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TivoliVredenburg during construction. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Jazzpodia maken U-bocht. Jazzenzo mag weer schrijven wat het wil.

Het is verrukkeluk wanneer grote kranten kleine media klakkeloos overschrijven, en dat ze dat gratis doen? Ach, ze hebben het ook moeilijk. Zo is het kleine niche-weblog Jazzenzo na ruim een jaar gerehabiliteerd dankzij een artikel dat de chef kunst van de Volkskrant vorig jaar had overgenomen van deze site. Waar het om ging? De recensent en columnist van het… 

The Chekhov moment you hadn't counted on.

Het beeld was een beetje Da Vinci. Aan een lange tafel zaten ze in mooi licht en het ging over weemoed en dreiging. Dit was op 1 februari 2025 in het Amsterdamse Debatcentrum De Balie het toneel van Laatste Avondmaal. Ter kruisiging: een aantal theatergroepen waarmee ik ben groot gegroeid. ‘t Barre Land gebroederlijk naast De Warme Winkel, Orkater naast… 

Slogging through the mud: on lust, the body and imaging

The female body has been the subject of scrutiny and imaging for centuries. From art to Hollywood, from myths to modern feminist statements-how is the female body seen, and how does that influence our ideas about sexuality and self-determination? This essay explores how lust, imagination and social expectations come together in films, books and the real world. How much freedom does a woman really have over her own body-and her own story?

Plea for permanent, affordable studios in the Netherlands

A city or municipality with sufficient studio space is beneficial not only for the creative professionals themselves, but also for the neighbourhood: local residents, shopkeepers and businesses. Professional artists, regardless of age or experience, create a positive vibrancy. Besides making art, they also teach young people and amateur artists. Open studio days' are organised and guest exhibitors visit.... 


In de serie In Perspectief kijkt Erik Akkermans terug en vooruit naar ontwikkelingen in cultuurbeleid en -praktijk.  Vandaag: wat is echt nodig voor cultuurspreiding? In de Glazen Stad In een van de grote ruimtes van het veilingcomplex In Naaldwijk repeteerde het Westlands Mannenkoor onder leiding van dirigent Piet Struijk. Het koor, bestaande uit meer dan honderd tuinders, chauffeurs, middenstanders en… 

At the Bookfield's New Year party, it was about what not to say

The book industry, or should we say the book field, will have shrunk at least 2 per cent by 2024. You just don't read that in the press releases about the industry's annual figures, which the CPNB director ance now tells us to call 'field'. Something about flowers. The ability to present all the news, including the bad, as something beautiful, good and cheerful.... 

A day of talking about impact mostly produces uncertainty.

VMBO-scholieren in de Flevopolder hebben vertrouwen gekregen van hun docenten. Ze mochten zelf bedenken hoe ze een rondleiding op werelderfgoedlocatie Schokland leuker en leerzamer konden maken. Dus gingen de derdejaars leerlingen aan de slag voor een project dat de tweedejaars iets moest bieden dat leuker was dan het voorgekauwde programma dat zij hadden gevolgd. Ze deden dat via de regels… 

VPRO Books, 10 years of Podium Klassiek and Groenteman in Amersfoort: cultural TV Sunday nights bravely hold their own

Floris Kortie has come of age. The classical-music industry's merriest curmudgeon has proved in 2024 that he can carry Podium Klassiek on his own. That he managed to get the continuation of Podium Witteman, where he was allowed to freewheel as the insightful nephew, through a deep crisis is to his credit. After the departure of Mike Boddé, who he says is more... 

Dramaturges out the door at ITA. Trend or vulgar industrial dispute?

Is a dramaturge more valuable than a public relations officer? Not according to Eline Arbo, since this year artistic director of the badly battered Internationaal Theater Amsterdam. She talks about "the long lines of the company" just as readily with communications staff. After all, people who put their lives at the service of studying the repertoire, the psychology of the director and the zeitgeist know... 

Rotterdam Theatre venue for dance innovation

Jan Zoet's leadership sets an example for generations

When the Rotterdam Theatre announced the programme for the year (2001) that the city would be European Capital of Culture, director Jan Zoet hosted it at Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg. In the ongoing 010-020 struggle, quite a statement. Zoet knew that the national press sat in the capital and was rarely willing to look outside the city limits. He also knew that... 

Final destination Groningen

Arriveer als een Van Gogh in Groningen. Start bij het monumentale hoofdstation en bereid je alvast voor op wat je te wachten staat in het Groninger Museum. Een prachtige tentoonstelling die meer is dan alleen Van Gogh en zijn kunst; het is een verhaal over historie, wetenschap en de fascinatie van Groningse studenten voor de tragische schilder die de kunstcultuur… 

logo council for culture

Culture Council still dissatisfied with Reisopera and LKCA plans 

"LKCA only partially meets the first condition: providing insight into the activities to be undertaken for the 2025-2028 grant period. The requested planning and budget are missing. The addendum gives a picture of which activities will be divested, but only partly clarifies how these activities will be secured elsewhere and how the acquired knowledge will be safeguarded." The... 

IN PERSPECTIVE #23: The artist as shareholder

The meeting room in the attic of the building on Brouwersgracht began to fill. Prior to the meeting, Director Geert Dales of the Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst (BKVB) retreated with the chairman of the Fund Council. He wanted clarity on the role of that Fund Council by now. Where did the representatives of... 

Something is shining in the north thanks to Explore The North

In the first version of Explore The North's new website, the builders had forgotten to mention in which city the festival would take place. This has since been remedied with a beautiful 'about us' page, so that even non-Leeuwaars know where to go. The production house cum festival is in the Basic Cultural Infrastructure from the next edition. That means that... 

Make more music yourself! (What I learnt from November Music 2024)

When I think of new music, I have never thought of fun. Rather, you think of seriousness, subtlety, taste to be acquired and listening experiences that you might later find ordinary. But not yet. So this year during November Music, I did laugh a lot. Not roaring (an occasional one), but simply, with happiness. While in the world... 

VAT 'off the table for now'. Opposition winged by Wilders cs.

The VAT increase on culture and sports is off the table (VAT increase on culture, media and sports off the table: coalition struck deal with opposition). However happy everyone is, and however holy the cabinet's promise sounds: that message is only half true. During the parliamentary debate on the Schoof?Wilders tax plan, the rather intransigent and laconic minister Heinen... 

Culture budget debate: paragon of powerlessness minister and House

OCW Minister Eppo Bruins hopes citizens will buy more books, read more newspapers and go to the theatre more often thanks to the extra spending power hidden in the tax plans of the Schoof?Wilders Cabinet. This would offset the negative effects of the intensely 'ugly' VAT increase on vulnerable culture. During the Legislative Consultation OCW budget, Culture section, held on Monday,... 

Why we should never talk about the 'earning power' of culture again.  

"Strengthening earning capacity is a necessary condition to improve the labour market position of workers in the sector. Martin Verboom is happy to share what came out of the evaluation of the Cultural and Creative Sector Labour Market Agenda in this area. Platform ACCT is forging a coalition with partners in the sector to take up the priorities for the coming years." This was why... 

Finance minister 'not happy with some details in VAT measure', but sees no alternative

After a morning debate in the Lower House, Cabinet Schoof's tactics are clear. At least, when it comes to the controversial plan to selectively increase VAT on culture. In response to all questions from the House about why, Finance Minister Eelco Heinen replied that it should not be about details, but a "total package". Therefore, he wants... 

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