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Benjamin Britten

Lessons in Love and Violence: gloedvolle muziek wekt ijskoud drama niet tot leven in @hollandfestival

‘Liefde is vergif’ zingzegt Mortimer in de eerste scène van Lessons in Love and Violence tegen de koning. De militair adviseur hekelt diens relatie met Gaveston, die hij overlaadt met gunsten terwijl zijn onderdanen honger lijden. ‘Don’t bore me with the price of bread’ riposteert de koning. Liever trakteert hij zijn minnaar op poëzie en muziek dan zich te bekommeren… 

Between nappy and dishes - the (in)visibility of female composers

Amsterdam, 8 March 2018. Today is Women's Day, no one can fail to notice. The media are brimming with articles about women's unequal pay and their still limited representation in prestigious positions. Whether in politics, business, academia or the arts. Perhaps the most conservative is the classical music world. There, the female composer has yet to... 

All about Nothing. Danish premiere of youth opera Intet by David Bruce

From a country where a giraffe is dissected for children as a holiday attraction, you don't have to expect a sugary pink Disney opera. And so Intet (= Nothing) is not. Think Lord of the Flies, place of action: a peaceful Danish village. Also think Søren Kierkegaard - because philosophy. Also by no means a buffoon. The story Intet is based on the eponymous... 

Hymn to St. Cecilia by Britten: state dangerous (c)ode?

On Friday 10 February in Utrecht, the Nederlands Kamerkoor will kick off its concert series Sacred and Profane, based on Benjamin Britten's choral work of the same name. The programme also includes his popular cycle Hymn to St Cecilia, which he composed during World War II. The score was confiscated by the US Customs Service in 1942 because it allegedly contained codes that were dangerous to the state. The American fear of a... 

New chance for two magnificent stories that stood the test of time

Two of the finest stories in world literature have recently been reissued. The Dead (1914) by James Joyce and The Clerk Bartleby (1853) by Herman Melville have effortlessly stood the test of time. They are still wonderful reads. 'His soul slowly ebbed away as he heard it gently snowing through the universe and gently snowing in the... 

Harrison Birtwistle: van schokkend naar keelsnoerend muziektheater

In zijn jeugd was Harrison Birtwistle (1934) een van de Angry Young Men van de Engelse muziek, inmiddels is hij in de adelstand verheven en gaat hij als ‘Sir Harry’ door het leven. Hij werd opgeleid  als klarinettist en componist aan the Royal College of Music in Manchester, waar hij zich ergerde aan het behoudende klimaat. Samen met John Ogden,… 

Componist Marie Jaëll: Franse flair, Russische dramatiek

Had zij Marc geheten, dan gold Marie Jaëll (1846-1925) ongetwijfeld als een van de belangrijke Franse componisten van eind negentiende, begin twintigste eeuw. Maar ja, ze was nu een keer een vrouw – dus onbelangrijk. Tijdens haar leven geroemd door niemand minder dan Franz Liszt, werd ze na haar dood al snel vergeten. Hooguit leefde zij voort in de door… 

Je bent jong en je wilt klassieke muziek

Afgelopen zomer maakte het Britten Jeugd Strijkorkest zijn eigen Tour de France. De aftrap vond plaats in Zwolle, waar dirigent Loes Visser het ensemble in 2007 oprichtte om jonge strijkers orkest- en podiumervaring te laten opdoen. Belangstellenden worden getest op zaken als intonatie, streektechniek en muzikaliteit tijdens een strenge auditie en wie wordt toegelaten, moet elke week repeteren en meedoen met alle concerten.… 

Tour de France with bow

For the sixth time in its history, the Tour de France will start in the Netherlands: on Saturday 4 July, the cyclists will start their three-week war of attrition under the Dom in Utrecht . A day earlier, the Britten Youth String Orchestra kicks off its own Tour de France, in home town Zwolle. In one week, the young musicians will give seven concerts in La... 

Superbly performed opera by Rimsky Korsakoff provisional highlight of changeable opening weekend Gergiev Festival

"My commitment to the city (Rotterdam) and the orchestra knows no end," Valeri Gergyev spoke on the occasion of the Gergyev Festival taking place in Rotterdam this week. This is good news, as the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the former principal conductor still get along well. And to be backed by this global top-five conductor is... 

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