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Carlo Boszhard as a gnome: 3 reasons why 'Maestro' does suck

Tonight (Thursday 18 December), the second season of TV programme 'Maestro' will have its finale. Dutch celebrities such as schlager singer Frans Duijts and presenter Sylvana Simons try to conduct a symphony orchestra under supervision. They will be judged by conductor Otto Tausk, violinist Isabelle van Keulen and double bassist Dominic Seldis. Letter writers and columnists tumble over each other in condemning the programme. 'Maestro' would be a knee-jerk... 

At last: National Theatre examines 'German Model'

Good going, over there in The Hague. After the company announced earlier this week that it would take a young creator into its artistic leadership before his death, today follows the announcement that Het Nationale Toneel wants to merge with the Koninklijke Schouwburg. This would mean that, for the first time in a long time in the Netherlands, the performer of a city theatre would again be... 

Farce around The Interview turns into thriller - Sony succumbs to threat from unknown source

It gets crazier and crazier with The Interview, the US comedy in which the CIA wants to implicate two television journalists in an assassination attempt against the leader of North Korea.

You could almost say that film has once again been overtaken by reality.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Brian Eno during rehearsals for Golden Hours, 12 December 2014, photo © Anne Van Aerschot

Rosas away from Brussels? The political game has begun.

Choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker sends out an alarming press release. Following the decision by the Brussels theatre De Munt/La Monnaie to stop programming dance, she wonders whether Rosas is still welcome in Brussels. "The news that the management of La Monnaie is scrapping all dance fills me with disbelief. Historically, ... 

Should Halbe Zijlstra apologise only to Overijssel?

Ten per cent fewer performances and ten per cent fewer visitors in Overijssel headlines RTV Oost. Bam! That chops it. Into the bin, that jubilant press release by Jet Bussemaker. And if there is one province that does not need to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra, it is Overijssel. Well, we reported earlier that apologies are not necessary anyway, but as a province... 

Amsterdam art is doing great. Unless you are a (young) artist.

Two corpses. Despairing bystanders. A blood-red photo. The cover of the Exploration, released by the Amsterdam Arts Council, makes one fear the worst. A massacre has been committed. Even if it is a scenic photo of a performance by Toneelgroep Amsterdam. Or is it all different? Are only two dead, and the rest live on? Something about shows that on must go?.... 

Stories with vertigo: the start of a revolution?

You have to do something with these new media. Although there are poets and writers who are disgusted by anything that seems to be more than scarce ink on white paper. For the group of innovators, the literary fund has set up a project together with the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum and the stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie. Writers and poets will receive a few thousand euros p.p. to work together... 

Questions, stillness and resistance: choreographer Nicole Beutler's new Echo and earlier work on tour in the Netherlands

5:Echo, choreographer Nicole Beutler's most recent production, is a curious show. All focus is on two famous pioneers of Dutch dance in the 60s and 70s: Ellen Edinoff and Bianca van Dillen. Yet Echo mainly shows how impossible (and perhaps undesirable) it is to want to revive past glories. Dancer Kelly... 

La bohème 2: verismo of the highest order

After the premiere of Puccini's perhaps most beloved opera La bohème at De Nationale Opera last Thursday, critics were divided in their reaction. Trouw praised conductor Roberto Palumbo, who 'can maximise Puccini's masterful effects', Place de l'Opéra chided the Italian for taking 'too much freedom in the phrasing of the melodies'. Culture Press colleague Henri Drost did not keep it dry 

The Hague takes the lead in rejuvenating theatre landscape: De Vroedt not going to Rotterdam

Eric de Vroedt will succeed Theu Boermans at the Nationale Toneel in The Hague in 2018. The company announced this in a press release today. This puts an end to speculation surrounding the future of theatre-maker De Vroedt. Indeed, he had long been mentioned as Alize Zandwijk's successor at the ro Theater in Rotterdam,... 

The myth of cultural entrepreneurship: 6 reasons why it's not about money

Since the cuts, it has become a bitter necessity for many, cultural entrepreneurship. But what exactly that is, nobody knows at all. Even the government actually has no idea when talking about it. But, the government asks, so there must be an answer. In recent years, the Dutch art world has been flooded with self-proclaimed experience experts on cultural entrepreneurship.... 

Open, flexible and on top of everything: 9 expected and unexpected tasks for the theatre of the future

What does the theatre of the future look like? That question Odeon De Spiegel Theatres posed to the FMT Workforce, the online brainstorming environment of our partner Fast Moving Targets. We also brought the message here. Odeon and De Spiegel are two theatres in Zwolle. Well-run theatres, but always looking for the new opportunities offered by new technologies and developments.... 

Manga writer paints on gold. Is Yoshiyasu Tamura a new hit or plaything of the rich?

Three calls. So that helps. When you have an exhibition to sell, in the middle of the Grachtengordel. According to the PR officer, no serious medium was interested in the exhibition. Now those art editors have a hard enough time as it is, so if something cannot be seen in one of the usual places, a journalist from De Volkskrant is not likely to... 

La Bronkhorst and very young Van Noten dance Ende der Zukunft: bold initiative with ditto outcome

Dancer and choreographer Truus Bronkhorst initiated a collaboration between Antwerp-based Kunst/Werk and Tilburg-based T.R.A.S.H. The double programme and duet combines choreographies by Marc Vanrunxt and Kristel van Issum. Ende der Zukunft has become a wondrous staging of gaping gaps: of time of life, of artistic experience, but above all of artistic conception. Intergenerationality (oui, c'est un mot) concerns relationships that... 

Bird twittering instead of revenge

Saturday 6 December sees the start of the first edition of Music Theatre Days, the successor to the annual Babel Festival. To present the work of young makers, the Ostadetheatre and production core Diamantfabriek joined forces again, for a programme that offers flash performances by conservatory students alongside world premieres by professional makers. Splendor's monthly Salon also takes place at the Ostadetheatre. Red thread... 

Precisely the 'worst' speakers made TEDX Amsterdam a party

The Speech Doctor reviews: The 3 Anti-Speakers of TEDX Amsterdam 2014: Duncan Stutterheim, Ton van Oostwaard and Henk Schiffmacher. What is TEdx Amsterdam? On Friday 27 November 2014, the Netherlands' most famous TEDx, TEDx Amsterdam took place again at the Stadsschouwburg. TED is a global organisation where people of name and fame (or before name and fame) show up to present their 'ideas... 

Speculating with grant money. Is that allowed?

Boymans is proud. The Rotterdam museum has been able to snatch up a very nice statue, for 123,000 euros less than the asking price. And all because they bought it via an option construction. Writes NRC. That option construction did cost 22,000 euros. Money they would have lost if the dollar rate had fallen instead of risen. It is already... 

Fifa executive turns out to be art expert

That it smells a bit like rotten fish in the Fifa offices is well enough known. The men's club of upstart youth team managers has refined its own revenue model considerably. So now it appears it is no longer just about beautiful women, cocaine, money and other things you put in brown envelopes, but about art. And then it gets interesting. According to a further... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Reason 6 for no apology to Halbe: 'Premature, tendentious and damaging to the sector'

The distinguished part of the arts sector is also reacting furiously to the VVD's statements, chronicled by De Telegraaf this morning. This brings the number of reasons for the sector not to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra to six. Whereas we previously gave five reasons, the Dutch Association of Performing Arts now also declares that we are only in the course... 

A dress made from a mop. Chris Nauta breaks through with recycling fashion

Chris Nauta breaks through. The Amersfoort-based artist makes new clothes from old blankets, tents and other unlikely materials. She was prominent at Oerol and can count stars including Gregory Porter among her fans. 'My customers get a unique piece of art and reduce waste.' Chris Nauta is Central Netherlands' recycling artist. She makes winter coats from used blankets, brightly coloured bags from... 

In advance, 5 reasons why no one needs to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra.

According to the VVD, all artists and art lovers in the Netherlands should say 'sorry' to Halbe Zijlstra. Because they were so angry with him when he abolished 30 per cent of art subsidies without any underlying idea. After all, according to the Ministry of Culture, things were going fan-tas-tically with the arts in the Netherlands. Anyone who reads the press release the ministry issued yesterday on that... 

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