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Suzanne Brink

I am a journalist and author of the novel Bigger than Me published by Ambo Anthos in 2016, also a 'multimedia editor' at the Fietsersbond, and I am writing my second book about two girlfriends who grow apart using Alain de Botton's motto 'There are few successes more unendurable than those of our close friends' from Status Anxiety. Also: columns on I live in Utrecht with my husband, dog and cat and my main question in life, I think, is when to fight and choose and when to drift along and smile about it.

Haka dance of Maori in New Zealand

Hakadans at the office: The Corporate Tribe

I have read the best management book ever! It was also my first and I don't think I'll be reading a second one anytime soon. But what a book, The Corporate Tribe. Maybe it should have a 'Definitely not just for managers' sticker next to the 'Management Book of the Year 2016' sticker. It is a treat for anyone who works with other people... 

Johan Harstad (l) and Arjen Lubach

Arjen Lubach saves his twin brother Johan Harstad #ILFU17

Writer and television presenter Arjen Lubach has been a fan of Norwegian writer Johan Harstad for years, whose mega-thick Max, Micha & the Tet Offensive has just been published in Dutch. He even visited him in Norway. Lubach: 'I was afraid we were so much alike that we had nothing to say to each other.' That turned out to be giant. Logical, then, that he... 

Translator Gerd Busse, Paulien Cornelisse and Arjan Peters

Millennials like to write about 'us' #ILFU17

Whereas at last year's IlFU you were tucked away airtight in the hermetic halls of the former post office on Utrecht's Neude, the expansive view of Tivoli/Vredenburg is a breath of fresh air. It seems to loosen everyone up a bit. The result is more humour and better conversations on the roof of the world. Voskuil's Office does not birthday.... 

Ode to the office man. The brand manager is still a mystery. #ILFU17

Arjan Peters talks 12 May 19.30 during ILFU in Utrecht with Paulien Cornelisse, author of the office novel De verwarde guia, and Gerd Busse, who translated Voskuil's ultimate office novel Het Bureau into German. There, office workers are usually not portrayed too positively. High time to change that. Office worker and writer Suzanne Brink takes... 

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