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Madeleine Red

Madeleine Rood is a freelance journalist and writes interviews, press releases and texts mainly for websites, newspapers and all kinds of publications. She has her own text agency, Bureau Rood. She worked at regional newspaper de Stentor for 20 years, 15 of which on the arts editorial board. Her specialisation is thus in cultural journalism. She lives together and has three sons.

Photographer enchants Voorschoten with illuminated images in Lichtjuweel

Magic cannot be grasped. Certainly not such a short and fabulous moment as twilight, when the day turns into evening so quickly and the lights go back on. It is precisely this elusive, short 'magic hour' that photographer Jan van der Horn (1951) tries to capture in his staged photographs. The magic pictures he takes light up from 11 November (St Martin's Day) until... 

Zo dicht mogelijk bij Marilyn Monroe

‘Happy Birthday Marilyn’ heet de nieuwe tentoonstelling in de Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Al direct bij binnenkomst begint de heiligenverering, met een metershoge afbeelding van Marilyn Monroe in de beroemde opwaaiende jurk. Tot hoog in de nok van de zijbeuk. De toon is gezet: De Nieuwe Kerk biedt een podium om het icoon van de jaren vijftig, een eeuwig mooie… 

Jan Fabre's gems keep atmosphere of Hieronymus Bosch alive

Calm has returned to the North Brabant Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch. After more than 400,000 people saw the successful and widely acclaimed Hieronymus Bosch exhibition, the halls are now light and quiet again. No more opening hours from early morning to midnight. Just, peace and quiet. Although the Jan Fabre mosaics hanging there now are disturbing. Mosaic Panels 2016 is... 

Hieronymus Bosch: five hundred years dead and alive at the same time

Hieronymus Bosch is back. With a special exhibition in Den Bosch - in case anyone has forgotten - and with enormous attention. The exhibition is widely acclaimed and star-studded. It is already being called 'the exhibition of the year'. Newspapers were full of it, documentaries filled the TV screen and the opening was... 

Hermitage gets 'first' Outsider Art Museum in the Netherlands

The Hermitage Amsterdam has something 'new': a new museum space in the museum on the Amstel river will be home to the Netherlands' 'first' Outsider Art Museum from 17 March. With artworks by national and international Outsider artists. Excuse me, new? Does the museum not know at all that Zwolle once had a similar museum, with an extensive collection of outsider art? Outsider art returns with this... 

Honderd kunstenaars exposeren met kunst voor lage prijzen in Enschede

De wereld van de kunstkopers is de wereld van de ‘wat oudere kopers’. Het landelijke kunstinitiatief We Like Art – een website die informeert over het kopen van kunst – wil daar verandering in brengen en probeert een ander publiek te bereiken. Het wil jongere kunstkopers te interesseren voor het kopen van kunst. Omdat veel mensen wel kunst willen kopen,… 

Topcollectie Spaanse meesters eindelijk in Nederland

De man heeft de blik naar boven gericht. Hij kijkt verbaasd. Waarom hangt hij nu hier? Hier, in Amsterdam? Hij komt toch uit Spanje? Vervolgens hing hij jarenlang in St. Petersburg. Deze zaal, net zo diep rood en imponerend groot als de ‘’Spanish Hall’’ in de Hermitage, lijkt trouwens verdraaid veel op de zaal waar hij zo lang hing. Overigens… 

Emperor Constantine and the great upheaval in Rome

The man with the firm jaws and vacant, upward-looking eyes is not particularly attractive. His face does appear on all the posters around town. However, it is something other than this robust stone head against the black background that triggers you, on the poster of the exhibition at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. That is the tilted O of the... 

Encounters with Matisse at successful exhibition at Stedelijk

With 'The oasis of Matisse', the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam has put on a magnificent exhibition. Sixty years after there was last a major retrospective of Matisse in the Netherlands, his work is back on display in all its glory. So alongside 'Late Rembrandt' at the Rijksmuseum, there is another blockbuster in the capital. The thousands of visitors who attended the... 

The deepest souls of the late Rembrandt

Late Rembrandt at the Rijksmuseum. Above all, that means lots of people. Long lines of admirers, who know they are (going to) see high level. Top level. And for that, everyone is willing to wait. The PR machine has done its job and now it's join the long queue and then shuffle past the many gazes, rakish lines and brushstrokes. Rembrandt (1606-1669), in his countless... 

Get more out of your museum visit and connect with art

How to visit an art museum? Johan Idema, consultant, cultural entrepreneur and advocate of innovation in the art world, has written a book about it: 'How to visit an art museum'. He thinks there is room for improvement and change. And that after reading his book, people will experience their museum visits differently and especially better. And of course: that museums will also have the... 

‘De uitvaart’ zorgt voor commotie rondom Willibrorduskerk, maar breekt lans voor katholieke kerk en haar rituelen

De commotie die is ontstaan door de voorstellingenreeks ‘De uitvaart’ in de St. Willibrorduskerk in Utrecht had niemand voorzien, laat staan gewild. Het apostolaat van de St. Willibrorduskerk vindt dat de kerk ‘ontheiligd’ is en wil er geen missen meer houden, nu Dries Verhoeven daar met hulp van Sens Uitvaarten tien avonden lang ‘De uitvaart’ opvoert. Het zijn theatrale uitvaartmissen, waarmee hij onder meer de verzorgingsstaat en het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de kunst ten grave heeft gedragen. Maar iemand hiermee kwetsen was nooit zijn intentie geweest: ‘’Als ik de provocatie al op zoek in het project, dan is dat die met de toeschouwer.’’

Les Nabis uit Hermitage Petersburg in volle glorie te zien aan de Amstel

In de grote zaal van de Hermitage Amsterdam is de muzieksalon van zakenman en kunstverzamelaar Ivan Morozov nagebouwd. De zaal waar normaal de topstukken van de exposities aan de Amstel hangen, laat nu zien hoe de muziekkamer van Morozovs Moskouse stadspaleis eruit zag. Met vleugel en al. Maar bovenal: met de wanddecoraties van Maurice Denis, die speciaal hiervoor opdracht had gekregen. Voor een keer hebben deze schilderingen de Hermitage verlaten, zodat ook St. Petersburg kan werken aan een zelfde reconstructie. De kans is klein dat ze St. Petersburg daarna nog verlaten. 

Nowhere does the sun set so functionally as on Terschelling

Oerol, the festival with Terschelling as its stage, has had two wet, cold and windy days. The streets are coloured yellow, red, blue and black by rain suits. Actors play in transparent rain suits, to make costumes still come into their own. Or have someone standing behind them with umbrella to protect them from the rain.

Community art of 'Hidden War' forges bond between Dutch and Guatemalans

Treaty of Utrecht
It is cold, chilly and dark. But also quiet, green and spacious. Visitors were not tolerated here until recently. And now Fort Nieuwersluis, near Breukelen, is opening its doors. From 20 to 23 June, the performance 'Hidden War' can be seen there. In it, Guatemalan players show what it is like to live in a violent country. And Dutch actors add their experiences of what it is like to go from a free country to a country like Guatemala.

Escape from Guatemala's hidden war for a while

Treaty of Utrecht
'Hidden War', the theatrical exchange between actors from the Netherlands and Guatemala, is nearing performance. The Guatemalan actors of the company Caja Lúdica have been in the country for a few weeks now. Together with the Dutch actors, they are rehearsing at Fort Nieuwersluis (near Breukelen), where the performance can also be seen from 20 June. Alan Hack (18) is one of the Guatemalans playing in the show. He experiences his stay in the Netherlands as a paradise encounter with freedom[/heading].

Orchestre El Gusto lets sounds of Kashba Blues blow through @hollandfestival like warm desert wind

Holland Festival Holland Festival

They are gentlemen of age and therefore with a history. Grey or bespectacled or bald - or with a combination of all three. Their music has taken them everywhere. And now they are in a packed Carre: the Orchestre El Gusto. To their own delight, as they thank the audience for coming. The musicians from the kasbah of Algiers play the music as it is

Hoe te kiezen uit de overdaad die de Tefaf biedt

Stel je heb een klein kapitaal op zak. En je gaat een dagje naar de Tefaf. Dat is een feestelijk gevoel: een kunstcadeau voor jezelf. Maar eenmaal binnen is de kans groot dat de schrik je om het hart slaat. Want hoe te kiezen uit 30.000 objecten? In die 265 stands van vermaarde galeries uit twintig landen: Argentinië, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Italië, Japan, Canada?En in welke hoek ga je op zoek? Oudheden? Of modern, antiquair, design? Ga je voor een beeld, een doek,  sieraad, stoel of een boek?

Art: alternative to mistrust and violence in Guatemala. #vvu

Theatre-maker Anouk de Bruijn (32) has been to Guatemala seven times since 1999. For the Treaty of Utrecht, she entered into an exchange project with the Guatemalan group Caja Lúdica. Together, they are committed to giving people a positive experience through art. Their project 'Hidden War' is about the lives of young people in Guatemala. 

Exhibition Sketches of Beauty sheds new light on metre-long sketch designs for 'Gouda Glasses'

The stained-glass windows of the Sint-Janskerk in Gouda, known as the Gouda Glasses for short, are famous abroad. Domestically, the colourful splendour and artistic value of the sometimes 20-metre-high windows is less well known. Even less known are the paper sketches for these windows, which have recently been restored. The exhibition 'Sketches of beauty', opened by Queen Beatrix, closes... 

"22 fascinating, deeply engaging pages on human failure, for which we can only be very grateful.

''Look mum! You have that book too!'' Harry Mulisch's granddaughter points to a book on the reading table named after her grandfather at the Café Américain in Amsterdam. Mulisch's entire oeuvre is displayed on the table at which he loved to sit. In the café that was dear to him. Anna Mulisch smiles. She and her sister Frieda, the... 

Libraries hope for more digitisation as well as more readers of collection, after TNO study

The joint public libraries in the Netherlands have asked TNO to study the size and costs of digital collections between 2012 and 2016. State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra is consulting with provinces and municipalities on amending library legislation. That law will also determine how much purchasing digital collection (e-books and music) costs. To... 

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