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How can people with a refugee background remember their first place of residence in the Netherlands if there are no longer any traces of this place?

Thousands of Dutch people have memories of a time spent in AZCs across the country, but there is no physical archive of this part of Dutch heritage. How can people with a refugee background remember their first place of residence in the Netherlands if there are no longer any traces of this place? How can we reflect on and dwell on... 

'I say sorry anyway' theatre production by Theatre Group Alum and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti and slavery past on tour from the end of September

Ik zeg toch sorry a theatre production by Theatre Group Aluin and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti, the day celebrating the (official) abolition of slavery, will be shown in Dutch theatres from the end of September. At a time when more and more municipalities and organisations are openly apologising for the slavery past or letting their own role in this period be... 

Kunstfest Weimar opens with commemoration of Buchenwald concentration camp. Why this is important for us too

"That we find today's culture of memory uncomfortable finds its cause already in the concept of 'remembering'. After all, in the strict sense of the word, we can only remember something we have experienced ourselves. But what should 16-year-old schoolchildren remember when they visit the Buchenwald memorial site? Upon them comes the call to remember something that even... 

30 years of Bijlmervliegramp, Club RoXY and Amsterdam's housing crisis - Second edition Collecting the City opens 25 September at Amsterdam Museum

On Sunday 25 September 2022, the second exhibition from the Collecting the City project will open at the Amsterdam Museum. In the Collecting the City project (2021-2025), the Amsterdam Museum 'collects' and presents the stories and objects of the city of today together with communities, individuals and institutions from Amsterdam. In this second exhibition of the programme line, the Amsterdam Museum brings... 

Events at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

Month September 2022 In addition to a permanent collection presentation at Amstel 51 and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a rich public programme. At various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for September 2022. Visit for the latest information. Smell Tour From 1 September Explore the bygone... 

IN PERSPECTIVE 6: The meter case and media art

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: media art. Aan het Haagse Spui It were tough negotiations. The battle for the meter cupboard symbolised that. The chairman of the Hague Filmhuis, a former alderman, went hard at it. And the board of the World Wide Video Centre & Festival... 

Isaac Israels painting to Amsterdam Museum

Chamber of Commerce donates 'Factory Girls on the Prinsengracht' from 1894 The Amsterdam Museum's collection is being expanded with a special donation. The Chamber of Commerce donated the museum the painting 'Factory Girls on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam' (c. 1894) by the famous Amsterdam impressionist Isaac Israels. Israels' painting hung for many years in the meeting room of the General Administration 

BOSCH PARADE BARST LOS ON WATER AND LAND - Ninth edition art spectacle 16 - 19 June 

Thursday 16 June sees the start of the theatrical and musical art spectacle on the water Bosch Parade. Until Sunday 19 June, the public can experience (for free!) the floating, paddling and swimming procession of artworks from the banks of the Dommel river in the centre of 's-Hertogenbosch. Each evening will end with a with a dazzling and atmospheric closing ritual in the Garden of Delights. The theme... 

In Perspective #2 - Centres for the arts, threatened and promising, part 2: beyond the A7

(What preceded. In the previous chapter, I thought back to my father. Who sought support from a predecessor of today's Cultuurconnectie to set up a creativity centre. And how he himself later downsized an arts centre precisely. Most municipalities now focus on cultural education in education, not on individual amateurs. What is the best model? And can you... 

In Perspective #2: Centres for the arts: threatened and promising - urban facilities

My father had received a visit from Amsterdam. It was a gentleman from the Association for Creativity Development VCO. He came to advise on how to set up a creativity centre and how to apply for a subsidy from the municipality. Goldsmithing was my father's hobby - secretly the profession he had hoped for as a boy - and in our... 

Amsterdam Museum suspends opening temporary home in Hermitage

The Amsterdam Museum has decided to keep the doors of its new temporary home in the Hermitage building closed until further notice. The opening, scheduled for Saturday 5 March, will not take place because of the war in Ukraine and sentiment about these poignant events across the country and the city. ''The war in Ukraine has had terrible consequences for... 

Amsterdam Museum moves temporarily to Hermitage Amsterdam

3.5 years of permanent presentation, temporary exhibitions and programming The Amsterdam Museum will move to the Hermitage Amsterdam, where it will be open to the public from Saturday 5 March 2022. The Amsterdam Museum's current location, the former Civic Orphanage at Kalverstraat 92, will close due to a large-scale renovation. From March 2022 until 2025, the Amsterdam Museum will display... 

Amsterdam Museum displays Golden Carriage in open air despite lockdown

Today, King Willem-Alexander announced that the Golden Coach will not be used for the time being. However, the restored Golden Coach, which will remain in a glass enclosure in the courtyard of the Amsterdam Museum until 28 February after more than five years of restoration, will be on display again. Indeed, the Amsterdam Museum is opening the gates to its courtyards 

Amsterdam Museum organises symposium on the Netherlands' colonial past with partners

On Friday 26 and Saturday 27 November 2021, the Amsterdam Museum is organising an English-language symposium on the Dutch colonial past and the ways in which this history is treated and shapes contemporary practices in cultural and academic institutions. The Amsterdam Museum is organising the symposium together with ASCA, NIOD, Rijksmuseum, The Black Archives, University of Amsterdam, NMVW & Vrije Universiteit and Stadsarchief Amsterdam.... 

The lesson to be learned from the sale of Primephonic - and what the Culture Council has to do with it

The Every (The Everything) is the name of a successful and widely loved company, the world's largest combination of a tech giant and a commercial giant. Dave Eggers describes this in his latest novel "The Every", follow-up to bestseller The Circle. On sale from mid-November 2021 at Amazons and Bol.Coms, but those who wanted it earlier could already... 

Amsterdam Museum nominated for Friends Lottery Museum Prize 2021

The Amsterdam Museum has been nominated for the Friends Lottery Museum Prize 2021 and has a chance to win 100,000 euros to realise its museum dream: to collect the city of today together with residents and visitors of Amsterdam. Besides the Amsterdam Museum (Amsterdam), Museum Volkenkunde from Leiden and Kasteel Hoensbroek from Hoensbroek (Limburg) are also nominated. The public can vote until 26 November 2021... 

'A big iconic building with a park around it'. Culture Councils Amsterdam and Rijk set high bar for Slavery Museum

The Dutch Slavery Museum has moved a step closer, now that the Arts Council (Amsterdam) and the Council for Culture (Rijk) have issued an opinion on the exploration of a direction group presented earlier this year. This satisfies official procedural due diligence, although establishing the necessary museum in this way seems likely to take at least as much time.... 

'Smash the crystal ball. Empathise with future generations!' - About Digital Decisiveness #2

Perhaps the COVID pandemic did not itself create unprecedented inventions and new things, but unexpected things that were already there suddenly came to the fore. Like podcasts, like online art, like new views on leadership and a different way of looking at the future. Very briefly, this is what you take away from the total of eight hours of... 

The big question of online gathering: who will show us the way to the bar? #Digitaladventure 1

A virtual gun, which, when you shoot it, does not fire a bullet but displays a pop-up with encyclopaedic information about what you have just fired at. Now if only we fought the next war with that. It was conceived by Iranian artist Ali Eslami, who was forced by the lockdown to use his international network to develop... 

Golden coach door opens

Especially for Budget Day, the Amsterdam Museum opens the door wide. The door of the Golden Coach, that is! After a restoration of more than five years, the Golden Coach has been in a glass case in the courtyard of the Amsterdam Museum since 18 June. Visitors can view it there in peace and quiet. Until now, the door of the Golden Coach was... 

Museum association sounds alarm: even strong museums will not get out of the one-and-a-half-meter without support

Last weekend's #unmuteus parades might lead you to believe that, as soon as the weather allows, the cultural world will be out of its misery in less than no time. The tens of thousands who took to the streets are quickly populating the halls again, and with a little more water with the beer, and slightly more expensive mints, the night and event industry - which is also there for the... 

The Golden Coach around Prince's Day. Lectures and evening opening at the Amsterdam Museum

22 Sept: Prinsjesdaglezing - Stalmeester Bert Wassenaar Two special lectures will be held on Wednesday 22 September from 14.00 - 14.45 and at 15.00 - 15.45 by the King's Stalmeester Bert Wassenaar especially for Prinsjesdag. On the rituals and symbols surrounding Prinsjesdag. The Golden Coach is a recognisable part of the Prinsjesdag ceremony. H.M. King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen... 

Amsterdam Museum runs conversational campaign for Golden Coach

The Amsterdam Museum is running an innovative campaign for the exhibition The Golden Coach in collaboration with various agencies and creatives. Sharing knowledge and starting a national conversation about the controversial carriage is the goal. Head of Communications & Marketing at the Amsterdam Museum Maurice Seleky explains why this was chosen: ''The exhibition The Golden Coach tells... 

Rijksmuseum puts names to our slavery past and the effect is stunning

It is very easy not to dwell on things. For instance, I learned at school that we sailed to the East to get nutmeg and pepper. Stuff that just rolled off the trees into the boats there and that we could sell very expensively here. Sugar, another thing. That came to us from plantations just like that,... 

Golden coach hoisted over Amsterdam Museum

In the dead of night on 9-10 June, the restored Golden Coach was hoisted over the roof of the Amsterdam Museum in a wooden box. A special and spectacular moment that took place in the middle of the night because the tram lines had to be shut down for this major operation. Everything went well and the Golden Coach was lifted last night.... 

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