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Yannis Kyriakides

Uiteindelijk gaan we allemaal. Waarom Boukje Schweigman’s ‘Val’ onweerstaanbaar is. 

De wereld van Boukje Schweigman is spannend, maar nooit dodelijk. Of ze nu een belevingsvoorstelling maakt op een mooie locatie tijdens een zomerfestival, of meer kunstzinnig te werk gaat in de stukken die ze voor de theaters maakt: je ziet alleen maar aardige mensen. Ook in Val, haar nieuwste. Daarin zien we een heleboel aardige mensen vallen. Diep vallen, soms.… 

Wie zei ook alweer dat moderne muziek humorloos en cerebraal was? Amerikaanse Kelley Sheehan wint in Muziekweek vol humor en bespiegeling

Even lijkt de enveloppe niet te openen maar dan tovert minister Ingrid van Engelshoven toch het verlossende papiertje tevoorschijn. ‘De winnaar van de Gaudeamus Award 2019 is Kelley Sheehan!’ De kleine Amerikaanse valt bijna van haar krukje van verbazing. Waarschijnlijk niet geheel toevallig heeft de organisatie voor nieuwe muziek haar precies midden tussen haar vier medekandidaten gepositioneerd. – Zelf zou… 

Three CDs you wouldn't have wanted to miss in 2018

The end of the year is approaching. So the lists fly around our ears again with 'most beautiful', 'best', 'most unforgettable', 'most moving'... fill in the blanks. I think compiling top-soaps is actually a typically male thing, but come on, I'm not that bad. Here are three CDs you wouldn't have wanted to miss this year - in no particular order. Louise Farrenc: Variations for Piano Biliana Tzinlikova,... 

How Wiek Hijmans makes the electric guitar socially acceptable

Wiek Hijmans (b. 1967) tirelessly devotes himself to the use of the electric guitar in contemporary composed music. He also likes to be influenced by jazz and rock in his own pieces. On Electric Language, his latest CD, he presents music by eight composers alongside his own Victus. Six pieces were composed especially for him. The disc appeared on the label... 

Holland Festival 2016: urgent, challenging and inviting

Never before has the Holland Festival placed itself at the centre of society as it is today. The 2016 programme is steeped in the turbulent times in which we live. The Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union this spring. Artistic director Ruth Mackenzie has taken this fact unflinchingly to give 'Europe' a wide place in the programming. In presenting... 

Violinist Daniel Rowland: 'One spontaneous action can change the world'

The healing power of music, some firmly believe in it - in 2013, it was even the premise of the City of London Festival. Believing that music can connect people and have a healing effect on conflictual societies, festival director Ian Ritchie asked the Brodsky Quartet to commission a composition around this theme. Thus was born the by... 

70,200 samples in 33″ - music of the future at Gaudeamus Music Week Academy

Just after the end of the Early Music Festival, the Gaudeamus Music Week, the Mecca of cutting-edge notes for seventy years, starts in Utrecht. Five nominated composers under 30 compete for the coveted Gaudeamus Award, previously won by now established composers such as Unsuk Chin, Yannis Kyriakides and Michel van der Aa. For the second year, the... 

Pierre Boulez is alive!?

He is the last surviving avant-gardist, and it will not have escaped new-music lovers that he turned 90 on Thursday, 26 March. I mean, of course, Pierre Boulez, the composer and conductor who once declared Schoenberg dead and suggested that maybe opera houses should be blown up because of their moldy programming. The same man then tirelessly broke a lance for the music of Arnold Schoenberg ... 

‘Parelen’ in de Leidse Lakenhal is een grenzeloze ervaring

‘Parelen’ is een tentoonstelling met de onbegrensdheid, fantasie en droomachtige vergezichten die bij een sprookje horen. Associaties met de parel rollen alle kanten op. Wie in ‘Parelen’ ronddwaalt vergeet even alles wat met de nuchtere dagelijkse werkelijkheid te maken heeft. Overal blijken de parels op te kunnen duiken. De kunstwerken die bij deze tentoonstelling horen, zijn verspreid tussen de vast… 

Popcorn polishes off rock 'n' roll #hf12

Popcorn wants to build bridges and dissolve borders; away with the differences between high and low culture. Covers of the band's favourite songs are interspersed with new compositions, thus blurring boundaries. Unfortunately, they do not succeed in this and the band sounds mostly academic and soulless. Popcorn is an experimental performance in which a composite band seeks to bridge the gap between... 

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