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Heart cry of Lili Boulanger echoes through TivoliVredenburg

Although Lili Boulanger (1893-1918) is considered one of the most important French composers of the early 20th century, her music is rarely performed. On Friday 10 November, Du fond de l'abîme will be heard in the AVROTROS Friday Concert. A godsend, because this setting of psalm 130 is of a throat-splitting beauty. Boulanger completed the piece in 1917, a year before her death. American conductor James... 

Goeyvaerts and Ustvolskaya: man and woman with hammer

In February 2017, The Collective combined the radical music of Galina Ustvolskaya with the heavenly chants of Hildegard von Bingen. Less strange than it seems, as both were deeply religious and composed from inner necessity. On Thursday 26 October, Spectra Ensemble places Ustvolskaya alongside Karel Goeyvaerts at Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Ustvolskaya is well enough known here in the country by now, but who was... 

Klaas de Vries finds neotonic heaven: 'I can't resist composing'

Dutch composer Klaas de Vries (Terneuzen 1944) pairs Stravinskyian clarity with southern sensuality. He nurtures a love for poets like Pablo Neruda and Fernando Pessoa, and his work excels in recognisable melodies and rhythms. 'However innovative, to be communicative, music must always contain a traditional element,' he said. On 28 and 30 November, Asko|Schönberg will play... 

9 (On)gehoorde platen die je niet mag missen dit najaar

9 Platen vol buitengewoon geluid dat niet onopgemerkt en onbesproken blijft. Fatima Al Qadiri – Shaneera (Hyperdub) Durban taxi techno en Arabische queer cultuur komen samen op deze pompende EP. Want, op deze plaat hoor je hoe kale, koude drums schandalig voortjakkeren onder microtonale of game-achtige synthesizer-melodie. Zwaar in de bassen en los in de onderbuik breekt Al Qadiri gender-hokjes… 

Lavalu's nocturnal movement

Hoog in een chique appartement gaf Lavalu (artiestennaam van Marielle Woltring, Cleveland, Ohio, 1979) onlangs tijdens het Eindhovense festival FlatFest een try-out van haar nieuwe programma. Voor het eerst gaat ze nu zonder band, solo met piano, op tournee in kleine zalen waar een goede vleugel staat. Op die zondagmiddag in Brabant werd al snel duidelijk dat er ergens iets… 

Rozalie Hirs: “‘parallel world [breathing]’ is droomachtig muzieklandschap”

Al eeuwen zien wetenschappers verbanden tussen muziek en de ordening van het heelal. Het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest nam dit als uitgangspunt voor zijn concert op 19 oktober in de serie Horizon. In samenwerking met de Universiteit van Amsterdam wordt een ‘polyfone kosmos’ gerealiseerd. Peter Eötvös componeerde hiervoor het orgelconcert Multiversum, Rozalie Hirs schreef ‘parallell world [breathing]’. Het stuk van Eötvös beleeft… 

North Netherlands Orchestra plays Canto ostinato

To his own dismay, Simeon ten Holt became famous as the composer of a single piece: Canto ostinato for four pianos. This composition immediately struck a chord at its world premiere in 1979. It still sounds just about every day somewhere in the world, in all possible line-ups. From 12 to 14 October, the Noord Nederlands Orkest will present a... 

Klankverkenner Aart Strootman wint Gaudeamus Award 2017

Op zondag 10 september werd in TivoliVredenburg de Gaudeamus Award voor componisten onder de 30 uitgereikt. Winnaar was de Nederlandse gitarist, componist en instrumentontwerper Aart Strootman (1987). Hij werd gekozen uit 5 genomineerden en ontving de prijs uit handen van jurylid Christopher Trapani. De jury bestond verder uit Joe Cutler en Mayke Nas. Net als vorig jaar nodigde Gaudeamus haar… 

Gaudeamus Music Week: the squeak-grunt definitively over?

De Gaudeamus Muziekweek lijkt het stadium van doorwrochte, maar publieksonvriendelijke ‘piep-knor’ definitief achter zich te hebben gelaten. Het gerenommeerde festival voor nieuwe muziek brengt in vijf dagen tijd 129 composities uit 32 landen. Asko|Schönberg en Cappella Amsterdam trapten woensdag 6 september af met een bonte variëteit aan stijlen. Aldus vormde het openingsconcert een graadmeter van wat modernemuziekliefhebbers tot en met… 

Reinbert de Leeuw dirigeert Kurtág op historische cd-box

De driedelige cd-box met koor- en ensemblewerken van György Kurtág is in één woord overweldigend. Diens zieldoorklievende klanken worden subliem vertolkt door Reinbert de Leeuw c.s. Ook de opname is onberispelijk. Deze box is nu al historisch, een monument voor de Hongaarse grootmeester, die afgelopen februari 91 werd. Kurtágs existentialistische muziek werd al vanaf midden jaren ‘70 in ons land… 

Mantra (II) Stockhausen with middle finger raised is highlight #HF17

Soepel dalen ze de trap af van het Amsterdamse Concertgebouw. Lucas en Arthur Jussen zijn dressed to kill. Met hun kek gesneden, doorzichtige kostuums hebben ze de eerste slag al binnen nog voor ze één noot gespeeld hebben van Mantra van Karlheinz Stockhausen. Niet alleen in hun outfit, maar ook in hun eigenzinnig spel tonen de jonge pianisten lef. Heerlijk, zo’n… 

Mantra (I): Pushing for Jussen brothers swaying Stockhausen #HF17

Lucas and Arthur Jussen are 'hot'. You could call the young piano brothers the headliner of this Holland Festival Proms. Well before the start of their concert, visitors are therefore already gathering in the corridors around the main hall of the Concertgebouw. Everyone is out for a good seat. To sit, because standing, as we know it from... 

Forbidden Music Regained: webarchief van vervolgde componisten

Woensdag 20 juni lanceerde Kajsa Ollongren de website Forbidden Music Regained in de Uilenburgersjoel in Amsterdam. De hoofdstedelijke loco-burgemeester en wethouder cultuur citeerde ruimtevaarder Neil Armstrong en noemde het project ‘a giant step for mankind’. Ze vervolgde: ‘De website is ook belangrijk voor de stad Amsterdam, want we kunnen en mogen niet vergeten wat zeventig jaar geleden in onze stad… 

Jussen piano brothers step out of their comfort zone at Holland Festival #hf17

Among classical music-loving audiences, the two young pianists Lucas (1993) and Arthur (1996) Jussen need little introduction. For many years, the talented piano brothers have been filling halls like the Concertgebouw with four-handed or otherwise, interpretations of classics such as Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert. With the avant-garde piece Mantra by Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007), to be performed as part of the Holland Festival,... 

Mouse on Mars kit everything up with botox muzak. #HF17

The Shadow of Ideas (De Umbris Idearum ... The Acousmatic Memory Palace) is the title of one of the pieces played by electronica duo Mouse on Mars with Ensemble Musikfabrik. The shadows are indeed shooting against the scrap of the Muziekgebouw. Ideas, however, have not yet formed. Nudges to do so roar loosely through the space. Transported elsewhere Akoesmatic music... 

Composer George Crumb gives like button a break #HF17

The doors are closing and the society of spectacle, as described by Guy Debord, remains outside. George Crumb (1929) - in focus at this year's Holland Festival - unpacks contemporary man with his Metamorphoses, Book I (which has its European premiere Friday night). Gone, then, goes the shell of the ongoing pandemonium in which a diarrhoea of word, image and sound meet... 

This is what devastation looks like: The Gabriels is the perfect mirror for stumpers like us. #HF17

Endless chatting at the kitchen table. While cooking. That's all they do, the brother, the sister, the ex, the two daughters-in-law and the mother of the Gabriel family. About recipes, about the old piano. About Thomas, the brother who died of parkinson's, about his wife, who due to informal care had no time to renew her doctor's degree. All very casually, without... 

Holland Festival blames itself with Orphanage of Music #HF17

The Orphanage of Dutch Music presents monthly 'forgotten Dutch masterpieces' at Amsterdam's Splendor stage. 'To discover the finer points', these are performed twice, interrupted by 'a short commentary or interview with special table guests'. On paper, a golden formula. Rightly so, the Holland Festival adopted three episodes. With the music, during the opening concert on Thursday, it was all in... 

Première Double Play: hoe verwerk je de klassenstrijd in een zinderend potje domino?

In de jaren tachtig, toen ik een paar jaar leraar speelde op Curaçao, trok er een siddering van bewondering en huiver door de intellectuele bovenlaag van het eiland. Dubbelspel verscheen, de inmiddels klassieke Curaçaose roman van Frank Martinus Arion. Het was een klapper. Gerrit Komrij was gek op de roman. [bol_product_links block_id=”bol_5924039b33ad6_selected-products” products=”9200000057138048,9200000005225011″ name=”harri” sub_id=”arion” link_color=”003399″ subtitle_color=”000000″ pricetype_color=”000000″ price_color=”CC3300″ deliverytime_color=”009900″… 

Composer Huba de Graaff: 'I value provocative radicality'

Using a television interview as a libretto for an opera? Quirky composer Huba de Graaff does not shy away from it. On 22 June, her opera The Naked Shit Songs will have its world premiere. It is based on a 1996 conversation by Theo van Gogh with British artist duo Gilbert & George. Due to lack of interest, De Graaff wanted her opera with a... 

Grażyna Bacewicz: 'A composer doesn't want to repeat himself'

In Poland, her name appears on street signs and school buildings, and statues of her stand in public parks. Grażyna Bacewicz (1909-1969) was the first Polish woman to achieve international success as a composer. Her work can even be found on one of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra's CD anthologies. Yet she is still virtually unknown here in the country. Unjustly so, as she wrote... 

Andriessen's The Matter opens World Minimal Music Festival

Wednesday 5 April kicks off the fifth edition of the biennial World Minimal Music Festival. For five days, the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ will be filled with hypnotic rhythms, trance-inducing melodies and conjuring drones. Alongside well-known works by pioneers such as La Monte Young and Terry Riley are new compositions by Kate Moore and Bryce Dessner. There will also be performances by the Master... 

Conductor Alan Gilbert makes Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra shine

Alan Gilbert conducted the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra for the fifth time on Wednesday 8 February. Until the end of this season, he is chief of the New York Philharmonic, exuberantly expressing his love for contemporary music. He proved to be the ideal conductor to premiere Joey Roukens' new work, aptly leading the musicians through the exhilarating... 

Gerrit Rietveld's Red and Blue Chair in original and later condition (source:

The Rietveld chair was brown - 10 things you didn't know about De Stijl #MTDD

Something with straight lines and planes and primary colours. We all get that far with De Stijl. But did you know that there was also Style music and that a mechanical figure danced to that, er, Style? Let's get things straight before the Mondrian to Dutch Design exhibition season begins. 1. Mondrian was not the big man of De Stijl Piet... 

Moving Futures in Amsterdam: young talent shows playful dance about identity

The Amsterdam version of the Moving Futures festival 2017 has begun. For four days, young dance makers show all sides of their creativity. I experienced a cosmic journey with (SHIFT), was cheered by Third Culture Kid by Joseph Simons and saw the excitement slumped a little by a piano at the end of Your Mother at my Door by Timothy and... 

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