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Italian author Nadia Terranova ©Sandro Messina

The poetic phrases in 'The night trembles' contrast beautifully with the pain described

A sensitive, moving novel about natural and human violence: The Night Trembles by Nadia Terranova is highly recommended. The major earthquakes in Umbria in 2016 are probably still on many people's minds. But who remembers that over a hundred years ago, the south of Italy was hit by a devastating earthquake, the most destructive even in Europe in the 20th... 

Forever and ever and ever © Sjoerd Derine

Forever and ever and ever and ever

A festive wedding about death From 9 May to 2 June, NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) plays its 11th summer performance on location in Utrecht Leidsche Rijn: Forever and ever and ever and ever. Theatre-makers Greg Nottrot and Floor Leene stage their own wedding, assisted by musician Pascal van Hulst and directed by Maurits van den Berg. For... 

Created with DALL-E 3 at the prompt "Ravine year affecting the city of Utrecht"

Ravine year 2026: Utrecht shows what consequence austerity can have

We need to talk about the Ravine year for a moment. After all, in 2026, the government is cutting billions from the municipal fund. Until now, this has been quite abstract because, let's face it: do we have any idea what money in your city goes where and from whom it comes? Municipal spending is a black box. My city now has in a row... 

Utrecht arts education embroiled in fighting divorce (Part 2)

The Utrecht School of Music, also known as DUMS, has decided not to apply for a subsidy from the municipality. In a letter the school sent at the beginning of April to consultation partners in the Utrecht amateur arts field, the management states: "Our teachers indicated at its foundation that they did not want to be subsidised in order to guarantee independence from the municipality. However, Cultural Affairs gave... 

Fltr: actress Juul Vrijdag, director Madeleine Matzer, author Peer Wittenbols, campaign image (Rene van der Hulst)

War drama 'The Stone in my Mouth' tours the country from 29 April

From 29 April to 18 May, the war drama The Stone in My Mouth - eighty years after the liberation of Brabant - is set in Camp Vught. The true story of the Eindhoven girl Marietje, on which the gripping performance is based, was partly set at this special, historic location. The premiere is Sunday, 5 May. After the playing period in Kamp Vught, the performance will be at various locations along... 

DFF campaign image

Festival season Dutch performing arts 2024 kicks off with Delft Fringe Festival

From 28 May to 9 JuneDelft, Monday 15 April 2024 - From 28 May to 9 June, 28 creators will turn Delft on its cultural head for nine days and you can visit 31 locations throughout the city for cabaret, dance, family theatre, cabaret, music and everything in between. With this, Delft bites the dust of the cultural festival season... 

Created with DALL-E 3 at the prompt: "An artist being watched by supervisors in black and white, without coloured-in figures, as in a pen drawing"

Ten tips to avoid a Governance disaster

According to the site, "more than a thousand times a year within associations and foundations something goes wrong, with major consequences. Think of financial mess, inattention of supervisors or entanglement of interests'. In the cultural sector, we are familiar with the Governance Code for Culture, which hopes to prevent 'things going wrong' with a series of recommendations. If an 'issue' hits the media... 

Hidden past and new insights in 'Groninger Museum 150 years - Behind the Scenes'

Hidden treasures. Like other museums, the Groninger Museum houses many objects that deserve to be exhibited. Interesting paintings, sculptures or archaeological splendour of which visitors are unaware. Happy birthday is a treat. The Groninger Museum celebrates its hundred and fifty-year anniversary with - among other things - an exhibition in which you get a look behind the scenes. Objects... 

ZID Theatre presents programme for ExploreZ Festival 2024

A varied programme that takes visitors through groundbreaking performances and different perspectives Amsterdam, 4 April 2024 - Today, ZID Theatre is proud to present the programme for the ninth edition of the ExploreZ Festival. The multidisciplinary and international festival will take place from 7 to 18 May at various locations in Amsterdam. It promises an inspiring mix of local and international talents... 

Timeline of the Dutch period in New York

Exhibition on New Amsterdam from an Indigenous perspective 

Amsterdam Museum collaborates with the Museum of the City of New York and original inhabitants of New York Four hundred years ago, the first Dutch settlers arrived in the area that is now New York. Their mission from the Dutch West India Company (WIC) was to establish the colony of New Netherland, with its capital New Amsterdam, at the southern tip of... 

Forever - Campaign image

The NUT explores 'the future of death' in 2024 with theatre productions on endings and eternity

Utrecht, February 2024 - In 2024, NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) will produce a family production (6+), a location production with dinner in Utrecht and (for the first time!) a tour of major venues across the country. Every year, NUT explores the future of a particular theme. In 2023 this was the 'future of money' and in 2024 we dive into the... 

2 x Steve Reich and world premiere Tansy Davies: 18 April - Muziekgebouw

The pulse of Steve Reich's work lends itself ideally to transforming the atmosphere of a metropolis into music. Street sounds For City Life, Steve Reich took to the streets to record the sounds of New York. Conversations, car horns and alarms, a pile driver, slamming doors, as well as the beating of a heart. Played on samplers... 

"There is a wealth of new knowledge and insights in our museums"

Museums are not only a treasure chamber in which new qualities and stories can be found all the time, but also a workshop in which museum professionals and the public gain new knowledge, insights and experiences together. Museum scientific research is of great importance in deepening knowledge about the collection and examining it from the questions that today's society... 

The team of De Nijverheid, photographer Eric Kampherbeek

De Nijverheid receives Harm Lambers Building block for Special Art in Utrecht 2024

Utrecht - Last Saturday 30 March, cultural free port De Nijverheid received the Harm Lambers Building Block for Special Art in Utrecht. This honourable challenge trophy was presented by Utrecht dance company De Dansers, which received this biennial award for the first time in 2022. Praise from the jury Josephine van Rheenen of De Dansers was laudatory in the jury report on... 

Created with DALL-E via the prompt: 'A brave female knight fighting against diversity advocates in the form of dragons.'

The Free Left fights against code diversity without sound arguments.

Free art is in danger. At least that is what the Free Left Foundation claims. The article goes around persistently on facebook: "Unfree art is not really art at all." Actress Femke Lakerveld breaks a lance for the free arts in this interview with journalist Joep van Ruiten. The occasion is a manifestation in Groningen, which will feature a number of speakers on whether... 

Tompouce from bakery kwakman

In the 'tompouce economy', culture leads the way in green;

The doughnut - American delicacy of Dutch origin - is popular. Personally, I prefer the tompouce. The name sounds chicly French, yet it is a much-appreciated Dutch treat, mainly thanks to HEMA. British economist Kate Raworth took the doughnut as a metaphor her alternative to the current growth economy. She argues that economic science is a very... 

Miranda July (photo: Elizabeth Weinberg)Miranda July (photo: Elizabeth Weinberg)

Filmmaker and writer Miranda July to Utrecht for ILFU

American writer, filmmaker and artist Miranda July (1974) is coming to Utrecht on Saturday 15 June 2024. For the ILFU literature festival, she will give a one-off Book Talk in TivoliVredenburg about her long-awaited new novel All Fours. Miranda July gained worldwide fame with the 2005 feature film Me and you and everyone we know, for which she wrote the screenplay, directed and starred in... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Stages should be a safe place for everyone

It is with concern that we see an increasing number of polarisation-inspired incidents in our houses and on our stages. Everyone, from creators to staff and audiences, should be safe inside our houses and on our stages. In doing so, even in this antagonistic time, there is no place for actions or intimidations motivated by... 

Photo opportunity at the end of Delft Fringe's first 'Makers Day' on 8-2-2024. Photo by author

How Delft Fringe Festival is reaching audiences open to experimentation: 'Away with theatrical codes'

'What makes your performance unique? Why should people come to see you, what will they take home from it?' At the Delft Fringe Festival's first 'Makersday', at the end of January, it's little about art, but a lot about speed dates, workshops in marketing, pitching and making flyers. The 30 or so makers present also get a lesson in handling theatre criticism from... 


At a festive ceremony on the closing night of Cinedans FEST '24 (Sunday evening 24 March) at Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, the following international prizes were awarded for best dance film 2024: Cinedans JURY AWARDS Best Short Dance Film up to 25' €5,000 Until Director & Choreographer |Tanin Torabi |Iran| 2023|13′ From the jury report: Until portrays dance as a form of resistance and shifts the... 

New editing & theatre studio in Amsterdam

Top of the Bill for new generation of makers: 'Theatre Studio Artist Space' On 21 March, ICK Dans Amsterdam opened the doors of its new, state-of-the-art editing studio on the WG grounds in the heart of Amsterdam. Thanks to new sponsor ETC (Electronic Theatre Controls), the studio is now equipped with high-quality, sustainable LED lighting, making it an ideal editing studio for new (dance) makers. With... 

publicity image by Pauline Matusiak and Eddy Wenting

From 3 to 7 April, Plein Theater and Cat Smits Company present the Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam!

The Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam provides a stage for genre-transcending forms of visual theatre, object theatre, puppetry and queer perspectives. The third edition of the festival has the theme 'Weapons of the Weak', highlighting the power of vulnerability as a political tool. The highlight of the festival is the farewell performance by Neville Tranter, one of the world's best-known puppeteers, who after... 

Pete Wu (photo: Kevin Kwee) and Maxim February (photo: Linette Raven).

Maxim February and Pete Wu new editors-in-chief of

Writers Pete Wu and Maxim February will each be guest editor-in-chief of, the online platform of literature festival ILFU, for two months from April. During their chief editorship, they will contribute pieces themselves, highlighting themes and authors they find of interest. The daily literary contributions on the platform are free to all. ILFU Members create the stories with their financial contribution... 

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