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fair practice code

Demise of VVD culture spokesman during budget debate in St Nicholas mood, with surprise for PvdD

A little pity was in order during the debate on the culture budget in the Lower House. Thierry Aartsen, the VVD's brand-new culture spokesperson, still hadn't done his homework and therefore got terrible on his mitre from fellow culture spokesmen in the Lower House. And then also from the minister. Was he allowed to speak around 11... 

Sharp rise in volunteering in Dutch museums #fairpractice

The chances of being helped in a museum by someone standing there unpaid, purely for her fun, have increased considerably in recent years. This is especially true for museum shops, museum cafés and cloakrooms - in short, anything related to commercial activities and operations. This is evident from a closer examination of the rather jubilant figures for 2017, which the Museum Association... 

Was will the WOB? Ministry makes documents around grant Labour Market Agenda culture public.

Het ministerie van OCW beschikt over uitstekende zwarte viltstiften. Op geen enkele manier is het me daarom gelukt te achterhalen welke krant in Amsterdam het WOB-verzoek heeft gedaan waarop minister van Engelshoven nu reageert. De lengte van het zwarte balkje kan alles zijn (behalve Coöperatief Cultureel Persbureau UA). Maar goed: iemand doet onderzoek naar de gang van zaken rond de… 

Why a code is not going to change anything about unfair practices in the arts

Dutch youth theatre has been awarded the Prize of the Dutch Critics this year. Quite rightly so. That youth theatre of ours is of superior quality, diverse, dares to tell stories and look outside its own navel. It is more than a pity that, as an adult without a child, you don't come into contact with that theatre so often. Many an adult would fervently... 

Paradiso debate 2018: Optimistic arts sector wants less supply and better pay

Less supply of subsidised art is good for the country. Antoinette Laan, culture spokeswoman for the governing VVD party, has thought so for at least eight years. Back in 2011, then still as alderman in Rotterdam, she stated that she did not understand why art institutions were open on weekdays. After all: everyone was at work then and so couldn't come and have a look anyway. Listen here... 

Zonder extra geld is diversiteit in onze cultuur onhaalbaar. Het woord is zondag 26 augustus aan de minister

Goed nieuws van de cultuurfondsen: ‘diversiteit’ wordt een serieuze voorwaarde bij de vraag of je subsidie krijgt voor je culturele ding of niet. Natuurlijk zal een en ander tot discussie leiden. Om te voorkomen dat mensen terugvallen op het Jeroen Pauw-argument (wij willen wel vrouwen in de uitzending, maar er zijn niet genoeg goeie die ook willen), stelt de groep… 

‘Nederlandse cultuurwereld zit vol met gelukkige vrijwilligers.’ Waarom de Cultuurindex de plank mis slaat.

Afgelopen dinsdag, 24 juli, in een week waarin heel Nederland vrijwillig voor pampus of elk willekeurig ander eiland ligt, kwam de Cultuurindex met een belangrijk stuk. In ‘Vijf vragen over vrijwilligerswerk beantwoord’ beantwoordt de Cultuurindex inderdaad vijf vragen. De vraag is echter hoe relevant deze vragen zijn voor de staat van de professionele cultuur in Nederland. En, nog belangrijker: speelt… 

Culture Council wants review of system, but cautious 'Theatre Sector Opinion' is licence for arbitrariness by House of Representatives

Today, the Culture Council comes out with one of the weaker advices in its existence. The Netherlands' highest cultural advisory body showed vision, leadership and boldness earlier this season with the 'Verkenning' and the 'Sectoradvies Muziek'. The exploration called for a reversal of subsidy flows, with urban regions taking the initiative. In the advice for the music sector, it broke... 

Playwrights and cultural exploration (2) Sophie Kassies: 'A pool of plays that don't find an audience is an erosion of the profession'

The previous cultural exploration among playwrights gives cause for further exploration. From the earlier article, we take away that further privatisation only partially captures public money and objectives. See also from elevation ideals to efficiency thinking. We also take away that a public as all-important leads to one-sided popular culture, entertainment and false competition with the free circuit. It all has very little... 

Minister Ingid van Engelshoven (centre) superior in first culture debate (Photo: screenshot livestream Lower House)

House: 'Minister van Engelshoven has passed baptism of fire'. (Why the VVD needs to find a new culture spokesperson)

The debate on the 2017 culture budget on Monday 13 November was a breath of fresh air. Not because there was suddenly a lot more money coming out of any top hat, but because there was a minister with vision. And with room to express that vision. After seven years full of pushing and pulling and rejected motions, cash shift operations and bicycle bell trading, there was finally... 

Good that the Amsterdam Arts Council wants to invest in culture, but more is needed.

Well in advance of the March 2018 municipal elections, the Amsterdam Arts Council has come out with an Advisory Cultural Investment Account. The advice actually comes just too late to serve as input for the various election programmes of Amsterdam's main political parties. It is, however, well in time to possibly play a role in the coalition negotiations that will follow the... 

Fair Practice Code is beta version. (Why it will remain unsettled in the arts for a long time to come)

De bezuinigingen op de kunstsubsidies zijn afgewenteld op de zwakste schouders. Minister Jet Bussemaker wond er in een van haar laatste publieke optredens geen doekjes om. ‘Ik heb vaak de veerkracht van de sector geprezen, en dat mogen we ook best vieren,’ verklaarde ze gisteren bij de presentatie van de Code Fair Practice, ‘maar ik zag ook dat gesubsidieerde instellingen… 

Don't leave respect to the free market

The SER report published on Friday 21 April rubs it in nicely: the cultural sector is on the verge of collapse. It is even worse than a year ago. This shows that the patience of a PvdA culture minister over the past four years has not helped. Indeed, Halbe Zijlstra's multiplier of misery is doing its job entirely as expected.... 

Artists, say NonNeinNEE to ridiculous questions!

Why a fun house festival still haunts my mind weeks after the fact. Let me tell you: OuiJaYes I was looking forward to it. Fancy space. Freedom. So it made perfect sense that I went to Jazz in de Kamer Leiden at the end of March. I could choose from various itineraries with groups and musicians like Artvark, Jeroen van Vliet, Ruben Hein, Ntjam Rosie. I chose... 

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