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Rozalie Hirs

She is a woman and a composer - so what?

Recently, Kees Vlaardingerbroek, programmer of the NTRZaterdagMatinee published a plea against what he calls 'identity politics' in music. 'Bach was not a woman and not Western. So what?" reads the headline. In the subtitle, we read: 'If a composer is not a woman or Western, then it no longer fits into the classical canon.' Quite boldly put, because in any concert brochure you will find... 

Composer Sander Germanus: 'Don't use drugs, listen to my music!'

'Don't use drugs, listen to my music!' This is what Sander Germanus (Amsterdam, 1972) writes confidently on his website. Words you don't immediately expect from a composer of modern-classical music. After all, in this context, many think of incomprehensible 'plink-plonk' rather than mind-blowing sounds. A refreshing sound from someone who designed his own method of composition, so-called 'horizontal harmony'. Ehm... What should we... 

How Wiek Hijmans makes the electric guitar socially acceptable

Wiek Hijmans (b. 1967) tirelessly devotes himself to the use of the electric guitar in contemporary composed music. He also likes to be influenced by jazz and rock in his own pieces. On Electric Language, his latest CD, he presents music by eight composers alongside his own Victus. Six pieces were composed especially for him. The disc appeared on the label... 

Rozalie Hirs: “‘parallel world [breathing]’ is droomachtig muzieklandschap”

Al eeuwen zien wetenschappers verbanden tussen muziek en de ordening van het heelal. Het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest nam dit als uitgangspunt voor zijn concert op 19 oktober in de serie Horizon. In samenwerking met de Universiteit van Amsterdam wordt een ‘polyfone kosmos’ gerealiseerd. Peter Eötvös componeerde hiervoor het orgelconcert Multiversum, Rozalie Hirs schreef ‘parallell world [breathing]’. Het stuk van Eötvös beleeft… 

String theory inspires organ concert: Peter Eötvös conducts KCO in Multiverse

On Thursday 19 October, Peter Eötvös conducts the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in the Dutch premiere of his organ concerto Multiversum, which he commissioned for the company. His brand new composition is flanked by works by György Ligeti and Claude Vivier. Transylvania's rich musical tradition Hungarian composer and conductor Peter Eötvös (Székelyudvarhely, 1944) grew up in Transylvania. Towards the end of... 

Frans Budé: 'A poem has to have a story'

In his recent collection Achter het verdwijnpunt, death plays an important role. Poet Frans Budé lost no fewer than four poet friends in a short time and honoured them in verse. The 70-year-old poet himself still writes as avidly as in his younger years: in addition to an occasional collection about the Maas, to be published in May, he wrote poems for the upcoming exhibition... 

Muziekgebouw jubilees - Ten years of music on the IJ

Next weekend, from Friday 11 to Sunday 13 September, the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ celebrates its tenth anniversary with a jam-packed festival three-day event. From a cruise on the IJ with music by John Cage, a sleep concert by bassoonist Bram van Sambeek, a world premiere by Dutch Composer Willem Jeths, to a musical picnic in the entrance hall. No fewer than eight... 

Orlando Festival is broad and varied - with one blind spot: the female composer

Thursday 20 August sees the start of the annual Orlando Festival again in Kerkrade. Established in 1982 by cellist Stefan Metz, this event has been luring young musicians to Rolduc Abbey for over three decades to train in musical practice. Named after the then renowned Orlando Quartet, the festival traditionally pays close attention to strings, but other instruments are not forgotten either.... 

24 uur Urbo Kune @HollandFestival vannacht waken en slapen met Morton Feldman’s For Philip Guston

‘Urbo Kune’ is esperanto voor ‘gemeenschappelijke stad’. Klangforum Wien presenteert vandaag in het Muziekgebouw 24 uur hedendaagse muziek en ideeën met als uitgangspunt de toekomst van Europa en ideeën over de ideale hoofdstad van de Verenigde Staten van Europa. Om 12:12 hedenmiddag startte de manifestatie met een onbegrijpelijk statement vanaf het dak. Burgemeester Van der Laan, Arnon Grunberg, Francine Houben wisselen… 

The best CDs of 2014

What would the end of a year be without favourites lists? Therefore, herewith my choice of the three best CDs/DVDs of 2014. Unsuk Chin: 3 Concertos Korean-German composer Unsuk Chin is considered one of the most important composers of our time. She was awarded many times, including the prestigious Grawemeyer Award (2004) and the no less important South Korean Ho-Am... 

#HF11 Audi makes Ayres' funny-grim animal opera 'The cricket recovers' layered and edgy

Eindelijk: de opera The Cricket Recovers naar het dierenverhaal De genezing van de krekel van Toon Tellegen is in Nederland! Het Holland Festival presenteert ruim zes jaar na de wereldpremière in Aldeburgh het werk van Richard Ayres, uitgevoerd door Asko|Schönberg en VocaalLAB onder leiding van Etienne Siebens. Pierre Audi tekende voor de regie: hij maakte de voorstelling gelaagd en gewaagd.… 

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