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A Christmas Carol by Carl Davis and The Dutch Don't Dance Division

A deep bow for Gesamtkunstwerk A Christmas Carol by Carl Davis and The Dutch Don't Dance Division

So this: 'It is not easy to compete with YouTube, Netflix and other entertainment giants lying at our fingertips...' Wise words from Jiří Kylián in the foreword to the programme booklet of A Christmas Carol. The renowned choreographer sees The Dutch Don't Dance Division putting on something magical at the Zuiderstrand Theatre with their latest production: with limited resources in this multimedia... 

Karlheinz Stockhausen vaart ten hemel met Pinksteren

Vorig jaar barstte een kleine rel los toen het Holland Festival bekendmaakte in 2019 een grootschalig project op te tuigen rond de opera Licht van Karlheinz Stockhausen. Modernemuziekhaters schreeuwden moord en brand, want wie zit er nou te wachten op de akelige piepknor van de Duitse notensmid? Toch ontstond er meteen een run op de kaarten. Ook na zijn dood… 

Suzanna Jansen on Pauper Paradise: 'Poverty still leads to isolation'

The garish signs KEUKENHOF keep on whizzing past café Foolish Business, on a very sticky Tuesday morning. Hordes of tourists throng behind them, ready to spend money on picturesque pictures and unique experiences. My interest today is in the opposite, the desolate 19the century colonies in Drenthe, then called 'Dutch Siberia'. To me, Drenthe is known as ' a cyclist's paradise' but writer Suzanna Jansen wrote the 2008 bestseller The Pauper's Paradise about, in which she meticulously traced her family's history back five generations.

She is wearing a summery blue dress and is in transit to the 'crime scene' of our conversation, Veenhuizen, to drive past her 'favourite places' with RTV Drenthe. This is a tad ironic, since she knows Drenthe mainly through her ancestors, who lived and died under miserable conditions in the colonies.

15 June 2016 goes there in Veenhuizen theatre show The Pauper's Paradise   premiered in the courtyard of the Gevangenis Museum, about 'one of the most dramatic hidden histories in the Netherlands'.

Pauper image without text

As many as 1 million Dutch Descend from Veenhuizen customers[hints]From the registers reveals that Ruud Lubbers, Geert Mak and Alexander Pechtold, Thea Beckmann, Anton Pieck and Bert Haanstra, among others, are related to paupers from the 19th-century poor colonies[/hints].

Edith and Judith after arrival. So that's not how they hang in the exhibition! Photo Gemeentemuseum The Hague

Magical girls by Klimt and Schiele

There are outside opportunities to be taken advantage of. Egon Schiele's Portrait of Edith by his wife Edith will be joined by Gustav Klimt's Judith I from Vienna for a one-off at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. Two fascinating works, both very rarely on loan. And although the artists knew and appreciated each other, there is almost no greater difference imaginable than... 

Reisopera's Pearl Fishermen: sober but effective

Even before the Noord Nederlands Orkest's final chord has fully sounded out, the audience in a well-filled Theater Carré stands up as one to cheer on the cast of Bizet's Parelvissers. We are writing 24 February 2015 and this is one of the last performances of this austere but effective production by the Nationale Reisopera. Tonight, this... 

Aufführung der Komposition " Delusion of the fury " von Harry Partch in der Musiktheater Inszenierung von Heiner Goebbels mit dem Ensemble musikFabrik in der Jahrhunderthalle Bochum im Rahmen der Ruhrtriennale 2012-14 am Mittwoch, 21.08.2013

Seeing music (and not hearing it?)

Vanwege mijn fascinatie voor de complexe relatie tussen luisteren en kijken, besloot ik drie voorstellingen tijdens het recente Holland Festival te bezoeken en te ervaren wat er gebeurde als ik probeerde oren en ogen in gelijke mate de kost te geven. De eerste was “Delusion of the Fury” (1966) van de Amerikaanse componist Harry Partch, de tweede een concertante uitvoering van Philip Glass’ opera “The CIVIL warS” (1983), de derde een uitvoering van Franz Schuberts “Die Winterreise” (1827) waarbij vierentwintig korte films van de Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar William Kentridge werden vertoond.

Moritz Eggert: 'I want to give Wagner back his innocence'

With Tragedy of a Friendship commemorates Flanders Opera the bicentenary of Richard Wagner's birth. It is a production by controversial artist Jan Fabre, author Stefan Hertmans and composer Moritz Eggert. When I approach the German tone poet for a conversation about this opera, he reacts with shock: there is ab-so-lutely no question of an opera! Could I please clear up this misunderstanding once and for all?

Waiting for Miss Monroe a feast for the mind. But with earplugs in. #hf12

Al snel bracht Twitter een eerste reactie op Waiting for Miss Monroe, de opera van Robin de Raaff die gisterenavond in de Stadsschouwburg haar wereldpremiere beleefde. @DavidMPinedo: What an atrocious opera Raaff’s ‘Waiting for Ms. Monroe’. An atonal fart that has NOTHING musical. Just screaming. En een tweede. @sandraeik: Exciting worldpremiere Waiting for Miss Monroe – incredible performance by Laura Aiken as Monroe.… 

Soul Seek is de eerste internetopera ter wereld. Met een knipoog naar Mulholland Drive.

“Voor mij is opera véél meer dan alleen muziek,” zegt de Israëlische regisseur Sjaron Minailo. “Het klinkt misschien een beetje hoogdravend, maar mijn internetopera past helemaal in de traditie van Richard Wagner. Soul Seek is echt een multimediaal gesamtkunstwerk, waarin mode, webdesign en digitale media, spel, cinema, theater, dans en experimentele muziek tot één geheel samenvloeien. Zonder dat één element… 

Kunstenaars brengen paradoxen van Vliegbasis Soesterberg aan het licht op Festival #DeBasis

Kunst op vliegbasis Soesterberg is bijna per definitie een paradox. Het natuurterrein dat een militaire basis was, is dat ook. En daarom vindt beeldende kunst hier een perfecte thuisbasis. Voor festival De Basis zijn kunstenaars uit vijf landen gevraagd een dialoog met dit absurde, tot voor kort nog verboden terrein aan te gaan. Dat levert mooie tegenstellingen op. Allereerst in… 

#HF11 Playing with Nietzsche's moustache in opera fantasy by Wolfgang Rihm

An opera based on texts by Nietzsche, and then start with loud laughter and main character N trying to catch two water nymphs. Wait a minute, that's Wagner! Well, at Wagner's Rheingold involves three Rhine daughters, but the similarity is too great to be coincidental. And neither is this one, but in the first minutes of Wolfgang Rihm's Dionysos is much more going on. Here is a composer at work who not only plays with text and music, but also with centuries of cultural history and knows how to add jokes to it. It is to get intoxicated.

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