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Radio Philharmonic Orchestra

Eva’s Klage in TivoliVredenburg: Lera Auerbach neemt het op voor de gesmoorde vrouwenstem

De Russische Lera Auerbach (1973) schrikt niet terug voor grote uitdagingen. En dat is een understatement. Onlangs nog maakte ze grote indruk met haar cyclus Goetia 72: in umbra lucis. Ze componeerde deze toonzetting van de namen van 72 demonen voor het Nederlands Kamerkoor en het strijkkwartet Quatuor Danel. Tegelijkertijd verscheen een cd met 72 Angels: in splendore lucis, waarin… 

‘Hoog tijd dat er een einde komt aan gescheiden religies!’ – Joost Kleppe componeert Spirit of Mustafa voor Groot Omroepkoor en Radio Filharmonisch Orkest

‘Alles wat ik maak komt voort uit gevoel, uit geraaktheid’, zei Joost Kleppe (1963) eens over zijn muziek. Die sensibiliteit wordt vaak getriggerd door poëzie en zijn oeuvre telt dan ook veel vocale werken. Zijn lyrische, ritmisch gevarieerde stukken staan geregeld op de lessenaars van zowel professionele- als amateurkoren. Met zijn aansprekende stijl treedt Kleppe in het voetspoor van illustere… 

Eerste hulp bij vlammenzee. Rudolf Escher biedt troost met Musique pour l’esprit en deuil

Maandag 15 april 2019, deze datum staat voorgoed in ons geheugen gekerfd. Ik hield het niet droog bij de beelden van de allesverzengende brand in de Notre-Dame de Paris. Net als miljoenen anderen zat ik urenlang met ingehouden adem aan mijn schermpje gekleefd: dit mag niet waar zijn! Toen de structuur, de roosvensters en zelfs het orgel gered bleken sprongen… 

Camilla de Rossi in NTRZaturdayMatinee: three centuries late premiere

After years, my ranting about the invisibility of female composers is starting to bear fruit. Thanks in part to the #MeToo movement, composing ladies are also finally being taken seriously and performed. The NTRZaturdayMatinee is even making them a spearhead of its programming this season. Last Saturday, it performed the world premiere of Salto di Saffo by Calliope Tsoupaki (1963). She composed this double concerto for pan flute, recorder... 

Opera ‘The Rise of Spinoza’ van Theo Loevendie verdient vaste plaats in het repertoire

In 2014 kreeg de wereldpremière van The Rise of Spinoza van Theo Loevendie een enthousiast onthaal in de NTRZaterdagMatinee. Terecht, want Markus Stenz stuurde het Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, Groot Omroepkoor, zangsolisten en blokfluitist Erik Bosgraaf trefzeker door de kleurrijke eenakter. Onlangs verscheen de live opname op cd, zodat de opera ook een internationaal publiek kan bereiken. De inmiddels 87-jarige Loevendie… 

Lessons in Love and Violence: gloedvolle muziek wekt ijskoud drama niet tot leven in @hollandfestival

‘Liefde is vergif’ zingzegt Mortimer in de eerste scène van Lessons in Love and Violence tegen de koning. De militair adviseur hekelt diens relatie met Gaveston, die hij overlaadt met gunsten terwijl zijn onderdanen honger lijden. ‘Don’t bore me with the price of bread’ riposteert de koning. Liever trakteert hij zijn minnaar op poëzie en muziek dan zich te bekommeren… 

Martin Crimp on Lessons in Love and Violence at the @hollandfestival: 'The past is a playground, in which I can escape from the rolling news.'

No love without power relations. And certainly not when that love takes place in a royal bedroom. That bedchamber is now the setting for a tragic love triangle between a king, his lover and his wife in Lessons in Love and Violence, the third opera by English composer Georges Benjamin and playwright Martin Crimp. The Elizabethan drama Edward II... 

Film concert featuring West Side Story, Bernstein's indictment of discrimination

Leonard Bernstein would have turned 100 this year. The AVROTROS Friday Concert puts his most popular piece, West Side Story, on the programme on Saturday (!) 26 May. The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra will play the thrilling music full of ecstatic melodies and vital dances live at the integral screening of the original 1961 film. The whole thing is conducted by the young American conductor 

Composer Marijn Simons: 'Everything is about timing'

Although the press picks it up only sparsely, not only the NTRZaterdagMatinee pays much attention to Dutch composers. Indeed, they are also well represented in the AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert (formerly De Vrijdag van Vredenburg). In 2014, for instance, Joey Roukens wrote The building of the temple to mark the reopening of TivoliVredenburg. Two years later, the season opened with Atlantis by Robin... 

A fertile repertoire landscape.

Performing arts policy greatly determines what can be seen and heard on Dutch stages. It underpins government funding of theatre and music. This policy pays a lot of attention to the quality of performances, but it hardly discusses the choice of pieces played, let alone what kind of repertoire landscape... 

Sofia Gubaidoelina: 'Only in the West could I set myself large-scale goals and realise them'

Sofia Gubaidoelina has become a true audience favourite in our country. She is also a welcome guest in broadcasting series. The AVROTROS Friday Concert, for instance, brought the Dutch premieres of Glorious Percussion (2011) and O Komm, Heiliger Geist (2016). Friday 23 March will see the first Dutch performance of her Triple Concerto for bayan, violin and cello. The piece is dedicated to... 

Baltic souls by Cappella Amsterdam: Estonia 100 years independent/not independent

Although Estonia is almost 4,000 square kilometres larger than the Netherlands, it has barely more inhabitants than the province of Utrecht. For centuries, superpowers such as Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland disputed rule over this country on the Baltic Sea. Indeed, its geographical location made it an important link between East and West. It was not until 1918 that a state of its own was declared, but... 

Ton de Leeuw by Groot Omroepkoor & RFO brass ensemble: music of 'being' versus music of 'becoming'

At the end of the nineteenth century, Western music gradually began to come apart at the seams. Composers used more and more dissonances so that the familiar tonality hardly fitted into its shell. From a constant desire for even more expression, the orchestra was expanded with ever new instruments. This led to monster productions such as Gustav Mahler's 'Symphony of the Tausend', with more than a thousand... 

Componist Victoria Borisova-Ollas: ‘Muziek heeft geen nationaliteit’

Het meest recente wapenfeit van de Russisch-Zweedse componist Victoria Borisova-Ollas (1969) is Dracula. Deze opera naar het gelijknamige boek van Bram Stoker ging in oktober 2017 in première bij Koninklijke Opera Stockholm. Een ‘kleurrijke en zeer sfeervolle muzikale partituur’, met daarin ‘een van de meest emotionele scènes in de geschiedenis van de Zweedse opera’, schreef een criticus. Zeven jaar eerder… 

Heart cry of Lili Boulanger echoes through TivoliVredenburg

Although Lili Boulanger (1893-1918) is considered one of the most important French composers of the early 20th century, her music is rarely performed. On Friday 10 November, Du fond de l'abîme will be heard in the AVROTROS Friday Concert. A godsend, because this setting of psalm 130 is of a throat-splitting beauty. Boulanger completed the piece in 1917, a year before her death. American conductor James... 

Radio Philharmonic Orchestra & Great Broadcast Choir: ecstasy in concert

Traditionally, the AVROTROS Friday Concert marks the festive end of the season with a joint concert by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the Groot Omroepkoor. On 9 June, American star conductor David Robertson leads them through Maurice Ravel's compelling ballet Daphnis et Chloé in the final concert. In addition, the orchestral work L'Ascension by his compatriot Olivier Messiaen and a selection of... 

Wolfgang Rihm links suffering Christ to Holocaust in 'Deus Passus' - podcast

In this period before Easter, Johann Sebastian Bach's Passions seem almost inescapable. But the alternatives are on the rise. Last week, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the Groot Omroepkoor presented two highly successful new Passions. Alternative passion Tomorrow bring the AVROTROS Friday Concert Deus Passus by German composer Wolfgang Rihm. It will be performed by the Groot Omroepkoor and the Radio Philharmonic ... 

The Busy Drone: Ontregelende draaiorgelmuziek

Ooit gebouwd voor een Belgisch danscafé kwam The Busy Drone in de jaren zestig naar Nederland. Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij plaatste het draaiorgel in 1968 bij zijn stand op de jaarlijkse boekenbeurs in de RAI, wat de opvallende naam verklaart. Vijf jaar later kocht directeur Edy de Wilde het instrument aan voor zijn Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, waar het tot… 

Composer Robin de Raaff makes world perish in 'Atlantis'

Friday 23 September will open the new season of the AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert with the world premiere of Atlantis by Robin de Raaff. He composed this fifty-minute piece commissioned for this broadcasting series, for the Groot Omroepkoor and the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, augmented by solo soprano and solo baritone. The text is largely taken from the poem of the same name by American Hart Crane,... 

Hello, here Hilversum

Last weekend, more than 500 monuments in the Netherlands could be visited for free during the annual Open Monumentendag. Every year, this special day has a theme, this year it was 'Icons and Symbols'. After a thorough restoration, Hilversum's Studio 2 in the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep also opened its doors after 85 years. During the same week, a pop-up exhibition... 

Programmer to talk: Astrid in 't Veld's dream season

When you go to a concert, you think about the music, the ensemble, the soloist and/or the conductor. Maybe you look up something about the composer but you never think about the programmer who made the concert possible. Astrid in 't Veld is someone who thinks about the range of concerts on offer years in advance in order to help you with... 

Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928-2016): Fins ikoon van de eigentijdse muziek

Afgelopen woensdagnacht, 27 juli overleed Einojuhani Rautavaara in zijn huis in Helsinki, ten gevolge van complicaties bij een operatie. Hij werd 87 jaar oud en gold algemeen als de ongekroonde troonopvolger van Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), die rond 1930 zijn laatste noten schreef.

Culture Council: broadcast orchestra should broadcast more, perform less

The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the Groot Omroepkoor should focus more on broadcasting and less on concert practice. So says the Council for Culture in an opinion released today on the policy plan of the Netherlands Broadcasting Music Foundation (SOM), which includes the choir and orchestra.

While the Council is very appreciative of the Saturday matinee, are the two other series the Foundation is bringing

With George Pieterson, music life loses another coryphée

Last Sunday, 24 April, clarinetist George Pieterson died at his home in Amsterdam, aged 74. 'George was an iconic player with a big musical heart,' says his former student Frank van den Brink. 'He invariably went full steam ahead and whichever recording you listen to, his playing is always remarkable. You didn't necessarily have to put up with his... 

Composer Joey Roukens: 'In my new Violin Concerto, I explore my lyrical side'

Joey Roukens (Schiedam, 1982) studied composition at Rotterdam Conservatory and took private piano lessons with Ton Hartsuiker. Since graduating in 2006, he has been able to reach a large audience with his energetic, infectious music. Commissions are pouring in, from no small number of clients. He has already written two pieces for the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra: Out of Control (2011) and Chase... 

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