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The Artists Are Present: Rebellious bodies, empowering moves, fluid identities, collective movement: 13 to 15 December theatre Frascati

The Artists Are Present is het festival van ICK Dans Amsterdam waarin een nieuwe generatie kunstenaars zich presenteert aan het publiek én met elkaar de vloer deelt. Van 13 tot en met 15 december nemen jonge dans- en performancemakers je mee op een spannende ontdekkingsreis in een dynamisch programma aan voorstellingen, onverwachte pop-up presentaties en gesprekken.  .De korte december dagen… 

Pankaj Tiwari, an artist from the poorest part of India, and Polish performer Maria Magdalena Kozłowska. Photo: Eva Roefs

Sustainability is a luxury issue in Jerome Bel's airplane-less autobiography (and the show turns out to be more fun than I first thought)

Input from members: that's what drives this club. Just watch. Yesterday I wrote this piece: Jerome Bel is quite something. The man who identifies himself as a choreographer has banned himself from flying for sustainability reasons, which is why he could not come to Amsterdam from Paris to read his own autobiography. However noble the non-flying... 

Turning against the dying of the light at the direction of Katie Mitchell #HF22

If humanity goes extinct, there has been a woman somewhere who was the last not to have a child. To whom does that honour belong? At the Holland Festival, an ensemble of 12 performers now perform a requiem for that last non-mother. Actress and singer Joy Wielkens is the extraordinarily disarming high priestess in this at times quite heavy evening, in which the end of... 

PODCAST - Naomi Velissariou's permanent quest: 'I wonder if I should do interpretation or connection as an artist.'

Naomi Velissariou (1984) zou tijdens het Bossche Festival Boulevard 2021 eigenlijk met meer voorstellingen staan. Dit jaar zou haar hele trilogie ‘Permanent Destruction’ in een setting als clubrave worden uitgevoerd. Woest muziektheater, gebaseerd op toneelauteurs Sarah Kane en Heiner Müller, en afgesloten met het meer ingetogen werk ‘Pain against Fear’. Alle delen zijn lovend ontvangen door publiek en pers, maar… 


Van donderdag 2 tot en met zondag 12 september 2021 toont het Nederlands Theater Festival de beste producties van het afgelopen theaterseizoen. De Nederlandse Toneeljury, onder leiding van juryvoorzitter Hadassah de Boer, selecteerde de acht beste theaterproducties van het moment. Vandaag maakte de jury haar selectie bekend. De volledige selectie is te zien tijdens de komende editie van het festival… 

'This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions for visiting culture.'

Honourable members of the House of Representatives, It is with great concern that we look at the Temporary Test Act that will be voted on in your House on Tuesday 11 May. This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions for visiting culture. Restrictions that will be introduced but where the end date is not given. This new testing law could be a godsend for... 

Wopke in Thialf or Laura in Frascati. Who will explain the difference to me?

Wopke Hoekstra, would-be baas van Nederland, stond vorige week op het ijs van een ijsbaan die voor alle Nederlanders behalve Sven Kramer gesloten was. Wegens Corona. De CDA-voorman kreeg een terechte storm van kritiek over zich heen. Na Grapperhaus de tweede topbestuurder van het land die zijn eigen regels alleen voor anderen vindt gelden. Afgelopen week speelde Laura van Dolron,… 

Oproep. Laten de werkers in de cultuur anderhalve meter Ruimte nemen voor de Verbeelding

Of de ‘schreeuw om cultuur’ tien jaar geleden het beste antwoord was op de toen aangekondigde bezuinigingen weet ik niet, maar net als toen voel ik ook nu de drang iets te doen. Naar aanleiding van een spontane uitspraak van mij op Facebook ontstond er dit weekend een nog bescheiden groepje mensen dat zich in wil zetten voor een idee… 

With sound. Honours for Marga Klompé; Action Tomato finally buried during commemoration.

The myth just had to end. Nan van Houte, former director of Amsterdam's small theatre Frascati, has buried Action Tomato. During Requiem for Tomato, on 4 November 2019, she made it crystal clear that this legendary event has been measured too big by our theatre historians. In 1969, when a few tomatoes were sent to the al... 

Colonisation is not a relationship. But we still need to establish that relationship, this Holland Festival showed.

Post-colonial criticism and reflection ran like a thread through this year's Holland Festival programme. Not only William Kentrigde and Faustin Linyekula, the associate artists with whom the festival's programmers collaborated, their work addresses the devastating effects of centuries of Western European trade and commerce. In reframing political and social history and reclaiming... 

'Congo' is another highlight of one of the most meaningful Holland Festivals in years.

'I think they understood.' Faustin Linyekula says it, very quietly, a little apologetically almost, to his fellow actor at the end of the performance Congo. A slightly relieved laugh can be heard in the main auditorium of Frascati, where Princess Beatrix is also seated. Shortly before, Daddy Moanda Kamono had erupted in an increasingly desperate tirade against our shared past.... 

Zwart, Frans, of Afrikaans: The Welcome Table houdt discussie over ‘négritude’ op ruime afstand van het Holland Festival

De grond onder je voeten is heilig. Het is, in deze tijden van linkse identiteitspolitiek en opkomend rechts blut und boden denken, een best riskante opmerking, maar Faustin Linyekula gebruikte hem toch, in een antwoord op een vraag uit het publiek. Die vraag ging over de noodzaak, om je eigen plekje te verdedigen in een steeds verder globaliserende wereld. Want… 

Antony and Cleopatra, Tiago Rodrigues. Photo: Magda Bizarro.

'I have no problem at all if spectators want to see Anthony and Cleopatra. But for me, it's about something else.' Tiago Rodrigues writes theatre for dancers.

Anthony and Cleopatra is exactly the kind of repertory piece that people look forward to during the Holland Festival, or any other prestigious stage. Director and writer Tiago Rodrigues manages not so much to deflate that grandiose expectation as to reduce it to the intimacy of a duet and a play with extremely basic theatrical gestures. His two actors are dancers, an experienced choreographer duo 

What a broken-down bus has to do with liberation and feminism. Dancer Djino Alolo on Piki Piki at the Holland Festival

Djino Alolo Sabin (1990) sits there, relaxed, in the morning at the hotel in Brussels. The night before, he has danced his solo Piki Piki for the first time, which will also be shown at Theater Frascati during the Holland Festival. The performance touches on many intense themes, but is anything but melodramatic. Rather, it expresses a relentless optimism.... 

Shout out! The big fill-in for the new arts plan.

The Council for Culture has just proposed the new Basic Infrastructure (BIS), and it has become a very big, in traditional terms 'prosperous', baby. Since the Council is not allowed to name names, and can only list functions, we have already made a fill-in list here, in which we list (very briefly, because little time and not knowing about everything) which existing cultural... 

*With sound!* Why the Holland Festival show doesn't have to stop for now

'Please stop the show!", shouted an 83-year-old former reviewer from the back row. Theatre Frascati fell silent for a moment. There had never really been such an interruption at the Holland Festival's traditionally festive press conference. And that while Faustin Linyekula had just got into his stride, telling about the projects he is carrying out with his Studio Kanako in Kisangani. They provided... 

Without memory, our theatre continues to innovate mindlessly, it turns out at the @theatrefestival

Dutch theatre is remembering less and less. This was evident last Friday during two meetings at ITA, the building that once housed the Stadsschouwburg. During Nieuwe Grond, part of the Dutch Theatre Festival, the topic was heritage. One meeting will possibly be remembered by the six attendees: the two guests plus presenter, and their three audience members. The other... 

Playwrights and cultural exploration (2) Sophie Kassies: 'A pool of plays that don't find an audience is an erosion of the profession'

The previous cultural exploration among playwrights gives cause for further exploration. From the earlier article, we take away that further privatisation only partially captures public money and objectives. See also from elevation ideals to efficiency thinking. We also take away that a public as all-important leads to one-sided popular culture, entertainment and false competition with the free circuit. It all has very little... 

Jouman Fattal, volgend jaar op tv, nu al te zien in Kikker’s ‘Wintercollectie’

De Wintercollectie heet het, en het is een vijfdaags minifestival vol verrassingen. Het Utrechtse Theater Kikker heeft er inmiddels een traditie van gemaakt om elk jaar rond Sinterklaas voor een paar echte surprises te zorgen. 10 voorstellingen van jonge makers, van video-art, tot ruige dance performance, van een stille monoloog tot postdramatische cyberpunk, voldoende om elke theaterliefhebber even wakker te… 

Tien dagen lang theater met kloten in Kikker Kiest (In één keer op de hoogte)

‘Als Paul zijn pink beweegt gebeurt er wat. Ze hebben een scène waarin Jochem een tekening maakt van Paul. Paul zit naakt te poseren. En dat duurt. Dat duurt lang. Jij en ik zouden dat als amateurs vullen met allerlei houdingen en bewegingen, maar Paul doet niks. Denk je. En er gebeurt van alles. HIj doet dus wel wat, maar… 

This is what devastation looks like: The Gabriels is the perfect mirror for stumpers like us. #HF17

Endless chatting at the kitchen table. While cooking. That's all they do, the brother, the sister, the ex, the two daughters-in-law and the mother of the Gabriel family. About recipes, about the old piano. About Thomas, the brother who died of parkinson's, about his wife, who due to informal care had no time to renew her doctor's degree. All very casually, without... 

Garry Feingold and Ger Jager, Dance Makers, 2012. Photo: Jean-Pierre Jans.

Extremely rare landslide possible in contemporary dance in the Netherlands.

In contemporary dance, artistic leaders are often in place for decades, at least in the Netherlands. This week, Leo Spreksel announced his departure from Korzo, as of September 2017. After 29 years, the director and programmer of dance at the theatre and production house in The Hague is calling it a day, because "in the Netherlands, commercialisation is pushing away the voice of artists: procedures and formats are... 

Quirky Veem sets example for dance sector

Het Veem is a small but important theatre and unofficial production house overlooking the Houthavens in Amsterdam. The house has long been home to internationally operating contemporary performing arts. A place where the artist and his or her experimental work are still central. Since Anne Breure became director in 2014, it bears the addition House of Performance. With... 

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