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piet van dycke

Cirque Pardi by Pierre Rigo and Charles Bigaud

How life-proof is circus? 3 lessons I learned during a week at Tilburg's Festival Circolo

Ten days of circus, this year in truly autumnal conditions for the first time in ages. Storm and patches of rain, flooded lawns really only enhance the fun between and especially in the tents set up in the Railway Park. I take home three lessons from it. 1: Circus is a lonely profession Was once a circus performer someone who was one... 

Glorious bodies during a rehearsal in The Hague (Photo by Wijbrand Schaap)

With Glorious Bodies, Piet van Dycke celebrates the survivability of elderly acrobats #Circolo

Det Rijven (1956) feels more vulnerable than 20 years ago: "I am not only afraid of falling. I also realise that my body is like an old bicycle that occasionally plays music and just wants to stop. Or has a flat tyre. That's really more often than before. You never know if the bike is still on the... 

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