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Subject: Application for programme manager Culture & Social Domain

Dear Library South-Kennemerland, I would like to apply for the position of 'Culture & Social Domain Programme Manager' that you published on the 'Cultural Vacancies' website. You see, I am a huge supporter of the idea that a library should associate itself with books as little as possible. After all, the clouds of dust are already smelling you up. Of course, you also knew all along that a bookcase... 

Amsterdam Museum moves temporarily to Hermitage Amsterdam

3.5 years of permanent presentation, temporary exhibitions and programming The Amsterdam Museum will move to the Hermitage Amsterdam, where it will be open to the public from Saturday 5 March 2022. The Amsterdam Museum's current location, the former Civic Orphanage at Kalverstraat 92, will close due to a large-scale renovation. From March 2022 until 2025, the Amsterdam Museum will display... 

'Weeping people desperately sought family photos'. Franco Faggiani wrote a novel about the earthquakes in Italy

Houses, monuments, shops and streets were wiped off the map. Nearly three hundred people died under the rubble. Franco Faggiani (73) wrote a gripping book about the earthquake that hit central Italy five years ago: Sometimes I'd like to be the wind. Success Whenever possible, Franco Faggiani treks into the northern Italian mountains. Once again, he finds himself in the Piedmontese... 

'Please tell me what happened, because I can't grasp it.' Nicola Lagioia wrote a penetrating book about a brutal murder in Rome.

Five years ago, Rome was rocked by a brutal, bloody murder. Under the influence of cocaine and alcohol, two near-thirties murdered for no reason a young man they did not know. Writer and journalist Nicola Lagioia, like many other compatriots, was gripped by the case. 'This is not just a story about a murder, but above all about loneliness.' Manuel Foffo and... 

Supervisors come to ministry with cry for help: 'What is gone once is hard to rebuild.'

'We are coming up with this heartfelt cry because we are genuinely concerned that the cultural sector is not overcoming the lockdowns of the past two years.'This is what the chairmen of the Supervisory Boards of a large number of cultural institutions are writing today in a letter to Ernst Kuipers, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, and Robbert Dijkgraaf and Gunay Uslu, Minister and State Secretary of... 

Entertainment industry turns vulnerable amateurs into serfs

By now, everyone with a modicum of fame in the Netherlands has participated in a show where secrecy is essential. This can range from the relatively innocuous concealment of the winner of De Slimste Mens to the extreme secrecy that is the subject of Wie Is De Mol (WIDM) and which ultimately leads to the strangulation contracts attached to talent shows like The... 

Taskforce: This is the Opening and Recovery Plan the cultural sector needs 

Today, the Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce presents its Opening and Recovery Plan to the cabinet and the House of Representatives. The aim is a predictable and careful corona approach for audiences, creators and cultural organisations. An approach where the policy reflex is no longer 'closing', but 'staying safely open'; an approach with prospects for recovery. In the plan, the Taskforce makes six proposals to... 

Plein Theatre is open as a Pop Up Gallery & Store! The Gallery features the Dutch premiere of the 3D video simulation installation Event Horizon by digital sculptor, simulator and animator Jaehun Park.

From 16 January, Plein Theater will be open as a Pop Up Gallery & Store, where the Dutch premiere of the 3D video simulation installation Event Horizon by artist Jaehun Park will be on display. Jaehun Park (born 1986, South Korea) is a digital sculptor, simulator and animator. The artist's work and his book Real-time limbo will also be on sale. Besides the... 

Many theatres became rich because of the pandemic. But their future is darker than ever.

No one understands yet why the theatres, museums and concert halls have to stay closed, while shops and contact professions are back in full swing. And rightly so: we all want a normal life again, going to the movies together, dancing at a cool concert, and strolling past art in a museum. We need relaxation. However, there is also a downside to this... 

The government is digging in where precisely cooperation with society is needed. 

I suspect that the decision to keep the museums, concert halls and theatres closed, while sports and Bijenkorf can open, was not born out of cultural hatred. A year ago, I would have doubted it. Now it is clear that those of you from the OMT do not actually want relief at all, but want to curb the biggest threat of civil disobedience. Sportsmen and middle-class people are more likely to throw... 

Cultural and creative sector taskforce: open up the cultural sector!

The Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce calls on the government to adopt consistent policies across sectors and assumes that: - now that commercial flow-through venues (such as the Bijenkorf) are reopening, cultural flow-through venues such as museums, monuments and presentation institutions can also open their doors. - now that indoor sports are possible again, active arts and culture will also be possible again. This... 

Amsterdam Museum displays Golden Carriage in open air despite lockdown

Today, King Willem-Alexander announced that the Golden Coach will not be used for the time being. However, the restored Golden Coach, which will remain in a glass enclosure in the courtyard of the Amsterdam Museum until 28 February after more than five years of restoration, will be on display again. Indeed, the Amsterdam Museum is opening the gates to its courtyards 


The façade of the Maaspodium in Rotterdam will be colourfully lit with children's drawings for the next few weeks. In the idea of "theatre gives colour to life", children could submit colour plates over the past few weeks, which the theatre uses to drag its façade through the dark days and a lockdown. Business leader Bernadette Stokvis: "Children literally keep our stage alive". A lockdown during the... 


The virus may be unpredictable, but how we respond to it need not be. The Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce calls on the government to quickly come up with a predictable government strategy aimed at different stages of the pandemic. Indicate at which corona signal values restrictive measures for the cultural sector come into effect or can be lifted. Link... 

Performing Arts Fund works to clean up grant jungle

It all goes into effect only in 2023, at the earliest, but the first gusts of fresh wind blowing through the Performing Arts Fund are stirring the treetops. Under new director Viktorien van Hulst, the Fund wants to put an end to the many subsidy schemes that in recent years, under the guise of 'customisation', have become a bureaucratic jungle... 

Legend David Bowie guarantees perpetual exploitation

In honour of David Bowie's 75th birthday on 8 January 2022, the long-awaited album "TOY" will be released on 6×10-inch vinyl, cassettes and a 3 CD set a day before. In fact, this previously unheard album is part of the Brilliant Adventure boxset, which fans have been able to buy for 150 euros since November 2021. Is this a long-awaited sign from the afterlife, or... 

This is why Culture Press exists - The most read stories of 2021.

These are the stories that stirred mouse arms and click fingers in 2021, and this is exactly the material from which Culture Press derives its raison d'être. It is the top ten most read stories, in a year that saw over 250,000 page views. Fear and trembling in the culture sector: the dark side of the 'trickle down' Ingrid van Frankenhuyzen did... 

Nerd podcast on Marijn Lems' (NRC) annual list: Mental trauma and struggling with loss and grief.

Marijn Lems has a hobby that coincides nicely with his work as a reviewer for NRC Handelsblad, Theaterkrant and Cultuurpers. After all, he plays countless games, sees bizarre amounts of television series and also goes to the theatre more than many colleagues can afford. Every year, he creates a top list, which he posts on Facebook. Once it was the... 


The weekend of Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 January 2022 will be a special theatre weekend despite the lockdown, because then Maas theatre and dance will broadcast live two existing performances as well as a unique Toddler Press Conference. The Great Save Your Ass Show (6+) and Lampje (8-108 yrs) were due to play several times in front of an audience during the Christmas holidays, but will instead play... 

Amsterdam Museum: Visitor figures 2021 and outlook 2022

Like other museums, 2021 was another difficult year for the Amsterdam Museum. The museum was closed for the first five months of the year due to corona measures and was only allowed limited visitors after that. Nevertheless, the Amsterdam Museum still welcomed 138,000 visitors in 2021. The museum's digital reach grew strongly. A record number of digital visitors were attracted with... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Cultural sector representatives and Culture Minister Van Engelshoven agree to continue paying self-employed workers as much as possible

Today, outgoing Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands Association for the Performing Arts (NAPK) and the Free Theatre Producers Association (VVTP) agreed to use funds from the support packages to pay self-employed people as fully as possible. This is a prelude to broader agreements on the pass-through of the specific support packages within the entire cultural sector, which the Taskforce... 

KunstZINnig #3: Jasmijn Huisman in conversation with Gershwin Bonevacia, city poet of Amsterdam: ''If I don't write, I find it harder to process events.''

In the third episode of the podcast KunstZINnig, journalist Jasmijn Huisman talks to Amsterdam city poet Gershwin Bonevacia about how poetry gives meaning to his life: 'There is always a fire inside me that I cannot deny. I didn't make the choice to write, I just can't do anything else.' Gershwin Bonevacia is... 

170 million added structurally. The cultural sector can breathe a sigh of relief. Our wish list

Rutte 4 says sorry to Rutte 1, 2 and 3. We cannot explain the new coalition agreement very differently. Almost all the crown jewels of 11 years of neoliberal policies have been abandoned. That the budget for the cultural and creative sector is now (including marginal repairs during Rutte 3) back to 2010 levels is almost unbelievable. That... 

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