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culture in focus

Playwrights and cultural exploration (2) Sophie Kassies: 'A pool of plays that don't find an audience is an erosion of the profession'

The previous cultural exploration among playwrights gives cause for further exploration. From the earlier article, we take away that further privatisation only partially captures public money and objectives. See also from elevation ideals to efficiency thinking. We also take away that a public as all-important leads to one-sided popular culture, entertainment and false competition with the free circuit. It all has very little... 

The Cultural Diversity Code is a great start, but remains a hollow phrase

Tomorrow, Culture in View, the annual OCW conference for the cultural sector, is dedicated to diversity. Although the topic was already raised by Rick van der Ploeg in the late 1990s, diversity within the cultural sector anno 2016 still lags far behind the changing demographic composition of the population. Diversity should no longer remain just an agenda item. Under the motto: No... 

Provincial millions for HET Symphony Orchestra evaporated without results

What happened to the five million Overijssel gave the orchestra in 2011 to 'get more money from the market'? This was also what councillor Van Abbema wondered, and the answers the province gave her mostly raise more questions. What is abundantly clear is that the province wants to keep the orchestra no matter what and of no merger 

Bussemaker gives Chamber incorrect figures HET Symfonieorkest

The acute financial problems at HET Symfonieorkest prompted Jacques Monasch to put questions to minister Bussemaker. Yesterday came the answers Bussemaker. In summary: everything is not too bad. Only: the minister is giving the Chamber the wrong figures. The minister relies on figures from Culture in focus 2014 and reports "The percentage of own income of HET Symfonieorkest was... 

General Audit Office on budget cuts Jet Bussemaker

'73 million more cuts'. Court of auditors: arts plan Bussemaker based on air

The General Court of Auditors, a high college of state that independently audits government spending, is blowing the whistle on Culture Minister Bussemaker. Indeed, in an interim opinion, published on 12 February, the Court of Audit states that nothing at all is yet clear about the real consequences of the previous cabinet's cuts. That cabinet, with the widely beloved Halbe... 

Citymarketing maakt een stad van Nederland

Ze waren altijd een beetje het afvoerputje van marketingland: stadspromotiemensen of citymarketeers. Vooral kunst- en cultuurmarketeers zagen ze liever gaan dan komen, want het kost hun alleen maar geld. Leuk idee dus van Cultuurpers-partner ACMC om ze eens samen te brengen. Inmiddels heeft Citymarketing namelijk de wind mee. Stadspromotie is hot, en heeft ontdekt waar de kracht ligt: buiten de… 

Should Halbe Zijlstra apologise only to Overijssel?

Ten per cent fewer performances and ten per cent fewer visitors in Overijssel headlines RTV Oost. Bam! That chops it. Into the bin, that jubilant press release by Jet Bussemaker. And if there is one province that does not need to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra, it is Overijssel. Well, we reported earlier that apologies are not necessary anyway, but as a province... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Reden 6 voor geen excuses aan Halbe: ‘Prematuur, tendentieus en schadelijk voor de sector’

Ook het deftige deel van de kunstsector reageert woedend op de uitspraken van de VVD, vanmorgen  opgetekend door De Telegraaf. Daarmee komt het aantal redenen voor de sector om geen excuses aan te bieden aan Halbe Zijlstra op zes. Waar we  eerder al vijf redenen gaven, verklaart de Nederlandse Associatie van Podiumkunsten nu ook dat we pas in de loop… 

In advance, 5 reasons why no one needs to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra.

According to the VVD, all artists and art lovers in the Netherlands should say 'sorry' to Halbe Zijlstra. Because they were so angry with him when he abolished 30 per cent of art subsidies without any underlying idea. After all, according to the Ministry of Culture, things were going fan-tas-tically with the arts in the Netherlands. Anyone who reads the press release the ministry issued yesterday on that... 

"1 billion loss? There are other figures." Halbe Zijlstra refers Berenschot report to trash.

At the end of August came the figures. And what figures they were. Due to the stacking of extreme cuts by government, provinces and municipalities, the abolition of the successful Work and Income for Artists Act and the equally successful culture card, plus the VAT increase on the arts, the Netherlands' cultural sector would end up missing out on €1 billion in revenue. Berenschot had estimated that in... 

Ministry of OCW cuts a little more to truth than we already proved on Friday

Case in point: more people are against cuts than the ministry would have us believe. On page 32 of the now heavily controversial brochure 'Cultuur in Beeld', the ministry writes: "In the CDE, carried out at the end of 2010, citizens were asked to indicate from 17 policy fields whether they think the central government should spend (much) less or (much) more money on... 

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