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Alles waarvoor mensen een podium betreden.

TivoliVredenburg during construction. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Jazzpodia maken U-bocht. Jazzenzo mag weer schrijven wat het wil.

Het is verrukkeluk wanneer grote kranten kleine media klakkeloos overschrijven, en dat ze dat gratis doen? Ach, ze hebben het ook moeilijk. Zo is het kleine niche-weblog Jazzenzo na ruim een jaar gerehabiliteerd dankzij een artikel dat de chef kunst van de Volkskrant vorig jaar had overgenomen van deze site. Waar het om ging? De recensent en columnist van het… 

U-pashouders voor €5 naar TivoliVredenburg

Bezitters van een U-pas kunnen de komende maanden voor 5 euro naar bijna alle concerten, festivals en andere programma’s in TivoliVredenburg. Het Utrechtse muziekgebouw wil hiermee drempels voor cultuurbezoek verder verlagen en livemuziek toegankelijk maken voor iedereen in de stad – ook Utrechters met een kleine portemonnee.  De missie van TivoliVredenburg luidt: een leven lang muziek voor iedereen. Het muziekgebouw… 

Dutch premiere Hush at the Saariaho Festival 13 to 16 March 2025 

 Asko|Schönberg en het Muziekgebouw eren de in 2023 overleden componist Kaija Saariaho met het Saariaho Festival. Toen ze overleed, was ze op het hoogtepunt van haar roem en werd geëerd als de componist die het modernisme weer een even menselijk als sprookjesachtig gezicht gaf. Tijdens het openingsconcert wordt haar laatste werk Hush voor het eerst in Nederland gespeeld.  Nederlandse première … 


Na het succes op Oerol Festival 2024 keert de dans- en muziektheatervoorstelling Waste Me terug in een theaterversie. Op vrijdag 14 maart om 20:15 vieren coproducenten Maas theater en dans en Cecilia Moisio Company de première van de theatertournee in het Maaspodium, Rotterdam. Waste Me van choreograaf en theatermaker Cecilia Moisio, is een stevig commentaar op de uit de hand… 

Podcast series on the art of Dutch youth theatre

STIPcast is a podcast series that gives an insight into behind-the-scenes theatre life in the Netherlands. Six episodes cover important aspects of theatre-making, such as artistic vision and innovation, talent development, writing texts and programming. Dutch youth theatre is currently at an unprecedented high level. More than 16 BIS companies, several production houses with talent development programmes and a stage infrastructure for... 

The Chekhov moment you hadn't counted on.

Het beeld was een beetje Da Vinci. Aan een lange tafel zaten ze in mooi licht en het ging over weemoed en dreiging. Dit was op 1 februari 2025 in het Amsterdamse Debatcentrum De Balie het toneel van Laatste Avondmaal. Ter kruisiging: een aantal theatergroepen waarmee ik ben groot gegroeid. ‘t Barre Land gebroederlijk naast De Warme Winkel, Orkater naast… 

Monumental new entrance TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht opens 8 February

Gerenoveerde foyers, opnieuw ingerichte straten en nieuwe ingang open voor publiek Utrecht krijgt er een bijzonder culturele ontmoetingsplek bij. Aan het Vredenburgplein opent TivoliVredenburg dagelijks zijn deuren voor het publiek. De gerenoveerde foyers, de opnieuw ingerichte straten en de nieuwe ingang vormen tezamen een architectonisch eerbetoon aan bouwmeester Herman Herzberger. Overdag is hier vanaf nu bijna dagelijks gratis toegankelijk muziekprogramma… 

The future plays at Delft Fringe Festival!

Enjoy new talent with personal performances throughout the city Delft, Monday 3 February - From 27 May to 9 June, Delft will be the stage for talented new makers for nine days. At 30 special locations in the city, 26 talents will surprise and move visitors with dance, theatre, music, cabaret and everything in between. The performances often tell very personal stories. Own... 

Leonie Kuhlmann appointed business director at the NUT

Utrecht, 27 January - Leonie Kuhlmann will start as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) from 1 February. Kuhlmann brings with her a wealth of experience both inside and outside the theatre sector. She will apply her skills to NUT's strategic and organisational growth. Leonie Kuhlmann studied Administrative & Organisational Science and Teaching Theatre Making. She worked in recent years as... 

Holland Festival brings unique stream of Armenian 'Bird of a thousand voices'

During Holland Festival 2024, The Bird of a Thousand Voices was performed at the Muziekgebouw. For those who could not be there then, or would like to see this special performance again, it is possible to watch the performance online (as a video on demand). The stream will be available from Friday 28 February 00:01 until Sunday 2 March 23:59. 'Phenomenal musicians, stunning storytelling and... 

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Agreement collective labour agreement for theatre and dance and music ensembles 2025-2026

On 2 December 2024, Kunstenbond and the Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK) reached an agreement in principle on the Collective Labour Agreement for Theatre and Dance for 2025 and 2026 and on the Collective Labour Agreement for Music Ensembles. Both collective agreements will run for two years: 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026. Meanwhile, the constituencies of both social partners have also agreed to the CAO agreements.... 

Marmoucha Orchestra in family concert series Groove Beast

In the family concert series Groove Beast, you will find out why some music makes you want to dance really hard or start tapping your foot. Together with MC Groove Beast and the band members, you will search for the groove. Sitting still is not an option, so jump, dance and clap along and unleash the beast in you.

Josine Gilissen strengthens management of Theatre Festival Boulevard

On 1 April 2025, Josine Gilissen will take office as director-director of Theatre Festival Boulevard and Stichting BosseNova in 's-Hertogenbosch. Together with Dana Kibbelaar, she will form the two-headed directorship of both organisations. Kibbelaar has held her role since 2022 and previously formed a duo with Tessa Smeulers, who stepped down after the 2024 edition. The Supervisory Board of Theatre Festival Boulevard has... 

Nominees Playwriting Prize 2024

Which theatre text will be named the best Dutch-language work of 2023? The jury today announces the four nominations of the Toneelschrijfprijs 2024: BOG.2 by BOG, The Story of Travis by Esther Duysker, Tijd zal ons leren by Romana Vrede and Zanger zonder volk by Giovanni Brand. The Toneelschrijfprijs 2024 awards the writer of an original Dutch-language play first performed in 2023. The winner will be... 

VPRO Books, 10 years of Podium Klassiek and Groenteman in Amersfoort: cultural TV Sunday nights bravely hold their own

Floris Kortie has come of age. The classical-music industry's merriest curmudgeon has proved in 2024 that he can carry Podium Klassiek on his own. That he managed to get the continuation of Podium Witteman, where he was allowed to freewheel as the insightful nephew, through a deep crisis is to his credit. After the departure of Mike Boddé, who he says is more... 

Dramaturges out the door at ITA. Trend or vulgar industrial dispute?

Is a dramaturge more valuable than a public relations officer? Not according to Eline Arbo, since this year artistic director of the badly battered Internationaal Theater Amsterdam. She talks about "the long lines of the company" just as readily with communications staff. After all, people who put their lives at the service of studying the repertoire, the psychology of the director and the zeitgeist know... 

Discover a vibrant programme at ZID Theatre during National Theatre Weekend!

From 24 to 26 January 2025, ZID Theatre will open its doors in the bustling Kolenkitbuurt neighbourhood. With an intimate stories on migration and resilience, a powerful multidisciplinary production on climate change, and a poignant solo performance on women's rights, this is the time to experience art that touches and inspires.

Discover a place where art and culture celebrate diversity, meet the creators, and be inspired by the fringe programme full of dialogue and connection!

Amazigh New Year

Welcome to this festive celebration of the Amazigh New Year, the beginning of Yennayer 2975. This special evening is dedicated to the rich and diverse culture of the Imazigh people, the original inhabitants of North Africa, with a special focus on the Amazigh regions of Morocco. The programme offers a unique blend of music, song and dance. Artists perform stories and traditions from different Amazigh regions, including the Rif, the Middle Atlas, the High Atlas and the Anti-Atlas. These stories and traditions feature authentic Amazigh melodies, traditional rhythms and dances, which together bring to life the rich culture of the Imazigh people.

New Notes Amsterdam: concerts for the adventurous listener and new music lessons

Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam, the concert series for small-scale contemporary chamber music, will again bring leading musicians and brand new compositions to the Plein Theater and the Orgelpark in Amsterdam in 2025. With a programme full of concerts for the adventurous listener and new innovative music classes, Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam offers a place for audiences and makers alike. The concerts take place on Sunday afternoons and are preceded... 

Model theatre contract renewed

The Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK) and the Authors' Union have agreed on adjustments to the Model Contract for writing a theatre text. The director of the NAPK and board members of the Auteursbond have just signed the new contract. The new version of the agreement incorporates recent developments in the regulations regarding the author's contract law, which the... 

Alum makes final Greek exam a celebration, thanks to Antigone

Theatre has everything to do with language. And nothing, of course, but thanks to Aluin's version of Antigone, I want to make a case for the 'everything'. Because language is far more defining for image than the other way around. Confusing? Yep. Thankfully so. Aluin's Antigone, or rather, Erik Snel's adaptation of Gerard Koolschijn's translation of the play that the Greek Sophocles... 

STREAM: ARTHUR VEROCAI & METROPOLE ORKEST, ft. Paula Santoro, Rogê and Ricardo Verocai 

5-8 December, Digital Theatre During the past Holland Festival, 79-year-old Brazilian music legend Arthur Verocai presented a memorable concert in a packed Concertgebouw. Together with the Metropole Orchestra and guest artists, he performed the music from his iconic 1972 debut album: a mix of bossa nova, samba, jazz, psychedelia and funk. Early this century, major hip-hop artists such as Snoop Dogg,... 

Delft Fringe Festival and Museum Prinsenhof Delft treat the city to a dance performance on Tuesday 10 December

Dance interweaves old with new on Lichtjesavond Delft, Monday 2 December - Museum Prinsenhof Delft and Delft Fringe Festival will treat the city to a dazzling evening of dance on Tuesday 10 December. One last time before the museum closes its doors for a long-term renovation, eight dancers will dance to the stars during Lichtjesavond. The choreography and music have been created especially for this moment and this location,... 

Participants FATE #4 shine on stage with solo performances at ZID Theatre

ZID Theatre is hosting a special series of performances on Thursday 12 and Saturday 14 December, in which the talented creators of FATE #4 will present their work. Unique solo performances in theatre, dance, storytelling and multidisciplinary work will mark the fourth edition of the FATE talent development programme, with a festive finale! These evenings are dedicated to diversity, creativity and the connecting... 

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Culture Council still dissatisfied with Reisopera and LKCA plans 

"LKCA only partially meets the first condition: providing insight into the activities to be undertaken for the 2025-2028 grant period. The requested planning and budget are missing. The addendum gives a picture of which activities will be divested, but only partly clarifies how these activities will be secured elsewhere and how the acquired knowledge will be safeguarded." The... 

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