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A Quattro Mani

Photographer Marc Brester and journalist Vivian de Gier can read and write with each other - literally. As partners in crime, they travel the world for various media, for reviews of the finest literature and personal interviews with the writers who matter. Ahead of the troops and beyond the delusion of the day.

Onaf maar zeer genietbaar: de laatste roman van Gabriel García Márquez

Tien jaar na de dood van de wereldberoemde schrijver Gabriel García Márquez verschijnt de roman waaraan hij werkte toen hij het leven verliet. In augustus zien we elkaar is onaf, maar zeer genietbaar. Gestorven in het harnas Hij stierf in het harnas, de Colombiaanse auteur Gabriel García Márquez. De beknopte roman In augustus zien we elkaar was het boek waaraan hij werkte toen hij… 

Italian writer Matteo B. Bianchi ©Claudio Sforza

'Those left behind' reaches out to bereaved families of suicide

After the self-inflicted death of his beloved, writer Matteo Bianchi struggles with his grief, his anger and guilt. With Those Who Are Left Behind, he reaches out to others who went through the same thing. Conflicting feelings 'I hate him. I hate him so much for what he did.' Sometimes Matteo screams at the walls that his beloved S. is an asshole. And an egotist. But... 

'Down in the valley' is another real Cognetti

Mountains, trees, solitary inhabitants... Down in the valley is another 'real' Paolo Cognetti. You could call him the chronicler of mountains and mountain life. Few writers tell so beautifully about life at altitude, in the middle of nature, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, as Italian author Paolo Cognetti. With his filmed bestseller The Eight Mountains, he conquered the... 

Italian author Nadia Terranova ©Sandro Messina

The poetic phrases in 'The night trembles' contrast beautifully with the pain described

Een gevoelige, ontroerende roman over natuur- en menselijk geweld: De nacht beeft van Nadia Terranova is een aanrader. De grote aardbevingen in Umbrië van 2016 staan veel mensen waarschijnlijk nog wel voor de geest. Maar wie weet nog dat het zuiden van Italië ruim honderd jaar geleden werd getroffen door een verwoestende aardbeving, de meest vernietigende zelfs van Europa in de twintigste… 

In the novel 'Everyone sleeps in the valley', Ginevra Lamberti shows why blood ties should actually be banned

Als vakantiebestemming zijn de groene, weidse Italiaanse valleien heerlijk, maar op een dergelijke plek léven is minder idyllisch, toont Ginevra Lamberti in haar roman Iedereen slaapt in de vallei. ‘De vallei is geen plek maar een tijd waar geen eind aan wil komen, het leven hier is geen tijd maar een plek waarvan de uitgang niet te vinden is.’ Die niet… 

'The past has a strong influence on the present and the future'. Juan Gómez Bárcena wrote a novel about world history in an insignificant Spanish village

Zelfs in een piepklein gehucht waar ogenschijnlijk niets te beleven valt, ligt de wereldgeschiedenis aan – of beter gezegd: onder – je voeten. In zijn bijzondere roman Het dorp van de herinneringen weeft Juan Gómez Bárcena (39) eeuwen aan verhalen door elkaar heen. ‘Ik vind het heerlijk om mezelf flink uit te dagen bij het schrijven.’ Meer koeien dan inwoners Een dorpje… 

‘Het mensenschip’ van Autran Dourado leest als een wervelwind

Een buitenstaander of een onverwachte gebeurtenis die personages een spiegel voorhoudt en de boel op scherp zet – het is een klassiek literair gegeven. In de handen van de Braziliaanse schrijver Autran Dourado leverde dat een fascinerende roman op waarin er vooral veel gebeurt in de hoofden van de hoofdpersonen. Ooit was Luzia het kindermeisje van Maria, nu past ze… 

The bricklayer who saved Primo Levi but went down himself. In 'A man of few words', Carlo Greppi gives silent Lorenzo a face

One of the most famous people to survive Auschwitz, writer Primo Levi, and a simple bricklayer who made sure that he survived - with such protagonists, an author has a strong subject on his hands. That can't go wrong, you would think. Norse bricklayer He had just graduated as a chemist when Primo Levi, twenty-four and Jewish, was rounded up and deported... 

Sensitive and scintillating: Sholeh Rezazadeh's beautiful new novel is one not to be forgotten

Na haar geprezen en bekroonde debuutroman De hemel is altijd paars imponeert Sholeh Rezazadeh met haar tweede boek opnieuw. Ik ken een berg die op me wacht is een tedere, fijngevoelige en weelderige roman. Verbluffend sensitief Het is haast niet te geloven dat de van origine Iraanse schrijfster en dichteres Sholeh Rezazadeh (1989) pas sinds 2015 in Nederland woont. Haar taalbeheersing en manier van… 

Turbulent Greek history. 'Niki' by Christos Chomenidis is a captivating family chronicle

In zijn bekroonde roman Niki vertelt de Griekse schrijver Christos Chomenidis het roerige verhaal van zijn moeder en haar familie. Maar bovenal vertelt hij de lezer over dertig jaar roerige Griekse geschiedenis.
 Familiekroniek Met de boeiende familiekroniek Niki, twee jaar geleden bekroond met de Prix du Livre Européen, vertelt de Griekse schrijver Christos Chomenidis (1966) twee geschiedenissen: die van zijn moeder Niki en… 

Writer Javier Zamora ©Apollo Fields

Writer Javier Zamora fled motherless alone from El Salvador to the US as a child: 'Only now do I sometimes feel happy'

When he was nine, Javier Zamora (33) travelled with the help of people smugglers from El Salvador to the United States, where his parents had been living for several years. For two months, he had no contact with his family and no one knew where he was. The deep marks this journey left only healed two decades later, partly through the writing of his memoir Solito.... 

The dark backrooms of the mind. Masterfully Philippe Claudel dissects human behaviour in his new novel 'Twilight'

In his new novel Twilight, Philippe Claudel dissects man's dark motives as usual. French author Philippe Claudel does not have an overly cheerful view of man, as his compellingly told novels show. Twilight is the latest shoot on the impressive tree of his oeuvre, and fits in seamlessly. As he did in previous novels such as Grey Souls (2003), The Report of Brodeck (2007)... 

Writer Federico Falco

Digging in the earth to dispel grief. The Plains is a beautiful, wistful novel by Federico Falco

In The Plains by Argentine writer Federico Falco, a writer returns to life in the country after breaking up with his lover. This makes for a beautiful, wistful novel about grief, origins and the nature of life itself. 'No single word tames grief. No word dispels it. No word can truly express it.' Those thoughts... 

Joris Linssen, photo by Jerney Hakkenberg

'I need others to flourish.' Six life insights from TV presenter Joris Linssen

In zijn leven en werk maakt de bekende presentator Joris Linssen (1966) veel mee en ontmoet hij tal van bijzondere mensen. De levensinzichten die hij daarbij heeft opgedaan heeft hij gebundeld in zijn net verschenen boek Als je met de stroom meegaat, sta je wel stil. ‘Als je durft te kiezen voor avontuur, word je daarvoor beloond.’ Van risico’s nemen word… 

The empty modern life of two digital nomads

Living and working in a metropolis as a digital nomad or creative professional, on a terrace with your laptop and a latte macchiato. A dream for many people, doing well on social media. Around that fact revolves The Perfections, the short novel with which Vincenzo Latronico made the longlist of the Premio Strega, the most important Italian literary prize. The... 

The Virgin Mary as a woman of flesh and blood. Handsome debut novel by Dieuwertje Mertens

It is sometimes said of reviewers that they actually wish they were writers themselves. A cliché, of course, but perhaps also somewhat true. Dieuwertje Mertens (1983), literary critic for Het Parool, laughs affirmatively. "Yes, look, I have written a book, so it is clear that I also want to be an author. But not instead of. I like very much... 

Great little novel 'Malacqua' more topical than ever after 50 years

Extreem weer – de roman Malacqua, over hoe de stad Napels dagenlang wordt geteisterd door hevige regenval, is niet alleen vanwege het onderwerp actueler dan ooit. Het boek mag dan dateren van 1977, de prikkelende en bijzondere schrijfstijl van Nicola Pugliese is, mede door de uitstekende vertaling van Annemart Pilon, ook nu nog verrassend, fris en modern. Eigenzinnige auteur De… 

Moving story about the marginalised existence of Argentine 'transvestis'

In False Bitches, Camila Sosa Villada gives the reader an intimate and moving glimpse into the colourful, but also harsh and lonely existence of (Argentine) transsexuals. And thus holds a merciless mirror up to the intolerant, judgmental society. A 'party' 'Being a transvesti is a party' was the motto of Angie, one of Camila Sosa Villada's transgender friends. An incantation... 

Writer Laura Restrepo ©Elena Restrepo

'The Queen of Saba was a migrant.' 'Song of old lovers': a rich, engaging and intelligent novel by Laura Restrepo

The work of Colombian writer Laura Restrepo (73) has long been forgotten in the Netherlands. With her new, impressive novel Song of old lovers, she makes a well-deserved comeback. She already has 13 novels to her name. Yet Colombian writer Laura Restrepo, who lives largely in Spain, is a fairly unknown to most Dutch... 

'This is me, listen to me, look at me!' Frank interview with Erwin Olaf on life, love and death

This week, photographer Erwin Olaf died, aged 64. Just before his 60th birthday, we interviewed him about his work, his life and love. Olaf also spoke candidly about his illness, how it forced him to make choices ánd made him milder. 'I am in renewal,' he said. And: 'In my life, I have done everything I wanted to do.' 

Powerful and moving novel about the price of freedom by Najat el Hachmi

Raw and moving is Catelan-Moroccan writer Najat el Hachmi's new novel, Monday We Will Be Loved. An impressive story about the meaning of true freedom, and the price you have to pay for it. 'Monday, Monday, Monday... Monday we will be different. Monday we will be loved.' Every week, young woman Naïma tries to... 

Writer Richard Osinga ©Keke Keukelaar

A puzzle with time. Richard Osinga's cruel but also loving new novel 'Coin'

Some writers are at the forefront, others write their novels in the lee. Richard Osinga (51) belongs to the latter category. With each book, he gains in eloquence. Mint is the new shoot on the stem of his increasingly interesting oeuvre. At one point, Richard Osinga himself was a little too lazy. After his novel... 

Dutch-Romanian writer Stefan Popa ©Gaby Jongenelen

Stefan Popa's new novel: an exciting and tasty dish

In his new, fifth novel, writer Stefan Popa (1989) returns to Romania, which previously served as the setting for his debut novel Vanished Borders. The novel's protagonist is a 'half-breed', just like the writer, but the other way round. While Popa, is a son of a Dutch mother and Romanian father, protagonist Alex Petrescu, on the contrary, has a Romanian mother and... 

Writer Nhung Dam is increasingly embracing her Vietnamese roots. 'My background is also a gift.'

Writer and theatre-maker Nhung Dam (38) tried to be as Dutch as possible, but is increasingly embracing her Vietnamese roots. Because these are precisely what make her unique, she now realises, and offer a wealth of stories. Including for her second novel, Definition of Love. Two worlds Nhung Dam (38) more or less grew up in two worlds. Her cradle was in... 

Author's photo - Niccolò Ammaniti

Niccolò Ammaniti on his new book and protagonist: 'I had actually fallen a bit in love with her'

In his new novel, Italian bestselling author Niccolò Ammaniti (56) wittily holds up a mirror to modern man. His protagonist, the wife of the Italian prime minister, is afraid of being blackmailed with a sex video. "I don't know if I would have the same courage as her in such a situation," he says. Storytelling fun With novels like I Pick You Up, I Take You and I... 

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