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News stories from the big outside world. From our telex. Messages important enough to be briefly discussed here.

Accordionist Vincent van Amsterdam wins Dutch Music Prize

Vincent van Amsterdam has been named winner of the Dutch Music Prize. The award is the highest recognition for a musician in classical music, awarded by the Performing Arts Fund on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. He will receive the prize on Friday 24 January 2025 at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. It is the first time in the 43-year history of... 

Marriage proposal at Amsterdam Museum

In de normaal zo stille museumzaal slaakte ze een kreet van opwinding. Te midden van alle kunstwerken stond een kunstwerk speciaal gemaakt voor haar. Naast het werk zat haar partner op haar knieën. Anjulie werd door haar vriendin Geraldine ten huwelijk gevraagd in het Amsterdam Museum. Op een zonnige zaterdagmiddag bezocht Anjulie nietsvermoedend met haar partner Geraldine, wonend in Amsterdam… 

Created with DALL-E 3 at the prompt "Ravine year affecting the city of Utrecht"

Ravine year 2026: Utrecht shows what consequence austerity can have

We moeten het even over het Ravijnjaar hebben. In 2026 kort de overheid immers miljarden op het gemeentefonds. Tot nu toe was dat vrij abstract, want, zeg nou eerlijk: hebben we enig idee welk geld in jouw stad waar naartoe gaat en van wie het komt? De gemeentelijke uitgaven zijn een zwarte doos. Mijn stad heeft nu op een rijtje… 

Theatres join forces and take on co-producer role

De Coproducers is een initiatief van twaalf theaters waarbij zij fungeren als coproducent van producties van theatermakers die niet meer beginnend, maar ook nog niet gevestigd zijn. Door corona is er een gat geslagen in de loopbaanontwikkeling van jongere makers, vorig jaar luidden de Raad voor Cultuur en staatssecretaris Cultuur en Media Gunay Uslu nog de noodklok. Dit seizoen pusht… 

Marcel Duchamp, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Duchamp's urinal is said to belong to female artist. Or does the business stink?

It had been hanging in the air for a while, but now there seems to be fairly incontrovertible evidence that Marcel Duchamp did not invent his urinal artwork himself. A book to be published next month claims that the inventor of 'conceptual' art nicked his thing from German artist Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. That in itself was a longer-running ... 

NSC and BBB election programmes: get cultural money for region from national funds. 

There it is, the long-awaited election programme of the 'Who Says A, Must Say B' party New Social Contract. Until now, Pieter Omtzigt has not been known as an art lover. Nor are there any notable culture people on his candidate list, so the fact that it contains anything about culture at all is a bonus. It's 9 points, I'll highlight 2 of them: "To promote the creation of... 

Photos: Jostijn Ligtvoet Photography / Festival Circolo

Erik Berkey winner BNG Bank Circus Prize 2023

During a festive gathering in a bulging circus tent, Erik Berkey was named the winner of the BNG Bank Circus Prize 2023 . With his impressive act, Erik managed to convince the jury as this year's most outstanding circus graduate. Erik Berkey received a cheque of € 7,500 from Harald Bergmann (mayor of Middelburg and board member of the BNG Culture Fund). The presentation of the... 

Urmie Square by Johan Horst

Urmie Plein wins Colombina for her role in I Say Sorry Anyway 

At the Gala of Dutch Theatre on Sunday 17 September, it was announced that Urmie Plein has won the Colombina for her role in Ik zeg toch sorry. The Colombina is a theatre award given annually to the actress who, in the opinion of the Dutch Theatre jury, has performed the most impressive female contributing role. The jury about... 

Refresh Amsterdam campaign image

Second edition Refresh Amsterdam shows work by 20 artists around war and conflict

Art manifestation on urban culture with work by contemporary makers From 7 October 2023 to 25 February 2024, the second edition of Refresh Amsterdam will take place at the Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel and at various locations around the city. Refresh Amsterdam is a biennial event on Amsterdam's urban culture with work by contemporary makers. The theme of this edition is... 

Nietzsche's packed furniture. photo: author

Diary Weimar (2): what would Nietzsche have thought of it (or his sister)?

I had - in a previous house - a neighbour who gave a young tree in front of our apartment complex a bucket of water every day. He had a thing for trees, as he had brought back some Sequoia seeds from a trip to the US, back in the day. He had put these in the ground in various places. One near the house, and that one, because of possible... 

Ajax shorts

Daily Paper donates football kits to Amsterdam Museum

From Thursday 10 August, the Amsterdam Museum will display the 'third jersey' and pre-match wear that Amsterdam-based fashion brand Daily Paper designed together with adidas for football club Ajax last season. As part of this, the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will be open free of charge to wearers of Daily Paper items from Thursday 10 to Sunday 13 August. Daily... 

boulevard poster

European apotheosis at Theatre Festival Boulevard: Two international networks celebrate highlight during festival

In recent years, Boulevard worked intensively within two networks with 20 European partner institutions on international cooperation within the performing arts, supported by 'Creative Europe'. Both projects are guests during this edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard, which can be called unique! Performing Gender - Dancing in Your Shoes celebrates its finale with the presentation of a number of community projects and a... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Theatre maker exposes inequality: performance raises €101,332.80 in surplus capital

Utrecht - With the performance Good Gold Money, theatre maker Greg Nottrot (artistic director of the NUT) managed to raise €101,332.80 from his audience this spring. This production was received with high praise by both the press and the audience and responds to that strong feeling that ''something has to change'' from both the creator and the audience... 

Sammie Tells. Photo: Francoise Bolechowski

Events at the Amsterdam Museum - August 2023

Besides the permanent collection presentations at Amstel 51 and at Huis Willet-Holthuysen on Herengracht and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a public programme - at various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for August 2023. Visit for the latest information. Download all images from this news brief here. 25 years of Gay Games!... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Performance at Oerol generates €40,000 in excess capital 

Utrecht – Met de voorstelling Goed goud geld wist theatermaker Greg Nottrot tijdens het Oerol Festival maar liefst 40.000 euro op te halen bij zijn publiek. Deze productie werd met veel lof ontvangen door zowel de pers als het publiek op Oerol Festival en geeft gehoor aan dat sterke gevoel dat er ‘’iets moet veranderen’’ van zowel de maker als het publiek… 

Ivo van Hove in 2020. Photo by Jan Versweyveld


Even though they are not yet members at ITA, let me pass on this press release. Because of its (inter)national importance. Coming: Ivo van Hove (1958) will end his role as artistic director of ITA on 1 September 2023. This means that he will then hand over his position as statutory director and artistic director. The Supervisory Board (BoS) intends to appoint Eline... 

logo authors' union

Freelancers and Media Monitor 2023: Rates of freelance journalists and photographers lag behind inflation

De tarieven van freelance journalisten, schrijvers en fotografen zijn de afgelopen acht jaar nauwelijks veranderd. De betaling per woord is in 2023 nog altijd rond de 35 cent, het uurtarief komt neer op gemiddeld 61 euro en de betaling per foto op 60 euro. Gecorrigeerd voor inflatie zijn de tarieven zelfs gedaald. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de Nederlandse Vereniging… 

Summer concerts New Notes Amsterdam in Plein Theatre

This summer, Plein Theater and Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam present three contemporary music concerts, and after the summer, again monthly on Sunday afternoons! On the weekend of 17 and 18 June, the concerts are part of New Music NOW's Day of the Composer. NEW NOTES AMSTERDAM New Notes Amsterdam provides a stage for contemporary chamber music. New compositions and leading musicians, in... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Nominees Jos Brink Prize 2023

The nominees for the Jos Brink Oeuvre Prize and the Jos Brink Innovation Prize have been announced. An independent jury headed by Jeangu Macrooy has selected Wielie Elhorst, Judith Schuyf and Stichting Roze 50+ for the Oeuvre Prize. What You See Festival, Gio van den Heuvel and Jess, and Paul van Dorst are the nominees to win the Innovation Award. The government awards... 

ILFU campaign image

Night of Poetry celebrates 40th edition - Former Poet Laureate Babs Gons joins the Night editorial team

On 7 October, the 40th edition of the Night of Poetry will take place as the conclusion of the ILFU Festival. In the Grote Zaal of TivoliVredenburg, Ester Naomi Perquin and Piet Piryns will present, as always, about twenty poets and a handful of 'entr'actes'. Among the first confirmed poets' names are two veterans who were already there at the first Night in 1980,... 

The Dry Piece, Keren Levi, photo © Anna van Kooij

Take your time with The Gaze of Anna

In the world of culture inside, but also outside Utrecht, you cannot ignore Anna van Kooij. I got to know her early this century as an always attentive, but never intrusive photographer, who could look sharp and gave all her portrayed subjects an empathetic glow. Anna has been ill for some time, and recently it became clear that she will not recover.... 

Hans Eliens, source: press release DOX


Hans Eliens is vanaf 1 mei 2023 nieuw algemeen directeur-bestuurder van DOX.  Eliens zal samen met artistiek directeur Hildegard Draaijer en artistiek directeur a.i. Melvin Fraenk de komende maanden het beleid voor de nieuwe kunstenplanperiode 2025-2028 vormgeven. Eliens was directeur van o.a. poppodia Mezz en Luxor Live. Sinds 1 januari 2018 werkt hij als zelfstandige, interim-manager en coach op cultureel… 

BROS © Jean-Michel Blasco

WANTED: 23 male players for BROS

The Holland Festival is looking for 23 male actors for the production Bros. An excellent opportunity for those who want to work with renowned director Romeo Castellucci and experience a performance behind and on the stage of the Rabozaal in ITA. Bros is a large-scale production that leaves a big impression. Who are we looking for? We are looking for a diverse group of men aged 18 to 65, with a height between... 

logo authors' union

Charlotte Köhler Prize 2023 for Peer Wittenbols

This year's Charlotte Köhler Prize, a triennial award for writers of prose, poetry or drama, has been awarded to Peer Wittenbols (1965). Wittenbols receives the €15,000 prize for his entire oeuvre and in particular for the youth-oriented play Trojan Wars (2020). The jury consisted of theatre scholar Sruti Bala, actor, writer and director Gable Roelofsen and... 

3 dachshunds

Scheissegate #5: Hanover contract with assailant and choreographer Goecke dissolved. Nederlands Danstheater continues with him.

Vanmiddag werd op een persconferentie van de Staatsopera van Hannover bekend gemaakt dat het contract met choreograaf Marco Goecke ‘duurzaam is ontbonden’. Bovendien is hem de toegang tot de gebouwen van de Opera ontzegd. Deze sanctie volgt op een ernstig incident, afgelopen zaterdag, bij de première van een choreografie van Goecke in Hannover, waar hij balletdirecteur is. Omdat hij zich… 

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