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Oscar Kocken

Podcast! Editie 2022 baadt in zomerwarmte en vindt een nieuw hart. (lyrisch? Ja.) #tfboulevard

We maken halverwege deze editie van Theaterfestival Boulevard in Den Bosch de balans op. Host Wijbrand Schaap doet dat samen met Dana Kibbelaar, sinds dit jaar lid van de tweehoofdige directie (met Tessa Smeulers), schrijver en journalist Jowi Schmitz, danscriticus Helen Westerik, en de makers Oscar Kocken en Jellie Schippers. We hebben het over wat er zo bijzonder is aan… 

Met Theaterfestival Boulevard op zoek naar een weg uit de crisis van twee jaar beperking. #tfboulevard

Het was wel een beetje veel van het goede, maar de nabijheid van zoveel blije mensen in een kleine ruimte, zonder airco maar met enthousiast zwetende dansers, was fijn om mee te maken. Het heet ‘Out of the Box’ en wordt tijdens het Bossche Theaterfestival Boulevard bij elkaar gedanst en geacrobatiekt door The100hands uit Breda. Een voorstelling voor mensen vanaf… 

Better listening, watching, feeling, smelling and tasting thanks to Theatre Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

We don't look upward enough. Maybe we do a quick glance at the horizon to see if that shower is really going to ruin our terrace afternoon, but that's not looking for the sake of looking. And I was able to do that thanks to the people of BLOOS. In Bossche Zuiderpark, they have a... 

'Sender Boulevard': Intimate and grand. A successful exercise in getting closer.

Under the banner 'Sender Boulevard', the organisers of Theatre Festival Boulevard signed up for six weeks of live encounters in 's-Hertogenbosch. More than 40 different projects delivered an extraordinary variety of performances, performances and installations. Based on the theme 'Nader de ander' (Closer to the other), Boulevard more than ever entered into dialogue with makers and audience, which led to an intense dialogue with results.

Culture Press podcastcorona (21) - Oscar Kocken: 'Not being allowed to perform your work for six months is pretty gross.'

'Yes, of course it was something we already saw coming in every way. That made me mentally prepared. But then when you actually hear about it... It's just SO sour. It's every time - I don't blame anyone, to be clear - but every time you get bad news, you try... 

Podcast in times of Corona (2): Oscar Kocken on the bible of an anonymous war victim. And what his grandfather has to do with it me.

When he started for himself in 2006, the CoC's question was not, how Oscar Kocken would later deal with a global pandemic of apocalyptic proportions, income-wise. This is just to point out what a stooge our minister of economic affairs is, and how we can yet gain some understanding of the wall of misunderstanding where the... 

Humour, marinated in tears on a bed of melancholy. Perfect day on Boulevard

The prize for the longest and most artful kiss of 2017 has been given away and goes to Conny Janssen Danst. In a small tent on the square below Bossche Sint-Jan, this danced kiss forms the technical and dramatic highlight of Clarity. Two dancers, spinning pirouettes while keeping their lips connected, a video artist and the floating music performed live by iET were on Saturday ... 

So you'll never leave Den Bosch again (why holidays in your own country can be fun)

Would like your interpretation of the cover girl's look on the Theatre Festival Boulevard programme book. It may be projection, but I see a slightly overwhelmed desperation in those eyes, whose eyebrows have been replaced by two playfully placed arches of St John's, above: Den Bosch on my mind. Where to start, mostly. In the book, especially abundance. Glassily designed... 

Just a Guest is justified summer hit: listening always makes people interesting

I held my heart. Patrick Nederkoorn and Oscar Kocken had been tempted by television to bring their brilliant gem 'Zomaargasten' over to the living room. NPO3 still. The channel targeting millennials. I had visions of channel managers, dramaturgs, audience specialists and gussied-up boys and girls well over forty that these two little artists would... 

Back, to The Cherry Garden 2 - ©Willem Popelier

Nottrot's Cherry Garden: fascinating evening of philosophy on Greek cottage

What is a memory worth? A first kiss, for instance: how much poorer are you if it is forgotten? In hard euros. Such questions Greg Nottrot likes to ask his audience, and we, his grateful listeners, gladly join in his money thought experiments. The man who, with Oscar Kocken, came up with the revolutionary concept of the live talk show Order of the Day, now makes,... 

Tent Theatre in Den Bosch: The Turret of Order of the Day

Tent Theatre in Den Bosch: high quality, shame about the sound #tfboulevard

Sometimes, people are so angry politically that they furiously turn down the chance to become the country's boss themselves upon hearing the word 'prime minister'. Oscar Kocken, the cheerful host and creator, together with Daan Windhorst, of 'Het Torentje' noticed this last Friday. He was trying to warm up a passer-by to his performance, in a tent on the... 

Theatre festival Boulevard

Theatre Festival Boulevard: Not the Avignon, but the Berlin of the Netherlands?

There are many reasons not to go on holiday. It costs money, you come back more stressed than you went, the food is no good, it costs tons of CO2 and it doesn't increase mutual understanding between countries either. Reason enough, then, to just stay here and enjoy the free time given to you by the boss, or by yourself if you are self-employed. Without being barked at by airport staff.

Casual encounters in a sanatorium: @TFBoulevard has a real theme

Theatre festival Boulevard has a theme. This is new, and actually unusual for a large-scale festival like the one in Den Bosch. After all, how do you find so many performances for those claimed 120,000 spectators that are all about that same theme? The solution is simple: you don't have to. You can also attach a theme to a few appealing performances and a single part... 

awaiting the start of rimini Protokoll

The five of us against the rest of Den Bosch. Renewed Boulevard Theatre Festival opens in style

Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch, dat op 6 augustus begon, heeft een nieuwe baas. Deze vrouw, Viktorien van Hulst, kreeg het nog voor het begin van haar eerste festival zwaar voor de kiezen. Iemand had op het speciale nieuwe festivalterrein aan de Bossche Tramkade opeens, een dag voor de opening, in een regenpijp, een minuscule asbestvezel aangetroffen, en dus moest… 

The 5 performances you should definitely see at Theatre Festival Boulevard

From today, it is not Leeuwarden, Amsterdam, Utrecht or The Hague that is our country's cultural capital, but Den Bosch. For eleven days during Theatre Festival Boulevard, there will be more to see in that city than all to follow. Lots of new and unique work for Den Bosch, but also some performances that have already played in other places. Herewith our five recommendations. Have... 

Greg Nottrot, Floor Leene en Christina Coridou in Het Geheim op Castellum Hoge Woerd

Uniek Geheim te zien in Leidsche Rijn, maar wees er snel bij

De snelste, en mooiste, manier om door Leidsche Rijn te fietsen, is langs de Groenedijk, en dan helemaal tot het eind. Op 20 minuten peddelen van Utrecht Centraal ligt daar sinds kort, en sinds 2000 jaar, Castellum Hoge Woerd. Het is een nieuw gebouwd idee van een Romeins fort dat hier de oude grens van het Romeinse Rijk bewaakte, langs… 

Order of the Day renews theatre

I did it just like that. Proclaimed a show as the most important theatre innovation for 20 years. That's daring. Even though I made the term a bit more vague in a subsequent tweet, because, yes, there has been quite a lot of innovation in recent years, left and right in theatres. So let's stick to 'the last few years'. And then... 

Two idols and lots of cute girls at Saturday's Autumn Collection #njc10

Het viel op: wat een hoop leuke meisjes in Theater Kikker. Zou het door de programmering komen? Nu waren er een hoop leuke mannen om uit te kiezen op zaterdagavond. De stoere acteerbeesten van FC Bergman bijvoorbeeld, of de androgyne Nik van den Berg, of misschien de ogenschijnlijk lieve Bert Hana. En anders was er altijd nog DJ Oscar Kocken,… 

Bouncing along with the funny, touching, uncontrollable Ray in Renske van den Broek's musical theatre performance Fast Car #njc10

Onstuitbare, grappige, ontroerende Fast Car Ray. Een jongen wiens hoofd nooit stilstaat, die niet slaapt, bij wie alles binnenkomt en die er maar niet in slaagt van zichzelf te houden. Zijn ziekte, Het Syndroom van Gilles de la Tourette, maakt hem waanzinnig en wanhopig. Tikketakketikketakke. Door, steeds maar door. Als een raceauto.

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