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Photographer Ed van der Elsken liked to colour outside the lines

If he could have, photographer Ed van der Elsken would have preferred to have a camera built into his head, to capture the world twenty-four hours a day. What he did manage to make are countless beautiful photographs, films and books. The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam shows his rich legacy at the major exhibition The camera in love. He was... 

Writer Annelies Verbeke: 'There is an apocalyptic atmosphere about my collection'

Belgian writer Annelies Verbeke cleverly combines seriousness and absurdism in her new collection of short stories Halleluja. The collection once again makes clear why the Belgian writer has sometimes been called the 'diva of the short story'. Like all her work, the new collection Halleluja contains, in addition to a more serious touch, plenty of funny, absurdist and sometimes even surrealistic situations and... 

'But everyone actually wants to die, don't they?'

Actress and cabaret performer Yora Rienstra (35) knows at first hand what depression can do to a person's life: her grandmother was manic-depressive. That is why she agreed when she was asked to perform in the solo show PAAZ, even though after seven years of cabaret she did not want to be on stage alone again. 'But I found Myrthe van der Meer's book... 

Holland on the sofa: 'I suffer from strong mood swings' #wu17

'In schools, you have to feed children literature like they feed geese in France.' With his witty remarks, Tommy Wieringa got the laughs as he lay on the sofa as the personification of the Netherlands with psychiatry professor Damiaan Denys. 'The Netherlands on the sofa' was one of the first programmes of the Saturday evening literary festival Winternachten in... 

Salena Godden: 'This city is a pigeon, hobbling with one mangled foot'

During the Winternachten festival this Saturday, seven writers shared their story about their 'Secret City'. Mircea Cartarescu, Rodigro Hasbún, Hanna Bervoets, Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas, Olga Grjasnowa, Maarten van der Graaff and Salena Godden wrote about the city they don't see when they walk out the door, but encounter once in a while, suddenly, unexpectedly. They wrote fiction, or stayed closer... 

Salena Godden on #wn17: 'This city is a pigeon stumbling along on one mutilated leg'

In 'My Secret City' on Saturday at the Winternachten festival, seven writers recited a story about 'their own hidden city': Mircea Cartarescu, Rodigro Hasbún, Hanna Bervoets, Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas, Olga Grjasnowa, Maarten van der Graaff and Salena Godden wrote about the city they don't see when they walk out the door, but encounter occasionally and unexpectedly. In fiction,... 

It's not America here... or is it? #WN17 #WU17

Whether the end of communism and beginning of capitalism influenced his writing? Mircea Cartarescu, one of Romania's greatest writers, parried the question with a joke. 'That is far too small an event to change my style and novels.' Is this the real life? That is the theme of the literary festival Winternachten this... 

Michel Faber: 'Writing is an act of protest' #wu17

It was a beautiful and disarming lecture by Australian-Dutch writer Michel Faber, yesterday at the Friday Night Unlimited of the literary festival Winternachten, in his hometown The Hague. His lecture was on 'Fiction in times of fake'. 'Before I start making lofty statements about literature and what literature is capable of in today's world, I want to be open with... 

Getting more creative? Work in low light

It may be our friend or foe, but it is a basic necessity of life for every human being: light. Yet we know very little about it, journalist Gemma Venhuizen realised, although for several years she has noticed sometimes sharp differences in her state of mind. For articles, she sometimes travels to countries where it barely gets dark, discovering the euphoria that the abundance... 

Ten reasons to go to literary festival Winternachten

Writers Unlimited could hardly have chosen a more appropriate theme for this year's literary festival Winternachten: Is this the real life? That question will be on many a mind when the new president of the United States is inaugurated on Friday. Fortunately, some eighty writers who do have something meaningful to say about the state of... 

Marcel Möring: 'Only in my study do I feel at home'

Writer Marcel Möring got off to a flying start in literature, with his award-winning novels Mendel's Legacy (1990), Het grote verlangen (1992) and In Babylon (1997). But when Dis, the first part of a trilogy, was published in 2006, literary critics made mincemeat of him. The second part Louteringsberg was also mostly poorly received. Today, Dis appears... 

On getting older, love and loneliness: 6 Life Questions to Stefan Hertmans

His two internationally successful novels Oorlog en terpentijn (War and turpentine) and De bekeerlinge (The convert) take Stefan Hertmans around the world. But the social side of life it clashes with his desire for solitude. Six life questions to Flemish author Stefan Hertmans. 'When I am alone, I find myself.' 1. What is your recurring dream? 'For fifty years, I have had to... 

Huub van der Lubbe en Christine Otten over liefde in tijden van rassenhaat

We hadden liefde, we hadden wapens van Christine Otten gaat over de zwarte verzetsstrijder Robert F. Williams, die streed voor de gelijkwaardigheid van de zwarte bevolking. In de gelijknamige theaterbewerking spelen blanke acteurs – onder wie Huub van der Lubbe – zwarte personages en andersom. Dubbelgesprek over persoonlijke offers, huidskleur en verbinding. Idlewild Het is een opmerkelijk toeval. Amerika neemt… 

My 2016, and why it scared me to death. (A list)

Five art experiences will always stick to this bizarre year for me. And one thing really scared me. Whether the worst is now behind us? At least the most extraordinary is still on view until 5 February 2017. A chronological overview of what was unbelievable, unthinkable, inconceivable, unbelievable and perhaps untrue. Much of it, by the way, will be in 2017... 

Garry Feingold and Ger Jager, Dance Makers, 2012. Photo: Jean-Pierre Jans.

Extremely rare landslide possible in contemporary dance in the Netherlands.

In contemporary dance, artistic leaders are often in place for decades, at least in the Netherlands. This week, Leo Spreksel announced his departure from Korzo, as of September 2017. After 29 years, the director and programmer of dance at the theatre and production house in The Hague is calling it a day, because "in the Netherlands, commercialisation is pushing away the voice of artists: procedures and formats are... 

Quirky Veem sets example for dance sector

Het Veem is a small but important theatre and unofficial production house overlooking the Houthavens in Amsterdam. The house has long been home to internationally operating contemporary performing arts. A place where the artist and his or her experimental work are still central. Since Anne Breure became director in 2014, it bears the addition House of Performance. With... 

Wilbur Smith: 'Everything I touch turns to gold and crystal'

More than 120 million books have sold bestselling author Wilbur Smith - two thousand Wembley stadiums full. His steady recipe - violence, magic, mystery, adventure, hunting and sex - has kept his readership enthralled for more than half a century. To keep his output high, he has recently started working with co-authors. Only the 'Egypt novels', which include his new book Pharaoh, he writes himself.... 

Polyptych, Lada Hrsak, Misericordia, Old Church, 2016.

Old Church in search of contemporary forms of charity and mercy

Amsterdam's oldest and perhaps most beautiful building combines quite a few functions. Although tourists are dominant these days, believers still celebrate the love of God there every week. And even though the former Nicolaaskerk no longer provides space for fishermen to mend their nets, organ concerts are still given there, since the fourteenth century. Handing out bread is not... 

Does anyone know what Hollywood did to his balls?

Before I started studying, I had oceans of time to read. Besides high literature like The World of Sofie by Jostein Gaarder, I also read books from the Bruna Top Ten. This included Dan Brown's Angels & Demons series, the fourth part of which was recently filmed. However, director Ron Howard has addressed the ethical issue with which the book ends... 

Astrid Lindgren always remained that girl from Näs

During her lifetime, Astrid Lindgren received almost seventy-five thousand letters from fans all over the world. The creator of headstrong characters such as Pippi Longstocking, The Lionheart Brothers and Ronja the Robber's Daughter was at least as headstrong herself. This is clear from the voluminous biography This Day, One Life. Back to Näs, where Astrid Lindgren grew up and still lives on. Playing, playing, playing... 

De Oogst van de Maand: Grandes, Hulst, Otten, Smith, Winterson, Noorduijn en Vanden Bosch, Van Mersbergen en Van Zomeren

De kosten van de crisis Kleine helden is de titel van de nieuwe roman van Almudena Grandes, een van de grootste schrijvers van Spanje. En om kleine helden gaat het: de roman is eigenlijk een bundeling van verhalen die met elkaar samenhangen en over mensen gaan zoals wij allemaal, alleen wonen deze mensen allemaal in Madrid. Rijk en arm, jong… 

Hugh Aldersey-Williams: ‘Onwetendheid over het getij brengt ons in gevaar’

Zeemonsters, verslindende draaikolken en verleidende sirenen – de oerkracht van de zee is voor de mens al eeuwenlang een bron van ontzag, angst, fascinatie en mythes. Over miljoenen jaren bestaat het getij niet meer, maar tot die tijd hebben we nog volop te maken met de schoonheid en de gevaren ervan. In Het getij, dat afgelopen maand verscheen, neemt de Britse… 

Suzie Ruzie: Lef, lak aan regels en stinkvingers

Kleine opstandige meisjes, daar weten schrijver Jaap Robben en illustrator Benjamin Leroy wel raad mee. Suzie Ruzie, het meisje met een stinkvinger, gaat naar het zwembad. Niet in het kleuterbad – welnee, in het diepe! A Quattro Mani’s gastrecensente Afke Bohle, moeder van drie, ging met haar mee. Het eerste boek dat wij hier in huis hadden liggen van Jaap Robben… 

Meg Stuart throws very ordinary bodies into the fray

Meg Stuart's two-hour heroic epic Until Our Hearts Stop, showing at the Rotterdam Schouwburg this week, does not engage in dramatic construction according to the rules of Aristotle's Poetics. We don't know who those people are there on stage. Nor do they seem to have been given any special assignment, although they are clearly being... 

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