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Holland Festival launches digital archive

The Holland Festival has preserved a wealth of information since its inception in 1947.This archive is a feast of recognition for lovers of the performing arts. It offers a unique opportunity to rediscover iconic performances, get to know artists and their work better and delve into the rich history of the festival. The video clips, performance information, artist biographies and famous festival posters form... 

Josine Gilissen strengthens management of Theatre Festival Boulevard

On 1 April 2025, Josine Gilissen will take office as director-director of Theatre Festival Boulevard and Stichting BosseNova in 's-Hertogenbosch. Together with Dana Kibbelaar, she will form the two-headed directorship of both organisations. Kibbelaar has held her role since 2022 and previously formed a duo with Tessa Smeulers, who stepped down after the 2024 edition. The Supervisory Board of Theatre Festival Boulevard has... 

STREAM: ARTHUR VEROCAI & METROPOLE ORKEST, ft. Paula Santoro, Rogê and Ricardo Verocai 

5-8 December, Digital Theatre During the past Holland Festival, 79-year-old Brazilian music legend Arthur Verocai presented a memorable concert in a packed Concertgebouw. Together with the Metropole Orchestra and guest artists, he performed the music from his iconic 1972 debut album: a mix of bossa nova, samba, jazz, psychedelia and funk. Early this century, major hip-hop artists such as Snoop Dogg,... 

Delft Fringe Festival and Museum Prinsenhof Delft treat the city to a dance performance on Tuesday 10 December

Dance interweaves old with new on Lichtjesavond Delft, Monday 2 December - Museum Prinsenhof Delft and Delft Fringe Festival will treat the city to a dazzling evening of dance on Tuesday 10 December. One last time before the museum closes its doors for a long-term renovation, eight dancers will dance to the stars during Lichtjesavond. The choreography and music have been created especially for this moment and this location,... 

First performances Holland Festival 2025 on sale

Sales of the first four performances of the 78th Holland Festival will start on 26 November via two performances inspired by paintings and two matinees in The Concertgebouw. On 18 March 2025, the full programme will be announced, including the projectWelcome to Asbestos Hall that associate artist and choreographer Trajal Harrell will develop especially for the festival. Director... 

Make more music yourself! (What I learnt from November Music 2024)

When I think of new music, I have never thought of fun. Rather, you think of seriousness, subtlety, taste to be acquired and listening experiences that you might later find ordinary. But not yet. So this year during November Music, I did laugh a lot. Not roaring (an occasional one), but simply, with happiness. While in the world... 

Laura Bowler wrote Advert: on the tattoo as the ultimate expression of your own power

A piece of music in which the vocal soloist is given a tattoo in the last fifteen minutes, live on stage. In Laura Bowler's Advert, performed by Laura herself together with the Hamburg-based Decoder Ensemble, you can experience just that. Not unexpected when you realise that Bowler trained not only as a composer but also as a theatre maker. She studied after the conservatoire at the Royal... 

Enno Poppe looks for the most elementary particle of the drum kit #novembermusic

The drum kit is pop music's most important instrument. German composer Enno Poppe, who grew up without pop music, has a fascination for percussion. A new work can be heard during November Music this year: Streik. Composed for 10 drums. I spoke to the 1969-born composer about this work and his inspiration. Listen to the podcast: What immediately... 

Festival Circolo makes more than 10,000 hearts beat faster during 12th edition

Festival Circolo can look back on a sunny and smooth 12th edition. During the autumn holidays, the Netherlands' largest circus festival took over the heart of Tilburg to make people's hearts beat faster. More than 10,000 paid visitors plopped down in the plush and stands to enjoy contemporary circus in beautiful, funny and blood-curdling performances. With extra... 

Circolo turns the growing pains between sport and theatre into something beautiful

Large spinning steel behemoths, mowing blades or relentless hands of a clock, which grind you as a human being if you don't duck, or jump, or roll away in time. There were two of them during Festival Circolo in Tilburg, this year, and it always impresses. It happened at Un Loup pour l'homme in the Spoorpark and at La Chute des Anges in... 

Holland Festival celebrates Amsterdam 750 with performance Otemba - Daring Women 

Music theatre brings 17th-century painting from the Rijksmuseum to life in a conversation about female indomitability On the occasion of the kick-off of the anniversary year Amsterdam 750, we are pleased to announce in advance a festival performance focusing on the complex history of the city and the country. With this performance, the Holland Festival aims to explore from the arts - painting, music, theatre and design -... 

Guilherme Miotto: "Dance is an evolution, not a revolution" 

"We all want to play, but labels sometimes make that difficult. Then you start doubting your qualities." Instead, Dutch and Brazilian choreographer Guilherme Miotto (45) wants to break down boundaries and make art accessible to everyone. On Thursday 24 October, his double performance 'Unpunished Youth x Poles' can be seen at Festival Circolo in Tilburg. Guilherme Miotto is more interested in what makes us... 

Southern romance and hushed high spirits: Circolo kicks off in style

Biogas. It works. In Tilburg, they have taken a big step in making circus romance more sustainable. The campfires, from the first edition the anchor of Circus Festival Circolo, have been modified. No longer fuelled by increasingly soggy firewood, beautiful yellow flames now play around glowing chunks. The wood fire became a gas fire, but designed by a pyrotechnician with circus experience. The flames... 

Anika Baines: "Burlesque and striptease are a power play for me" #circolo

She sometimes sees people drop out when she tells them that her performance is inspired by burlesque. "They often have certain preconceptions about this and think it's 'something only dirty men want to see'." It remains difficult to convince people to take the first step and attend a burlesque show, says Baines. The twenty-two-year-old South African loves... 

What if everyone is the boss? Acrobats find confidence in working collectively on 'Meander'

It is mouse-still in the studio auditorium of Korzo in The Hague. A few dozen spectators in the stands, a tangle of bodies on stage, shuffling, sighing and exerting their utmost strength, sliding, climbing and balancing on, over and under each other. Impressive, sensual too, this continuous movement that does not run from applause moment to applause moment, but rather lets you breathlessly follow how it... 

Wanted: new creators with disruptive performing arts: Open Call Delft Fringe Festival 2025, until 30 November 2024

Delft, Tuesday, 8 October, 2024 - The 14th edition of Delft Fringe Festival opens its doors to new makers with an open call. In 2025, there are 25 play spaces to be filled at the festival. With exciting, hilarious, moving, surprising, disruptive and innovative performances. The festival loves to be surprised by all the untamed talents, artistic experiments and cool new makers. You can apply until 30... 

Trajal Harrell associate artist Holland Festival 2025

The associate artist for the 78th edition of the Holland Festival in June 2025 is American choreographer Trajal Harrell (Douglas, Georgia, USA, 1973). Harrell is one of the most important international contemporary choreographers. His unique style incorporates elements from various dance traditions, fashion, music and visual art. With universal human emotions and themes of connection, tragedy, tenderness and vulnerability, Harrell's... 

November Music presents festival sections FAQ and MOODZ

Met een groot aantal compositieopdrachten en zo’n 100 concerten laat November Music tijdens de 32ste editie zien hoe divers en vitaal de nieuwste muziek is. November Music 2024 vindt plaats van 8 t/m 17 november op diverse locaties in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Met de festivalonderdelen FAQ (8 t/m 11 november) en MOODZ (vr 15 nov) is er bovendien een prikkelend aanbod van… 

November Music presents MusiMatrix on 15 September and MusicRoute on Sunday 10 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

Met een groot aantal compositieopdrachten en zo’n 100 concerten laat November Music in de 32ste editie zien hoe divers en vitaal de nieuwste muziek is. November Music 2024 vindt plaats van 8 t/m 17 november op diverse locaties in ’s-Hertogenbosch. De jaarlijkse MuziekRoute is dit jaar op zondag 10 november. In MusiMatrix ontdek je het gloednieuwe Theater aan de Parade… 

Festival Circolo 2024: intiemer dan ooit tevoren

Grootste circusfestival van Nederland lanceert programma 14de editie Van 18 tot en met 27 oktober verandert het Spoorpark in Tilburg wederom in het bruisende festivalhart van Festival Circolo. Tien dagen lang presenteert het grootste circusfestival van Nederland hedendaags circus op topniveau. Vandaag lanceert Festival Circolo het programma van haar 14de editie, waarin het de intimiteit opzoekt tussen bezoeker en performer.… 

Cloudless 40th edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard

De terugkeer naar de Bossche binnenstad, het prachtige weer, 48.000 bezoekers aan voorstellingen (37.000 verkochte kaarten, 11.000 bezoekers van het gratis programma) en in totaal 100.000 bezoekers van het festival vormden de kroon op het veertigjarig jubileum van Theaterfestival Boulevard.  ‘Een thuiskomst, die het team, de kunstenaars en bezoekers ervaren hebben. Door de centrale ligging van het festivalhart op de Parade… 

'Paris' was wonderful, but has everything to gain when you add 'Den Bosch'. 

Over het randje gaan, grenzen verkennen en verleggen, het uiterste vergen van het bevattingsvermogen van de omstanders, prestaties leveren die niemand verwacht. En kabouters door een bos zien lopen. Of dingen in het water lezen. Een half jongetje de wereld zien redden. De eerste 11 dagen van augustus 2024 waren legendarisch, om nooit te vergeten. En dat allemaal in de… 

The Dancers sought depth with Club Gewalt, delivering a highlight of Boulevard

"How nice it would have been if, as a (male) viewer, I had really been taken out of my comfort zone by the fact that the anger was not so obviously played and commented on. How thought-provoking I would have been when they weren't making goofy faces at their Rudi Carell-German that - if implemented consistently - would have made me laugh.... 

Boulevard-dagboek #3: basilicum verbindt de wereld

Het leuke van festivals als Boulevard in Den Bosch is dat je na een paar dagen vanzelf verbinding legt tussen alles wat je meemaakt. Niet dat alles op elkaar gaat lijken, zoals in de sport. Daar bepaalt een enkele chromosoom of honderdste van een seconde het verschil tussen wereldvrede of de apocalyps. Daar moet alles zo gelijk zijn dat over… 

Boulevard diary #2: Bossche street culture is different

Right by St John's, next to the Tower Stage where Theatre Festival Boulevard holds its talk shows and free live concerts, is 'Tent Purple'. That tent is different, this year. Outside, kids in baggy trainers are doing break moves, inside it is steaming hot. For ten days, Tent Purple is Cypher HQ, the home of Bossche hip-hop and street culture, also known as... 

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