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jiri kylian

Emotions at the launch of the new United Ukrainian Ballet in The Hague

Emotions at the launch of the new United Ukrainian Ballet in The Hague

Op dinsdag 31 mei is in het oude Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag het nieuwe balletgezelschap The United Ukrainian Ballet gepresenteerd aan het publiek. Oekraïense dansers die naar Nederland zijn gevlucht hebben onder leiding van ballerina Igone de Jongh in dit gezelschap een nieuw onderkomen gevonden. Toen ik voor de presentatie het conservatorium inliep, kon ik meteen een huilend Oekraïens meisje… 

Dancing in times of Corona: all you need is yourself and a chair and a closet.

We are now a good month after the start of the intelligent lockdown. Slowly, a new normal is beginning to emerge, where we are no longer exclusively fanatically following all the tweets about corona. The concerns are still there and certainly where the cultural sector is concerned. The entire sector, nationally and internationally, is engaged in the titanic task of keeping the public... 

Cinedans 2020: the digital edition

Cinedans, the festival for dance and film, was supposed to open 25 March and be the hub for dance film, as well as workshops and discussions, until 29 March. Obviously, this cannot continue. The festival will not be postponed but cancelled this year. An alternative that should ease the pain a little for this year is a nice and varied offering of short and... 

programme V lighfoot kylian photo: Rahi Rezvani

Will Kylián's work return to NDT? (The 3 questions everyone is asking as Paul Lightfoot announces departure)

Paul Lightfoot, artistiek leider van Nederlands Dans Theater, kondigt zijn vertrek aan per 2020. Een opvallend besluit. Onlangs nog stond de energieke leider op het toneel van het Zuiderstrandtheater om op een goede manier Gerald Tibbs, voormalig artistiek leider van NDT2 uit te zwaaien naar zijn pensioen. Maar er zijn wel wat vragen. 1: Waarom daags erna een eigen vertrek… 

Fit during Significant Moments of NDT2

Vulnerable surrender for NDT2 in Significant Moments

Moving. Before Significant Moments begins, the brisk Fernando Hernando Magadan presents himself as the new artistic director of NDT2. Applause in the auditorium. But the reason he stands behind a lectern with a huge flower arrangement is to pay tribute to the retiring artistic director: Gerald Tibbs. Gerald Tibbs. The peerless dancer everyone could walk away from 

Celebrating Kylian

Everyone is celebrating Jiri Kylian's 70th birthday in full. Except NDT.

Even abroad, it is noticeable that Jiří Kylián's work is not showing at NDT. Even though the so-called embargo is expiring and this is his anniversary year. No Kylián past three years The Financial Times reported. Laura Cappelle describes a fine performance by Nederlands Dans Theater in Paris and concludes that Kylián's work is not among the... 

interview Jiří Kylián over Free Fall in Korzo

Jiří Kylián: 'The silence of a photograph, I love that'

Jiří Kylián toont met Free Fall voor het eerst zijn fotowerken. Hij vertelt gedreven over zijn ontdekkingen, zijn inspiratie, en Sabine. Het huis in Den Haag waar Jiří Kylián nu meer dan dertig jaar woont straalt levensvreugde uit. Warme kleurtonen, geurende bloemen, een classicistische inrichting en toch gezellig. Onmiskenbaar de ‘touch of a woman.’ Die vrouw is Sabine Kupferberg, de levenspartner en… 


Kylián Festival. 8 ways to stay on top as a choreographer

Jiří Kylián is not at the Holland Festival. He has his own festival. The small Korzo theatre hosted ten days of intimate works by the great choreographer. Varied and still impressive. Next year, Kylián will have been a choreographer for 45 years. How do you keep performing at the world's top for so long? 

Young Talent Performance (Fugaz Floor)

Talent development new buzzword in dance world: 3 encouraging initiatives

The fact that it is difficult to get a job after graduation is also well known in the dance world. Therefore, partly at the government's insistence, companies are putting in on talent development. They also hope to A better connection with schools. Jun dancers are now more likely to be on the front line of ballet: the theatre, and that is good news for audiences. Because the energy is fresh and the level has shot up considerably.

NDT opens door to future without Kylián with 'School of Thought'

Programme V is NDT1's last programme this season. It seems to be a final chord in more ways than one.

On the premiere day, an official announcement went out that choreographer and former artistic director Jirí Kylián is washing his hands of NDT after 36 years of involvement. In addition, from September 2014 to 2017, no work by

‘Parelen’ in de Leidse Lakenhal is een grenzeloze ervaring

‘Parelen’ is een tentoonstelling met de onbegrensdheid, fantasie en droomachtige vergezichten die bij een sprookje horen. Associaties met de parel rollen alle kanten op. Wie in ‘Parelen’ ronddwaalt vergeet even alles wat met de nuchtere dagelijkse werkelijkheid te maken heeft. Overal blijken de parels op te kunnen duiken. De kunstwerken die bij deze tentoonstelling horen, zijn verspreid tussen de vast… 

Opinion: 'Let Joop van den Ende take classical ballet under his wing, merge Nederlands Dans Theater, Nationale Ballet and Scapino Ballet.'

It was predictable. Now that the Culture Council has given the secretary of state a go-ahead for massive and very deep cuts in dance, the first press releases are appearing with the outraged reactions. The National Ballet and Nederlands Dans Theater are aggrieved: 'How

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