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Uncoordinated pile of cuts to arts and culture leaves 350 million barren

Increase in VAT and gambling tax + reduction in municipal and government subsidies disastrous The cabinet's proposed cultural policy will result in a €350 million haircut and a negative domino effect in the arts and culture sector. This is shown today in an analysis of data from private funders, municipalities and the arts and culture sector. "Just before Budget Day, we as a consortium are sounding the alarm.... 

International Film Festival Rotterdam gaat ‘herstructureren’: massa-ontslag bij programmeurs?

Screen Daily bracht twee weken geleden al het nieuws dat het International Film Festival Rotterdam gaat herstructureren. Niet vreemd na twee corona-jaren: dat heeft er bij elk festival, bij elke culturele instelling, hard ingehakt. Zorgwekkend werd het toen de afgelopen dagen de sociale media vol stonden met berichten over massa-ontslagen bij het IFFR. Alle senior programmeurs zouden zijn ontslagen. Omdat… 

Museum association sounds alarm: even strong museums will not get out of the one-and-a-half without support

Last weekend's #unmuteus parades might lead you to believe that, as soon as the weather allows, the cultural world will be out of its misery in less than no time. The tens of thousands who took to the streets are soon populating the halls again, and with a little more water with the beer, and slightly more expensive mints, the night and event industry - which is also there for the... 

Dear Mr Rutte: Why should music schools stay closed? Why so arbitrarily?

Dear outgoing Prime Minister Rutte, dear Mark, This is the first time I have turned to you, the first time at all for me to write such a letter. I have to get something off my chest, because I can no longer follow or understand it all. Before I point out what is bothering me, I will write to myself... 

'A structural show of love for the arts and culture from The Hague is needed in the Netherlands.'

Dear outgoing Prime Minister Rutte, Dear Mark, In my capacity as a self-employed person working in the performing arts, I am writing you this letter. This is my first letter ever about the situation of the cultural sector, culminating in corona time. First by way of introduction: we met when I played a Scarlatti sonata especially for you at the TV programme Podium Witteman, and also... 

The culture sector can and must emerge stronger from this crisis. And that starts with political vision and ambition.

The Dutch cultural sector is in distress. Halbe Zijlstra's spending cuts ten years ago started a free fall that has still not stopped. The Social and Economic Council (SER) calculated that these cuts of 200 million not only caused impoverishment in cultural supply, but also wreaked havoc on the labour market. 20 thousand permanent jobs disappeared 

Opinion: Arts and culture are thrown out with the rubbish in Brabant

On 24 December 2020, the provincial hearing and objection committee issued an opinion to the Provincial Executive of the province of North Brabant in response to eight submitted objections. Then -only a month later- on 26-1-2021, a communication dated 26-1-2021 from the College of GS to Provincial Councils and a press release to the cultural institutions that submitted an application 2021-2024 appeared.... 

13 foundations and one private limited company. Controversial Brabant grant decisions raise more questions every day.

To get a subsidy in the Netherlands, you have to jump through a lot of hoops. Every farmer knows that, and so does every artist. In the cultural sector, for instance, it is important that you have a form of organisation that is controllable and approachable. You cannot have a profit motive either. That is why you can usually only apply for funding as a foundation, so you have statutes, a board and a... 

Where did things go wrong between culture decision-makers and the region?

It could have been so beautiful. In a not so grey past, the Council for Culture, then under a different management, initiated a movement that would give more authority to the region outside the Randstad. That was three years ago. Now there is an (entirely justified) angry letter in the newspaper from the culture deputies of 9... 

The city as we knew it is doomed. Long live rural art?

Verontrustende berichten, de afgelopen dagen, in diverse media. Eerst was daar Patrick van IJzendoorn in De Volkskrant, die constateerde dat het leven was weggetrokken uit het Londense zakenhart. Ik zag een paar verward verheugde reacties langskomen van vrienden op mijn culturele tijdlijn. Immers, in het artikel werd een duidelijke relatie gelegd tussen de sluiting van musea en theaters en de… 

Chosen to enjoy magisterial Hans Kesting

The restless head in front of the torso, fists nervously searching for grip under the pale blue jumper. His life a relentless affliction of generations of oppression under factory labour, alcoholism and domestic violence. And deep love nonetheless, between this tormented father and son. Until almost the end of the monologue "Who killed my father?", the high bed remains untouched. Only then do they learn... 

Improper governance? Looks like it. Holland Festival expresses justified anger at Culture Council's arbitrariness (edited to make criticism of Oerol and lobby insightful)

The Council for Culture acted in violation of all policy agreements, its own advice and rules when it reduced the subsidy for the Holland Festival by over five hundred thousand euros. The Holland Festival, which is in serious trouble as a result, is now expressing its anger in a letter that went to the Lower House today. The organisation even speaks of "improper administration": a... 

Culture is good for nothing

On 4 June, the Council for Culture issued its opinion on the subsidy applications of cultural institutions in the so-called basic infrastructure. The Council for Culture is the legal advisory body of the government and parliament in the field of art, culture and media. The Council advises on current policy issues and subsidy applications, solicited and unsolicited. It is very worthwhile af... 

Good news from Ollongren: 60 million for local culture

Er lijkt toch enig zicht te komen op een betere onderkenning van de noden van de culturele sector. Die sector die nu wel een steunpakket ter waarde van 300 miljoen heeft gekregen, waar van alles over te doen is. Het ministerie van OCW is alleen niet de enige die over cultuur gaat. Ook Binnenlandse Zaken heeft met cultuur te maken,… 

Why should the cultural sector level out when the problem is caused by external funders?

Het artikel van Ingrid van Frankenhuyzen over de hoge beloning voor sommige directeuren in de kunstsector (Vergeet KLM en Booking: ook in de gesubsidieerde kunsten zijn de directeuren grootverdiener.), en de toelichting daarop van Wijbrand Schaap in de nieuwsbrief van het Cultureel Persbureau missen context. Waarom vind ik dat?  Salarissen binnen culturele instellingen volgen CAO’s/loonrichtlijnen die in de branches zijn… 

Brabant is making extra cuts to festivals, cycling and fresh air, but now mentions 'culture'. How happy should the sector be with that?

The theatre seats, which served as the tractors of the arts in North Brabant on Friday 15 May 2020, have had an effect. At least, so it seems. Indeed, the province's Provincial Executive has restored the word "culture" to the budget. However, it appears to be a Pyrrhus victory, because at the same time the province is also not going to follow the agreements with the State, and... 

Call. Let culture workers take one-and-a-half metres of Space for the Imagination

Whether the 'cry for culture' ten years ago was the best response to the cuts announced then, I don't know, but just like then, I feel the urge to do something now. In response to a spontaneous statement of mine on Facebook, a still modest group of people emerged this weekend willing to commit to an idea... 

Audience, you have an asset!

Dankzij de informele tamtam ziet deze muziekverteller een megakans. Trio De grote drie. Daar wil ik het over hebben. Waarbij ik de Vlamingen Damiaan Denys, Paul Verhaeghe en Dirk de Wachter nu eens niet bedoel. Schrijvers Harry, Gerard en Willem F. laat ik ook links liggen. Vraag het de luisteraars van deze Muziekverteller en ze weten je vast te helpen:… 

THIS IS A CALL TO THE MINISTER OF CULTURE: Support our arts! My plea for a collective fund for all the arts

It is high time for collective action, now that arts organisations have closed and activities are at a standstill. Plea for a support fund for culture, to which governments, funds and companies contribute in unison. We all notice it: live cultural offerings are at a standstill due to the coronavirus. Much has been written and talked about the importance and value of culture in recent weeks. That... 

Reintroducing an old support measure would provide a new incentive for creatives.

Het Kabinet trekt driehonderd miljoen euro extra uit om de schade van de coronacrisis in de culturele en creatieve sector te dempen. Dat is een belangrijke stap in de goede richting en zal een aantal instellingen ook echt over de brug helpen. Het kabinet geeft daarmee bovendien een signaal af: dat cultuur er toe doet. Bovendien onderkennen Rutte en zijn… 

Zeeland has already fallen. Why processing arts plan grant applications has become pointless, but may still need to go ahead.

Right now, they are all still zooming or in an MS Teams meeting, the dozens of advisers and committee members appointed to assess the hundreds of grant applications for the new arts plan 2021-2024. But in all likelihood, they are no longer talking about the applications, but about how to deliver the news that the procedure is stalled. The province of Zeeland... 

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