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'Everyone is happy to be part of something so beautiful.' Stut Choir and Irish performers sing together for the first time. #vvu

Radiant faces and swinging bodies filled the rehearsal room of the Utrecht-based Stut Choir in Overvecht. For the first time, the members collaborated with Irish singer Lorna McLaughlin of The Henry Girls and conductors Neil Burns and Anna Nolan of the Inishowen Gospel Choir. On 21 June, the two choirs will join the three Henry Girls sisters on stage at the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.

Writers Unlimited 2013: about writers and people with a story #wu13

Whether Tahmina Akefi is a good writer, I dare not say. The Afghan beauty can at least glue sentences together, and knows how to add an erotic layer on top. But whether this means she surpasses the average penny novel, or whether she has nothing to offer but oriental soft porn anyway? Tricky.

Blogging vs demons #wu13

"We don't use social media because it's cool," says Tunisian internet activist Sami Ben Gharbia. "But in a dictatorship, it is the only way to inform people about what is really going on. To fight the demons in society. I am not a techny Became because it's fun. I just needed useful knowledge about internet codes, to improve my civic activism possible."

Hassnae Bouazza's Thousand Shades of Arabia on #wu13

John de Mol is doing good business in the Arab world. He acts rather dismissively about this, according to Hassnae Bouazza. According to her, the television producer talks publicly mainly about the many restrictions on his formats because of Islam and the sentimentalism of TV in the Middle East in general. That De Mol's success number The Voice of Arabia during the final in

'For me, only the text exists' - Alberto Manguel & Hans Goedkoop on black pages #wu13

Met een bomvol programma zoals Writers Unlimited 2013 wil het wel eens gebeuren dat je, ook als professioneel journalist, ondanks alles toch ergens té laat komt binnenvallen, en dan nog net een glimp opvangt van iets heel moois. In dit geval, na de krachttoer van Amos Oz en Adriaan van Dis, was dat het spoken word optreden van de Keniaanse Ngwatilo Mawiyoo. Mea culpa daarvoor.

Does it luckily still involve sex on #wu13

How many male genitals Yasmine Allas had weighed in her hand. For a while, that was the question during Writers Unlimited's most shameless programme to date. This latenight talk show addressed the question of how shameless writers actually dare to be these days. Kristien Hemmerechts, always good for a few firm statements, met her peers in

Presenters can make a Winternight. And break it. #wu13

En dan kun je dus zomaar het hoogtepunt van de eerste Winternacht missen omdat je het niet meer trekt om met een presentator mee te willen. De Vlaamse auteur Bart van Loo schijnt, aldus menig twitteraar, prachtige zinnen te hebben uitgesproken in het programma ‘Daar geef ik mijn leven voor’, maar dat was ver na twaalven en ik was toen al

A lot of Oz & a little Van Dis on impossible dreams and ideals #wu13

Tijdens de aftrap van Winternacht 1 bracht publicist Bas Heijne de twee literaire giganten Amos Oz en Adriaan van Dis nader tot elkaar. Wat is er van hun vroegere idealisme overgebleven? Oz’ spervuur van prachtige oneliners bleek lastig te temmen en zorgde voor een hilarisch, maar beetje onevenwichtig gesprek.

Heartfelt plea against Arab shame culture #wu13

De Libanese schrijfster Hanaan as-Sjaikh (Beiroet, Libanon, 1945) opende donderdag 17 januari Wrtiters Unlimited met een vlammend betoog tegen de Arabische schaamtecultuur. Deze is volgens de schrijfster wier boeken Het verhaal van Zahra, Vrouwen tussen hemel en zand, Beiroet blues and Alleen in Londen in het Nederlands zijn vertaald, zo diep in

'Readers need to be approached in a different way'

Writers Unlimited Special – Een van de belangrijke gasten op Writers Unlimited is Roland Colastica. Deze Curaçaose schrijver debuteerde in 2012 met het jeugdboek ‘Vuurwerk in mijn hoofd’. Het boek is enthousiast ontvangen, en groeit inmiddels uit tot een bescheiden bestseller. Grote kracht van het verhaal is de kleurrijke en ritmische stijl, maar minstens zo belangrijk is

Culture Press ratings: thick 300,000 minutes of attention

With paper, you never know ('0.3% of newspaper readers read the reviews on the art page'), and with TV it's always a bit of estimating and extrapolating too, but the internet is rock hard. We know how many times you read one of our pieces, and how long you lingered at our videos. Well: we were already proud last year, now we are well over 200,000

'In STUT I process what I experience' Community Arts Lab is exciting as well as relaxing. #vvu

STUT is a household name. The neighbourhood theatre group has been putting on performances with and about ordinary people from ordinary Utrecht neighbourhoods since 1977. In 2010, the theatre group gave birth to the Stutkoor, which is now taking part in the exchange project of the community art lab for the Treaty of Utrecht celebrations in 2013.

If you don't have Twitter in Egypt. Community Arts 'Mahatat' works from the bottom up. #vvu

The government has made little effort in recent decades to create a cultural scene  getting off the ground. There are no workspaces. No galleries. Only a very large library and a "cultural palace". Both of which opened only five years ago. There are also a few small independent initiatives. In public spaces.

Art: alternative to mistrust and violence in Guatemala. #vvu

Theatre-maker Anouk de Bruijn (32) has been to Guatemala seven times since 1999. For the Treaty of Utrecht, she entered into an exchange project with the Guatemalan group Caja Lúdica. Together, they are committed to giving people a positive experience through art. Their project 'Hidden War' is about the lives of young people in Guatemala. 

Strauss with muscle by Gustavo Dudamel, the sizzling South American. #hf12

The young conductor of Venezuelan descent brought his Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra to the Concertgebouw for the final concert of the Holland Festival last night for the first time. While Hollanders braved the tropical weather in the corridors, Venezuelan beauties walked to the stage vivaciously on their stilettos. After Máxima and Willem-Alexander had also taken their seats on the balcony, Gustavo Dudamel came dancing down the stairs.

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