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Amsterdam Museum presents revamped museum brand

Completing its rebranding, the Amsterdam Museum is introducing a new visual identity and the first version of a new digital platform. Both projects match the 95-plus-year-old city museum's ambitions to develop into a 'museum of the future'. The new brand identity is visible for the first time in a campaign that also marks the move... 

Always a new failure. Why internationally lauded writer László Krasznahorkai experiences all his work as a failure

Great international recognition notwithstanding, Hungarian writer László Krasznahorkai himself considers every novel a failure. 'I strain my brain to the limit, but it never becomes the book it should be. So I start again. And again.' Hope for redemption lost Film adaptations of his novels and winning the prestigious Man Booker International... 

'We really thought it would only take three weeks' - Young actors on graduating at Corona time

Susannah Elmecky and Emma Remmelts were in the third year of the Utrecht School of Theatre when Covid struck. Now they have both graduated and started careers on stage. In this podcast, they tell how they experienced the time of lockdowns. Also joining us is Victorine Plante, director of theatre group Aluin, where Susannah Elmecky is now playing a beautiful role in... 

More Dutch thriller authors in top 10 suspense

In 2021, 15 different Dutch thriller authors reached the top 10 suspense bestseller list. That is more than in previous years. A favourable development for the Dutch thriller. The market share of Dutch authors in the thriller market (suspense book minus fantasy and true crime) was 21% in 2021. This is according to research by research agency KVB-SMK/Gfk commissioned by the... 

'The Traveller': René Groothof and Leny Breederveld sublimely show how the world can turn into a prison.

Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz. Remember that name. A writer who left us only two books, and whose life history reads like a twentieth-century horror novel. He wrote, in 1939, three years before his death by a torpedo in the Indian Ocean, 'The Man Who Took Trains', under his English pseudonym John Grane. This book, published in 2018 in the original German... 

Poison in theatre: when the grief of loss settles deep in your body

Giving up a loved one poisons bodies, which then repel each other. Is there consolation for pain from cruelty? About a thousand children under 20 die every year, most of them babies. And 600 people die in traffic, thankfully far fewer than before, but more since 1945 than in the Holocaust. There are no collective commemorations for it, bereaved families often suffer in... 

Scenes from a childhood. Hummingbird butterfly Dolores Prato gives you a special reading experience

A childhood in which nothing happens and which is as desolate as it is lonely. You would think that would hardly provide material for a book, but Dolores Prato (1892-1983) proved otherwise. Her autobiographical novel There in the Square is Nobody, roughly 800 pages thick, was published in a very much abridged version over 40 years ago. Prato, then already very elderly, was... 

Everyday objects hijack Square Theatre all spring break

STIP Theatre Productions and Plein Theatre present the youth theatre performance Micro... things revolt (7+) throughout spring break. In this imaginative and humorous performance, everyday objects are given life. They are given voices and feelings and go into fierce protest. There are plenty of extra bonus activities daily in the theatre for children to experience before and after the performance. About the performance... 

Visually strong documentary on Colombia at Concordia 

Monday 21 February at 19:30, Concordia is screening a one-off film 'Colombia in My Arms', about Colombia after the peace deal between the government and the FARC guerrillas. Will the fragile peace survive the distrust and resentment built up by decades of war? With elections approaching, some politicians hope to profit from stoking tensions even further. Before and after... 

Stefan de Walle plays in 'Poison': 'We hope people will now appreciate extra what they had to miss all this time, just like us actors.'

From this week, try-outs of Poison, about an ex-couple who lost a child, are playing. After the premiere on 19 February in Leiden, as many as 70 performances will follow throughout the country. Actor Stefan de Walle is ready for it. The wonderful play Gif by Lot Vekemans has been performed since its premiere in 2009 at NTGent under Johan Simons in 21... 

Jetse Batelaan and Bambie otherwise do quite well together in youth theatre

We like to play by the rules. That's quite OK if you're driving through a historic city centre in a tractor or truck combination, for instance, but it gets tricky when the rules stop obeying themselves one day. The actors of the rather physical theatre group Bambie, Paul van der Laan, Jochem Stavenuiter and Tessa Jonge Poerink, have worked with... 

For future municipal councils: take a look at how Drachten found its strengths

The House of Representatives elections are less than a year behind us. The start of the new cabinet a month. Local council elections are coming up. And in the meantime: the clash between municipalities and the state, as witnessed, for instance, in January 2022, sharp statements by VNG chairman Jan van Zanen. If nothing changes, freshly elected municipal councillors are going to have a tough time with the... 

Matzer brings SMART - an unguarded moment that changes everything

A day like any other. Simply, on the road. To work. Going home. You know it. You know the road, the car, it's quiet. No oncoming traffic, virtually no side roads... You relax behind your dashboard. One of those days, then, like all kinds of others. Until that message, that moment... that changes everything. For her and for him and above all: forever. SMART is a... 

Asko|Schönberg brings Inhabit_inhibit: Crushing sound experience

Belgian composer Stefan Prins rattles the conventions of musical practice with his innovative approach. His brand new inhabit_inhibit is a visionary work, based on the ideas of Timothy Morton, in which man's loss of control over his environment is made audible and tangible in a penetrating way. To do so, Prins uses spatially arranged instruments, electronics and feedback loops. Follow the news,... 

Unesco: already 10 million jobs lost to cultural sector worldwide by 2020

A rather voluminous (331 pages) report was published today by UNESCO, the UN organisation that deals with culture, development and education. In it, the organisation evaluates the extent to which the goals set by the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity have been met. The picture is not rosy. Mainly because of Corona, job losses are... 


While in most countries in Europe, cultural life is already well underway, Dutch audiences still have to wait for full-fledged programming of concerts, film and theatre performances, festivals and night culture. Great is the desire, gone is the mental stretch. The new cabinet presented a glimpse of its new strategy. But the most important thing of all is missing: a... 

Cabinet strengthens approach to sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence with government commissioner

On nomination by the cabinet, Mariëtte Hamer will become government commissioner for sexual transgressive behaviour and sexual violence. Several incidents in recent years expose a broader issue on which action is required. With the new government commissioner, the cabinet wants to do more to raise awareness and create a safe culture, because intimidation and abuse do not belong in the Netherlands. In doing so, among other things, the culture should... 

Publishers but also journalism on blast in show Newspaper

With the performance Krant, Dutch playwright Joeri Vos of De Veenfabriek aims to criticise the major Belgian newspaper operators in the Netherlands. But it also paints an unflattering picture of journalism. Vos, he revealed beforehand, has serious concerns about the independence of news supply. After all, Dutch dailies such as AD, Telegraaf, Volkskrant and NRC, as well as many... 

Task force: 'Emergency support must not lead to structural increase in reserves'

Today, the Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce sent yet another letter in draft form to the ministry of OCW. In it, the assembled umbrella of all creative and cultural organisations reiterates its earlier criticism of the relaxation of coronagraph measures, which brings no relief to the cultural sector and nightlife in particular. Special attention is given to DJs and... 

Don't F*ck With Artemis: Aluin's revenge comedy offers solace in times of despair

In terms of religion, we are badly off with a single supreme and omniscient god who is also Love. Theologians and philosophers have therefore been earning a fat living for a couple of decades explaining all the misery in the world where God is only love. No. Then the classical Greeks. With them, free will ruled. Not... 

Club Gewalt shows depth but not feeling in 'Anthropocene the musical'

Sometimes I dream of a subsidy system where artists can actually carry out their wild plans all the way, to the extreme. Or, indeed, are obliged to do so. That, for example, if you make a musical, you actually have to put a live band on stage, and are not allowed to use a studio recording. And that you then have to pay money for that... 

Tessa Smeulers and Dana Kibbelaar form new management of Theatre Festival Boulevard  

The Supervisory Boards of Stichting Theaterfestival Boulevard and Stichting Bosse Nova announced on 1 February that Tessa Smeulers and Dana Kibbelaar will be appointed as director-directors of both foundations. They will succeed Peggy Olislaegers from 1 April, who, as interim director-director, was tasked with finding a new governance model for the festival, appropriate to its mission, environment,... 

Ozu, and 5 more reasons not to miss Shochiku 100 at Eye

Under the title Shochiku 100, Eye presents a magnificent programme in February that covers a century of films from one of Japan's most important studios. Here, previously unknown work, alongside titles by celebrated directors such as Masaki Kobayashi, Nagisa Oshima, Takeshi Kitano and especially Yasujiro Ozu. Four Ozu films, including Tokyo Story, go out simultaneously in movie theatres.

How did that foot get there? A raw and cruel, but also moving story by Claudio Morandini

Snow, Dog, Foot is the great title of the first book translated into Dutch by Claudio Morandini, published by Koppernik, a publisher specialising in literary gems. The novel, which was already published in Italy in 2015 and received rave reviews, is set in the region where the author lives, the Valle d'Aosta. Main character Andelmo Farandola... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Additional support for cultural and creative sector, especially for self-employed workers

Since 26 January, the doors of the cultural and creative sector have been open again, but with conditions. There are still strict restrictions on the number of people in a venue and a mandatory closing time at 10pm. That is why, on top of the previous support of €195.1 million for the period from 12 November, the cabinet is drawing an additional €56.5 million... 

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