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Greg Nottrot

Shakespeare lives and comes from Utrecht

The less real theatre is, the better it works. That insight dawned on me again this weekend, in Utrecht's Stadsschouwburg. Twice, in fact. Friday with the reprise of Aluin's Twelfth Night, Saturday with Koning Krump, the masterpiece by Het Nut. Two Utrecht groups, once sprung from the same theatre school, and drunk in the same theatre cafe, where... 

Forever and ever and ever © Sjoerd Derine

Forever and ever and ever and ever

Een feestelijk huwelijk over de dood Van 9 mei t/m 2 juni speelt het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) haar 11de zomervoorstelling op locatie in Utrecht Leidsche Rijn: Voor altijd en altijd en altijd en altijd. Theatermakers Greg Nottrot en Floor Leene ensceneren hun eigen bruiloft, bijgestaan door muzikant Pascal van Hulst en in regie van Maurits van den Berg. Voor… 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Theatre maker exposes inequality: performance raises €101,332.80 in surplus capital

Utrecht - With the performance Good Gold Money, theatre maker Greg Nottrot (artistic director of the NUT) managed to raise €101,332.80 from his audience this spring. This production was received with high praise by both the press and the audience and responds to that strong feeling that ''something has to change'' from both the creator and the audience... 

decor Good Gold Money in Utrecht

Greg Nottrot is a brilliant seller of dreams in Good Gold Money.

In Anton Chekhov's legendary play 'Seagull' (1896), the young, ambitious playwright Konstantin shoots a seagull. It is a symbolic act, giving 'wings' to his desperate love for the young actress Nina. On 29 June 2023, the no longer very young (40) actor, writer and storyteller Greg Nottrot stops every now and then to... 

flyer The Utility

Committed theatre maker seeks surplus capital - Het NUT presents Good Gold Money at Oerol Festival and Berlin Square in Utrecht

Utrecht, March 2023 - Theatre producer and actor Greg Nottrot, artistic director of the NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel), will create and perform this summer's show Good Gold Money. Theatre about inequality, excess and the discomfort and necessity of money. The performance can be seen at Oerol Festival on Terschelling from 9 to 18 June and from 28 June to... 

4 Reasons why theatre performance Light in Leidsche Rijn is not all that nice by chance

Light is the name of the latest production by NUT, a theatre company with close ties to Utrecht's Leidsche Rijn district. It is theatre in a bubble in Utrecht's largest city park, and it starts with good food and drink. I went to see it, and again became even more of a fan than I already was. A few reasons, why that came about.

The NUT delivers splendour with Never Work Again.

On the day that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of the world's Facebook, announced his launch to the 'Metaversum', in order to trounce his collegatechies Bezos, Musk and Branson, who had only had a little sniff of the Universe, I attended the performance 'Never work again' by the Nieuw Utrechts Toneel in Utrecht Leidsche Rijn. In these times of lockdown and... 

Greg Nottrot offers vision of a new future for theatre at the time of Corona with 'Graves'

Ok, the Mauerpark in the real Berlin is more grubby, but what they call the Berlinplein in Utrecht's new Leidsche Rijn centre has something in common with it. Of course, a frayed edge organised by the local government is a bit suspicious, with a megabios as its biggest attraction, but property developers, the biggest abusers of artistic frayed edges, can't do much else on... 

Greg Nottrot is energised by the corona crisis: 'Let's enjoy the fact that there is finally room for experimentation again.'

'I did get startled at first by being so laconic under the lockdown. I thought: don't I care enough to step over it so lightly? I also fully understand that people are very sad that it's all off, but apparently I'm a bit more fatalistic about that.' Greg Nottrot, playwright and enigma maker,... 

Wat hebben we toch met grenzen? In theaterstuk De Grens leren we waar het leven altijd beter is.

Er is nogal wat te doen over grenzen, de laatste tijd. Daar hebben auteurs Floor Leene en Greg Nottrot een voorstelling over gemaakt, samen met Wil van der Meer, Tijs Huys en Pascal van Hulst. Het ensemble van het Nieuw Utrechts Toneel (NUT) speelt, in een regie van Daniël van Klaveren, het stuk op de oudste grens die we kennen,… 

On Bergen and Delden, Greg Nottrot and the lost million: Culture Press' Best Listened To podcast.

Linda Huijsmans and Wijbrand Schaap catch you up in a good half hour on the backgrounds of the larger Culture Press News of the past few weeks. It's a bit more about the nude/nude situation in the arts, but of course it's also about money, that million that was drilled through the nose of performing artists by a row in the board of the Social... 

The Best Listening Cultural Press PODCAST! Greg Nottrot visited Putin's dacha, where Halbe Zijlstra was not.

‘Hoeveel werkelijkheden kunnen we aan? Voor mij is dat het thema van 2018. Die dames van Noord Korea die aan ’t juichen waren, bijvoorbeeld. Maar het zat ook in Halbe Zijlstra die had gelogen over de datsja van Poetin.’ Greg Nottrot, theatermaker uit Utrecht, had zich voor dit jaar voorgenomen een eindejaarsvoorstelling te maken die de tijdgeest goed zou vatten.… 

Beatles tour bus (replica) Photo: Chris Samson CC.BY 2.0

You had one chance to sustainably improve arts subsidies

The decision will be official in mid-September, but behind the scenes it has already been made. The Netherlands will have a very small basic cultural infrastructure for the performing arts, and a very large fund that anyone who wants to make theatre, dance, mime or music must apply to. I asked around a bit recently, and so that's what it's going to be. That way, politicians can't... 

No man can escape Nottrots Thundering Time. (Theatre with built-in escaperoom)

'Can I ask you: do you know what time is?' Greg Nottrot's question could not be more straightforward, as I am the only spectator. MIjn spot is uncomfortable: a chair sinking into fresh gravel on the curious Utrecht plain christened 'Berlinplein' by city developers. I witness an early rehearsal of De Denderende Tijd. In that... 

Just a Guest is justified summer hit: listening always makes people interesting

I held my heart. Patrick Nederkoorn and Oscar Kocken had been tempted by television to bring their brilliant gem 'Zomaargasten' over to the living room. NPO3 still. The channel targeting millennials. I had visions of channel managers, dramaturgs, audience specialists and gussied-up boys and girls well over forty that these two little artists would... 

Back, to The Cherry Garden 2 - ©Willem Popelier

Nottrot's Cherry Garden: fascinating evening of philosophy on Greek cottage

What is a memory worth? A first kiss, for instance: how much poorer are you if it is forgotten? In hard euros. Such questions Greg Nottrot likes to ask his audience, and we, his grateful listeners, gladly join in his money thought experiments. The man who, with Oscar Kocken, came up with the revolutionary concept of the live talk show Order of the Day, now makes,... 

Greg Nottrot, Floor Leene en Christina Coridou in Het Geheim op Castellum Hoge Woerd

Uniek Geheim te zien in Leidsche Rijn, maar wees er snel bij

De snelste, en mooiste, manier om door Leidsche Rijn te fietsen, is langs de Groenedijk, en dan helemaal tot het eind. Op 20 minuten peddelen van Utrecht Centraal ligt daar sinds kort, en sinds 2000 jaar, Castellum Hoge Woerd. Het is een nieuw gebouwd idee van een Romeins fort dat hier de oude grens van het Romeinse Rijk bewaakte, langs… 

Order of the Day renews theatre

I did it just like that. Proclaimed a show as the most important theatre innovation for 20 years. That's daring. Even though I made the term a bit more vague in a subsequent tweet, because, yes, there has been quite a lot of innovation in recent years, left and right in theatres. So let's stick to 'the last few years'. And then... 

'I have all of Shakespeare's records in my cupboard'

The press presentation of the open-air opera Orfeo ed Eurydice at Soestdijk at the time attracted just under a hundred people press and sponsors. At the presentation of the performance 'Much ado about nothing', The Utrecht Games attracted only a handful: someone from weblog, two people from the Stadsblad Utrecht and an indeterminate camera crew who had come exclusively for Suzan Visser.... 

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