Cultural press is a essential complement on the culture news in your newspaper, on the internet or on TV. Independent, quirky, rebellious and above all: useful.
After all, there is already enough nonsense about art.
You will understand that we do not serve the millions of readers that the big publishers and their advertisers exist on. That's why all the others do so little art. Or only grab the hits. We, on the contrary, seek out the stories that are important, but not always spectacular.
This club receives no subsidy. We are The Correspondent for Culture. but unlike that bv, with us you are really members, really co-owners. For our existence, we rely entirely on you, our reader. You are the reason for our existence. You are the one who makes our existence possible. You can do that even with a one-month subscription.
The benefits of subscribing to Culture Press:
1 Read everything without paywall
Our authors are all professionals. They not only live for their work, they also live from it. Their stories cost time and money. With a small contribution of sometimes 25 cents, sometimes more, you can buy individual stories. A subscription also keeps the entire infrastructure of the site up and running.
2 Free is free with us
On the internet, you are used to everything being free, but free is only the sun rising. We pay for the 'free' services of Facebook, Google and Twitter with our personal data. At Culture Press, we think differently. We send newsletters, sharing our information with you, and if we need information from you, we ask nicely. We don't do ads from those big networks. If we advertise, we arrange it ourselves, and the advertiser does not get your data.
3 Welcome to a network of connoisseurs
You are interested in art and culture. Together with all the other subscribers, this makes you part of a network of enthusiasts and experts. We offer you the opportunity to meet people with whom you have at least one thing in common: passion for the better story about the arts.
4 You keep the art world on its toes
Who controls power? In more and more cities, there is no longer an independent reporter at city council meetings. In the arts, more and more committees, boards, ministers, managers and supervisory boards operate without independent oversight from journalists. You can use a subscription to ensure that no one goes off book unnoticed.
5 You are contributing to something unique
There is nothing like Culture Press anywhere. That should not be lost, right?