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PODCAST: Joseph Toonga at Theatre Festival Boulevard: 'My daughters help me bring empathy to Hiphop' (English)

This podcast is recorded in English. For those who do not speak the language, or who do not have time to listen to the full podcast, here are some quotes. 'Originally I didn't have a title. Someone came up with 'Born to' and then I thought it would be nice to put 'manifesto' after it. After all, it is about appearing,... 

PODCAST - Naomi Velissariou's permanent quest: 'I wonder if I should do interpretation or connection as an artist.'

Naomi Velissariou (1984) was actually supposed to be at the Bossche Festival Boulevard 2021 with more performances. This year, her entire trilogy 'Permanent Destruction' would be performed in a setting like club rave. Fierce musical theatre, based on playwrights Sarah Kane and Heiner Müller, and concluded with the more subdued work 'Pain against Fear'. All parts have received rave reviews from audiences and press, but... 

Many employers in culture may have to repay emergency NOW aid in full

Many employers (37 per cent) do not know that they have to apply for the final calculation of their NOW allowance themselves. In the cultural sector, it even threatens to go completely wrong. The UWV says it is still waiting for more than half of the applications for final calculations from the cultural sector. This is according to the implementing body's own research. One is worried there... 

animation michiel peeters programmer tivoli vredenburg

Michiel Peeters (TivoliVredenburg) - We want to make visual art a more prominent part of our programme

Public space is dressed up with visualisation, music video and art in many places, including TivoliVredenburg. Either via projection mapping on buildings during events, or via LED panels in shop windows and abris, but also as digital art during performances and lobbies in theatres. In TivoliVredenburg, in the heart of Utrecht, they even create separate events for it. Canvas is a programme that... 

Museum directors: is their role as figureheads and media artists becoming more important than as art history experts?

Dutch museums, partly due to the recent digital Museum Week, have been able to retain a large part of their audience. There is - reports the Museum Association on its website - a slight turnover though. And the hitherto loyal public will not find their way to museums automatically and to the same extent. But the picture is that the... 

The cultural sector can and must emerge stronger from this crisis. And that starts with political vision and ambition.

The Dutch cultural sector is in distress. Halbe Zijlstra's spending cuts ten years ago started a free fall that has still not stopped. The Social and Economic Council (SER) calculated that these cuts of 200 million not only caused impoverishment in cultural supply, but also wreaked havoc on the labour market. 20 thousand permanent jobs disappeared 

'Monument to BKR' shows how well an income scheme for artists can work

With 'A monument to the BKR', Fransje Kuyvenhoven has indeed written a tribute in her "history of a high-profile artists' scheme (1949-1987 )". If only because the first hundred pages contain no text, but a chronological showcase of artworks from the BKR. By Karel Appel, Corneille, Constant, Lucebert, Jan Wolkers, Kees van Bohemen, Ger Lataster, Armando, among others. And because there are... 

A plea: stop the online sell-out of youth theatre!

Shall I just start straight to the point? I am angry with my sector colleagues. Not at all of them, but at a very large proportion. I am angry at all those big youth theatre companies that have figured out from their marketing departments with fat subsidies that a registration for youth theatre is only worth 2.99. So taking the whole family to watch... 

Movementalist and Plein Theatre present 25, 26 and 27 February Aceleratio Sneak Peek Streams

Movementalist and Plein Theatre present 25, 26 and 27 February Aceleratio Sneak Peek Streams as a sneak peek of the performance installation Aceleratio that will be on show at the NDSM Fuse in May 2021. In the last three of the series of six 'sneak peek' live streams from the Plein Theatre, viewers get a look 'under the skin' of the performers. Intimate, fragile... 

Opinion: Arts and culture are thrown out with the rubbish in Brabant

On 24 December 2020, the provincial hearing and objection committee issued an opinion to the Provincial Executive of the province of North Brabant in response to eight submitted objections. Then -only a month later- on 26-1-2021, a communication dated 26-1-2021 from the Board of GS to Provincial Councils and a press release to the cultural institutions that submitted an application 2021-2024 appeared.... 

illustration accompanying article Animation31 interview with Stephane Kaas

Animation & Stephane Kaas: 'I like to give animators a certain freedom.'

We asked him a few questions about his experiences and influences. What is your experience with animation so far? 'As a child, I liked drawing comics. I made the comic Kaas-Trek with a friend, a kind of persiflage on Star-Trek, and we would sell it to classmates and buy sweets from them. Who framed Roger Rabbit I remember as... 

image accompanying article on martin koolhoven by udo prinsen

Animation & Martin Koolhoven: 'With animation, I kept thinking: what don't I know? That made me insecure.'

Animation came under accelerated attention as a replacement option for live-action in early 2020 thanks to Covid19 measures. While many film productions came to a standstill, several animation productions continued to work solidly 'just at home' on series, short and longer films. Of course, in the industry, we very much encourage the idea of using animation more, but how simple is it really to just switch... 

Two unique (dance) productions created in pandemic Tears of Peter and the National New Year's Blessing

Two unique (dance) productions created in a pandemic: Tears of Peter and the National New Year's Blessing

It is remarkable to see two productions bringing together dance and faith in a short time. Dancer Marijn Rademaker (former soloist Het Nationale Ballet) portrays the suffering of the apostle in Di Lasso's Tears of Petrus by Nederlands Kamerkoor and Dance Company Nanine Linning, dancer and recently assistant artistic director of The Dutch Don't Dance Division Kiran Bonnema portrays the change in the life of the still-young patriarch Jacob in EO's National New Year's Blessing.

PLEIN THEATER presents The Week of Karina Holla from 25 to 28 November

Therefore, from 25 to 28 November, the PLEIN THEATER presents The Week of Karina Holla: An in-depth look at the performance War Women and an ode to the work of Dutch mime player, actress, choreographer and director Karina Holla and her significance for theatre.
An in-depth look at the performance War Women and an ode to the work of Dutch mime player, actress, choreographer and director Karina Holla and her significance for theatre.

Plein Theatre hands over petition to Arts and Culture alderman Touria Meliani AND launches crowdfunding: Support Plein Theatre now!

Three weeks back, the Plein Theatre started a petition, asking the City of Amsterdam, and in particular Alderman for Art and Culture Touria Meliani, to provide financial support to preserve the theatre. On Thursday 22 October, the petition with more than 1,600 signatures was handed over by director Berith Danse and chairman Bert Barten to alderman of Art and Culture Touria Meliani.

Dance film The Garden shows the very bearable lightness of existence

Dance film The Garden shows the very bearable lightness of existence

The Garden is a new dance film by Sem, now also a dancer with the Dutch National Ballet, which premiered last week. The choreography is by British dancer Pascal Johnson, with five dancers dancing on the roof of artist Jean Dubuffet's famous artwork Jardin d'émail in the sculpture garden of the Kröller-Möller Museum. That in itself is special enough, however, it is the optimism of the dance film that impresses.

Creation returns: Nederlands Blazers Ensemble and Bart Moeyaert on tour again

In October, the Blazers and Bart Moeyaert will tour again with De Schepping, the first part of this successful musical theatre trilogy. During this performance, Bart Moeyaert (winner of the 2019 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, the 'Nobel Prize for children's literature') tells the story using a self-written text to this old, but never performed this way, music by Haydn.

Dutch focus on November Music 2020: Ticket sales start Thursday 10 September

This year, November Music awards 10 commissions to Dutch and two to foreign composers, including a choral work for Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho. Traditionally, November Music opens with the Bosch Requiem on Friday 6 November, which of course takes on an extra charge this year. Korean-Dutch composer Seung-Won Oh draws inspiration from the YeonDo death ritual that links Korean funeral traditions with the Catholic faith. After Kate Moore and Calliope Tsoupaki, she is the third female composer of the Bosch Requiem in a row.

'Sender Boulevard': Intimate and grand. A successful exercise in getting closer.

Under the banner 'Sender Boulevard', the organisers of Theatre Festival Boulevard signed up for six weeks of live encounters in 's-Hertogenbosch. More than 40 different projects delivered an extraordinary variety of performances, performances and installations. Based on the theme 'Nader de ander' (Closer to the other), Boulevard more than ever entered into dialogue with makers and audience, which led to an intense dialogue with results.

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