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U-pashouders voor €5 naar TivoliVredenburg

Bezitters van een U-pas kunnen de komende maanden voor 5 euro naar bijna alle concerten, festivals en andere programma’s in TivoliVredenburg. Het Utrechtse muziekgebouw wil hiermee drempels voor cultuurbezoek verder verlagen en livemuziek toegankelijk maken voor iedereen in de stad – ook Utrechters met een kleine portemonnee.  De missie van TivoliVredenburg luidt: een leven lang muziek voor iedereen. Het muziekgebouw… 

Nederland geeft geroofde Benin Bronzen terug aan Nigeria

Nederland geeft op verzoek van Nigeria 113 ‘Benin Bronzen’ uit de Rijkscollectie terug. Minister Eppo Bruins (OCW) heeft tot deze teruggave besloten. In 1897 hebben Britse soldaten deze objecten geroofd uit het Koninkrijk Benin (in het huidige Nigeria) en verkocht, om uiteindelijk in Nederlandse Rijkscollectie te belanden. De ‘Benin Bronzen’ zijn van groot belang voor de Nigeriaanse samenleving, deze objecten… 

Culture Council sets up advisory committee on artistic freedom

De Raad voor Cultuur start een adviestraject over de artistieke vrijheid. Aanleiding zijn signalen uit de kunstsector dat de veiligheid en artistieke vrijheid soms onder druk staan. De raad heeft hiertoe een adviescommissie ingesteld. Deze commissie onderzoekt de achtergronden van de problematiek en komt tot aanbevelingen over hoe de artistieke vrijheid in de praktijk beter gewaarborgd kan worden. De adviescommissie… 

New event brings creative freelancers together

Creatieve freelancers barsten van het talent en passie voor hun vak, maar het zelfstandig ondernemerschap kan soms op de achtergrond raken. Om deze reden organiseren De Creatieve Coalitie, Platform ACCT en Cultuur+Ondernemen op 3 april CreativeRoadz. De eerste editie zal worden geopend door actrice en maker Hanna van Vliet, die onder andere bekend is van de veelgeprezen serie ANNE+. CreativeRoadz is… 

Research confirms vulnerable position of literary translators in the Netherlands and Flanders

 Literair vertalers in Nederland en Vlaanderen bevinden zich in een steeds kwetsbaardere positie op de arbeidsmarkt. Factoren zoals de dominantie van het Engels, de stijgende verkoop van anderstalige titels en de opkomst van artificial intelligence (AI) hebben een significante impact op hun toch al precaire situatie. Dit blijkt uit een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd door de Boekmanstichting in opdracht van het… 

Kiki Coumans wins biggest Dutch translation prize

Dr Elly Jaffé Prize of €40,000 for literary translator French - Dutch The Dr Elly Jaffé Prize 2024 for the best literary translation from French into Dutch has been awarded to Kiki Coumans. She receives the prize for her oeuvre and, in particular, for her translation of Zomer '80 by Marguerite Duras, which was published in 2022 by... 

The Chekhov moment you hadn't counted on.

Het beeld was een beetje Da Vinci. Aan een lange tafel zaten ze in mooi licht en het ging over weemoed en dreiging. Dit was op 1 februari 2025 in het Amsterdamse Debatcentrum De Balie het toneel van Laatste Avondmaal. Ter kruisiging: een aantal theatergroepen waarmee ik ben groot gegroeid. ‘t Barre Land gebroederlijk naast De Warme Winkel, Orkater naast… 


Marlou Stolk wordt de nieuwe zakelijk directeur van Maas theater en dans. Vanaf 1 april neemt zij het stokje over van interim zakelijk directeur Winfred Voordendag en vormt zij met artistiek directeur René Geerlings en interim artistiek directeur Carole van Ditzhuyzen de directie van Maas theater en dans. Marlou werkt al 30 jaar in de culturele sector, grotendeels in Rotterdam,… 

Culture Council: Governance advisory committee launched

The Council for Culture has launched an advisory process on supervision in the cultural and creative sector. With its Governance Committee, the council is examining how internal supervision can be improved so that organisations can function sustainably and strengthen their position. The advice is expected to be presented around summer 2025. Why this advice? Supervision in the cultural... 

Plea for permanent, affordable studios in the Netherlands

A city or municipality with sufficient studio space is beneficial not only for the creative professionals themselves, but also for the neighbourhood: local residents, shopkeepers and businesses. Professional artists, regardless of age or experience, create a positive vibrancy. Besides making art, they also teach young people and amateur artists. Open studio days' are organised and guest exhibitors visit.... 

Appointment of new member supervisory board Amsterdam Museum

Mels Huige has joined the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Museum. The Amsterdam Municipal Executive Board recently appointed the new member. Last week, the first meeting of the supervisory board took place in which Huige participated. Mels Huige (1978) was educated in Maastricht (Master in Business Economics) and Rotterdam (RSM Erasmus University) and... 


In de serie In Perspectief kijkt Erik Akkermans terug en vooruit naar ontwikkelingen in cultuurbeleid en -praktijk.  Vandaag: wat is echt nodig voor cultuurspreiding? In de Glazen Stad In een van de grote ruimtes van het veilingcomplex In Naaldwijk repeteerde het Westlands Mannenkoor onder leiding van dirigent Piet Struijk. Het koor, bestaande uit meer dan honderd tuinders, chauffeurs, middenstanders en… 

Leonie Kuhlmann appointed business director at the NUT

Utrecht, 27 January - Leonie Kuhlmann will start as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) from 1 February. Kuhlmann brings with her a wealth of experience both inside and outside the theatre sector. She will apply her skills to NUT's strategic and organisational growth. Leonie Kuhlmann studied Administrative & Organisational Science and Teaching Theatre Making. She worked in recent years as... 

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International Holocaust research facility gets headquarters in the Netherlands

The international research facility European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) was launched today as the European Research Infrastructure and will have its headquarters in the Netherlands. On 26 January, on the eve of the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz 80 years ago, the inauguration ceremony took place at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. The research infrastructure pools the available public... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Agreement collective labour agreement for theatre and dance and music ensembles 2025-2026

On 2 December 2024, Kunstenbond and the Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK) reached an agreement in principle on the Collective Labour Agreement for Theatre and Dance for 2025 and 2026 and on the Collective Labour Agreement for Music Ensembles. Both collective agreements will run for two years: 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026. Meanwhile, the constituencies of both social partners have also agreed to the CAO agreements.... 

Josine Gilissen strengthens management of Theatre Festival Boulevard

On 1 April 2025, Josine Gilissen will take office as director-director of Theatre Festival Boulevard and Stichting BosseNova in 's-Hertogenbosch. Together with Dana Kibbelaar, she will form the two-headed directorship of both organisations. Kibbelaar has held her role since 2022 and previously formed a duo with Tessa Smeulers, who stepped down after the 2024 edition. The Supervisory Board of Theatre Festival Boulevard has... 

A day of talking about impact mostly produces uncertainty.

VMBO-scholieren in de Flevopolder hebben vertrouwen gekregen van hun docenten. Ze mochten zelf bedenken hoe ze een rondleiding op werelderfgoedlocatie Schokland leuker en leerzamer konden maken. Dus gingen de derdejaars leerlingen aan de slag voor een project dat de tweedejaars iets moest bieden dat leuker was dan het voorgekauwde programma dat zij hadden gevolgd. Ze deden dat via de regels… 

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Minister Bruins signs culture covenants with fellow governments at Eurosonic Noorderslag

Minister Bruins (Education, Culture and Science) made agreements with provinces, municipalities and cultural regions[2] in nine[1] cultural covenants for the period 2025-2028. For the first time, all 12 provinces are represented in this. The covenants contain agreements between the ministry and the co-governments, based on the shared interest of culture, on joint responsibility for the culture sector and mutual cooperation on... 

The Artist-in-Residence Fellowship at NIAS 2026: apply or nominate an artist!

This fellowship offers talented artists from all disciplines the opportunity to conduct 5 months of research in an international academic environment. A research proposal can be submitted from:15 January to 17 March 2025 12:00.More information The fellowship What is offered? The aim of this fellowship is to conduct an in-depth theoretical study of an artistic project, and then to elaborate... 

Model theatre contract renewed

The Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK) and the Authors' Union have agreed on adjustments to the Model Contract for writing a theatre text. The director of the NAPK and board members of the Auteursbond have just signed the new contract. The new version of the agreement incorporates recent developments in the regulations regarding the author's contract law, which the... 

Rotterdam Theatre venue for dance innovation

Jan Zoet's leadership sets an example for generations

When the Rotterdam Theatre announced the programme for the year (2001) that the city would be European Capital of Culture, director Jan Zoet hosted it at Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg. In the ongoing 010-020 struggle, quite a statement. Zoet knew that the national press sat in the capital and was rarely willing to look outside the city limits. He also knew that... 

Public version of advice 'Access to culture' wins international design award

The public version of the advisory 'Access to culture; towards a new system in 2029' has won a gold International Creative Media Award. This award, in the "Visual Storytelling, Alternative Storytelling" category, recognises the creative and accessible presentation of the opinion, which focuses on the ideas of arts and culture for all. The award is presented by the International Editorial-Design &... 

logo authors' union

One in seven authors experienced aggression or harassment last year

In a survey on aggression and harassment towards authors by Ipsos I&O commissioned by WritersSafe, 14% of authors said they had experienced one or more incidents in the past year. Half of these have even experienced multiple incidents. The majority faced verbal aggression (12%). Authors face by far the most verbal... 

logo council for culture

Culture Council still dissatisfied with Reisopera and LKCA plans 

"LKCA only partially meets the first condition: providing insight into the activities to be undertaken for the 2025-2028 grant period. The requested planning and budget are missing. The addendum gives a picture of which activities will be divested, but only partly clarifies how these activities will be secured elsewhere and how the acquired knowledge will be safeguarded." The... 

IN PERSPECTIVE #23: The artist as shareholder

The meeting room in the attic of the building on Brouwersgracht began to fill. Prior to the meeting, Director Geert Dales of the Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst (BKVB) retreated with the chairman of the Fund Council. He wanted clarity on the role of that Fund Council by now. Where did the representatives of... 

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