Want to publish at Culture Press? You can! It costs nothing (except a one-off 10 euro administration fee), you just have to good its. So it is better to post 1 top article than 10 pretty good ones. In doing so, it usually doesn't matter whether an article has appeared elsewhere before, as long as it still matters now. 'Short, powerful and as quick as possible' is not necessarily a guarantee of success. Better the Definitive Article on a topic than the first article on it. Preferably publish on the one or two topics you really know a lot about. Write if you have something special to say about it, and avoid overly general topics.

The editors post pieces that meet the minimum quality requirements that we set for it. In case of insufficient quality or other problems, we will always contact you.


Currently, Culture Press does not use a pay wall. You can, however, use our system to ask for donations from your readers. That works quite well, better than a pay wall, and is of course very dependent on the content of your story. Experience shows that stories that really make a unique point, represent a strong opinion and really add value for the reader work best. Donations can range from 1 euro to four-figure sums (Has occurred). 

Of the donations, we retain 15% for administrative processing.


With some regularity, Culture Press grants assignments for journalistic stories. These assignments are distributed by the chief editor on the basis of your quality and specialism. What also counts is your reputation on the site, in other words: how often you publish. Never publishing yourself and waiting for assignments will take a long time. Per assignment, you will receive an honorarium. The story will be published as a 'sponsored content' offered. You cannot request donations on it. We apply a word rate of at least 35 cents, sometimes more.

Own sponsorship.

You can also get paid by a client yourself. Chief editors don't ask you how you earn your money. If you have a deal with a client to put a story on culture press, no one will dispute it. However: if pieces are too advertising-like and add nothing journalistically to the site, the chief editors may refuse to publish. In that case, you have a problem with your client. You can avoid this by running a possible sponsorship deal through Culture Press. Culture Press then deducts a percentage (15%) from the proceeds, but your income is guaranteed and you are relieved of the administrative pressure. The piece will then also be published as sponsored content or 'advertisement' offered. This is how Culture Press remains transparent and reliable.

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