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De Dodo doet verslag van de 27e editie van Springdance

De 27e editie van Springdance in Utrecht is in volle gang. De recensenten van het Cultureel Persbureau zijn erbij en wonen dansvoorstellingen uit alle hoeken van de wereld bij. Zo bezocht Fransien van der Putt de openingsvoorstelling Sideways Rain van de Braziliaan Guilhermo Botelho en de jazzy tapdansvoorstelling van Broadwayster Savion Glover. Maarten Baanders woonde Studium van het Belgische danscollectief… 

Je gelooft met je ogen niet, wat je met je oren hoort bij drummachine Savion Glover

“I don’t care about the body, I make music,” zei Savion Glover gisteravond, geleund tegen de deurpost van zijn kleedkamer na afloop van de voorstelling Bare Soundz. Het danspubliek in de Utrechtse Stadsschouwburg had moeite zich de mores van een jazzpubliek eigen te maken.  Naarmate het concert vorderde, produceerde het steeds vaker aanmoedigende yels wanneer de drie tapdansers los gingen… 

"It would be very weird if you weren't allowed to laugh at a performance"

A shy, unassuming man, who transforms on stage into a brilliant clown and artist at the same time. You can't get more typically British than choreographer and dancer Jonathan Burrows. He has achieved cult status in the dance world, and it is actually strange that his performances do not reach a wider audience. Although he himself says he has no shortage of audience members... 

Dancers of Busy Rocks combine rigour with lightness and humour in 'Studium'

Studium by Busy Rocks - photo Teodora Mihai

It is nothing new that simple movements, close to the everyday, are given a place in dance performances. But the particular way they are constructed and highlighted in 'Studium' by Belgian group Busy Rocks makes you look at them with fresh wonder.
Three of the four dancers, darkly dressed, lie down on the floor against each other in carefully crafted poses. On this construction of bodies, a dancer, dressed bright white, takes her place in a horizontal position. The lighting makes the body lying above seem to float. The underlying figures push up the limbs in such a way that the white figure moves as if she is walking. The manipulation is done with great precision. Looking at it with tilted head, one sees perfectly natural steps.

Even voorstellen: het Dodo-team voor Springdance

We hebben voor deze tien dagen dansvernieuwing het puikje van de Nederlandse Dansournalistiek verzameld. Fransien van de Putt, bekend in België en Nederland, Maarten Baanders, bekend in de wijde omgeving van Leiden en Daniël Bertina, bekend in de wijde omgeving van Het Parool waren ij de opening van Springdance en waren zowaar blij met wat ze te zien kregen.  … 

How do you bring a river on stage?

The opening of Springdance was a beautiful, continuous movement, from left to right across the stage of Utrecht's Stadsschouwburg theatre. Before the performance, Wijbrand Schaap spoke to choreographer Guilherme Botelho about this special dance piece.

Springdance opens with Botelho's Sideways Rain: fascinating intensity of dance, but lack of consistency

Scene from Sideways Rain by Botelho. Photo by Jean-Yves Genoud

From left to right, single people move across the stage, unceasingly and in droves sometimes, for an hour. It is addictive, this locomotion in Sideways Rain, the endless forward motion in one and the same direction of what appear to be ever-new people. Through subtle costume changes, a dark lighting scheme and Murcof's dramatic drones, it is very difficult at first to tell the 15 dancers apart. They become a fascinating stream of passers-by, on their way from somewhere to nowhere. Unlike the view along the public road, the dancers do not carry the usual bags, umbrellas and hats and, moreover, they move mainly on four legs.

Bettina Masuch over ‘haar’ Springdance: ‘Soms vraag je je af, of je er wel naar wilt kijken, maar dan kijk je toch…

Bettina Masuch (1964) is sinds 2008 artistiek leider van Springdance en presenteert dit jaar haar derde festivalprogramma. We vroegen de vrouw achter dit toonaangevende festival voor vernieuwende dans naar de hoogtepunten van dit seizoen. Een van de voorstellingen die ze beschrijft maakt ons al heel nieuwsgierig: de Japanse straatvechters van Contact Gonzo. Kan zomaar gebeuren dat er ergens tussen 14 en… 

Springdance 2011 presents programme. The Dodo is there.

On Thursday 14 April, the Springdance festival 2011 opens with the opening performance Sideways Rain by choreographer Guilherme Botelho and his company Alias in the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht. Springdance 2011 presents innovative and high-profile contemporary dance from around the world. Besides many premieres, the festival has an extensive fringe programme including street performances, lectures, an introduction to contemporary dance for budding... 

National Travel Opera possibly first victim of culture cuts

The rapid austerity operation of at least 200 million on the cultural sector has yet to be fleshed out, but one thing is already clear. If it were up to state secretary Halbe Zijlstra, the National Reisopera, operating from Enschede, would stand a good chance of being killed in that operation. His request for advice to the Culture Council, sent the week before Christmas, states the following:... 

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