plaats vinden in Space for Dance Art, georganiseerd door Deion Versace en ondersteund door ICK Dans Amsterdam, en maker Robin Nimanong.  The Kiki Kiki Ball zet hun allereerste editie groots neer met workshops, live optredens en most importantly een line-up die je niet… 

We remain the most humble theatre group in the world!

Theatre Group Alum welcomes the many newcomers in the new Arts Plan. That this is at the expense of Aluin, among others, we find surprising and of course very unfortunate. Of course, we can now report on our bewilderment at so much injustice but, after all, getting a subsidy is not a right. Although it sometimes feels that way when you have so many talented... 

Granting multiannual subsidy Fonds Podiumkunsten for Delft Fringe Festival

Delft Fringe Festival receives positive advice for policy period 2025 - 2028 by Fonds Podiumkunsten Delft, Thursday 4 July, 2024 - On Wednesday 3 July, the opinions of the Council for Culture and the State Cultural Funds were published. Delft Fringe Festival received a positive advice for the policy period 2025 - 2028 by Fonds Podiumkunsten. This means a four-year grant.... 

November Music 2024: 8 to 17 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

With a large number of composition commissions and some 100 concerts, the 32nd edition of November Music shows how diverse and vital cutting-edge music is. November Music 2024 will take place from 8 to 17 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Two top Dutch orchestras, Concertgebouw Orchestra and Radio Philharmonic Orchestra are coming to the festival for the first time and there are... 


Maas receives positive advice for arts plan 2025-2028. On Wednesday 3 July, Maas theatre and dance received the redeeming word from the State: for the next four years, Maas will remain part of the Dutch Basic Infrastructure (BIS). More money was applied for and granted for this arts plan than the previous one. The week before, the positive advice had already come from the Municipality of Rotterdam,... 

Fltr: Madeleine Matzer, Martine Manten, Agnes Bolwiender

The Performing Arts Fund again awards Multiannual Production Grant 2025-2028 to MATZER Theaterproducties

's-Hertogenbosch, 3 July 2024 - MATZER is extremely happy with the award of the multi-year production subsidy 2025 - 2028 from the Fonds Podiumkunsten. "We see this as a great compliment for our work and for our innovative plans for the next four years and as a great encouragement to develop MATZER into a multi-voiced house of makers," said artistic director Madeleine Matzer.... 

Bafflement at Silence over Culture Council's negative opinion

Today, completely unexpectedly, dance company de Stilte received a negative opinion from the Youth Performing Arts Committee of the Council for Culture. From January 2025, the company will no longer receive a subsidy from the Ministry of OC&W. Like a bolt from the blue, the assessment fell on the mat. In 2023, the company still had a positive monitor interview with the Youth Performing Arts Committee in which... 

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