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Spread is only half the story about the region. There is also embedding.

Dat de Nederlandse podiumkunsten, zeker in verhouding tot ons omringende landen, in een gespreid bedje liggen, mag misschien een flauwe woordspeling lijken, maar het is toch waar. Gisteren presenteerden we een best alarmerend rekenvoorbeeld over de gevolgen van de nadruk op spreiding bij de beoordeling van subsidieaanvragen door het Fonds Podiumkunsten. Vandaag blijkt uit een vervolgreactie van datzelfde fonds dat… 

More performing arts to the region? Then possibly less performing arts to the region.

Er was de laatste maanden nogal wat gedoe over subsidies, vooral voor de podiumkunsten. Een paar geliefde middengroepen met een mooie staat van dienst kregen geen subsidie meer, ten gunste van nieuwkomers. De redenen voor de verschuiving waren legio. De woede erover ging vooral over de nadruk op Diversiteit en Inclusie en regionale spreiding in de beoordeling door Fonds Podiumkunsten… 

Culture Council examines funding in culture sector

The Culture Council is starting an advisory process on how to make funding for the cultural sector broader and more sustainable. The Financing Advisory Committee has been set up for this purpose. This committee examines how the alignment between public and private funding can be better organised and what barriers governments, financiers and cultural institutions experience in attracting private money. The council presents the advice... 

Stage grant award: €26.8 million for programming and audience connection

Fonds Podiumkunsten awards a total of €26.8 million in grants to 136 venues for the period 2025-2029. With the podium scheme, the Fund supports the presentation of professional performing arts offerings across the country. The production grant enables 51 stages to (co)produce and invest in talent development. Stages in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom The stages that from 1... 

The Chekhov moment you hadn't counted on.

Het beeld was een beetje Da Vinci. Aan een lange tafel zaten ze in mooi licht en het ging over weemoed en dreiging. Dit was op 1 februari 2025 in het Amsterdamse Debatcentrum De Balie het toneel van Laatste Avondmaal. Ter kruisiging: een aantal theatergroepen waarmee ik ben groot gegroeid. ‘t Barre Land gebroederlijk naast De Warme Winkel, Orkater naast… 


In de serie In Perspectief kijkt Erik Akkermans terug en vooruit naar ontwikkelingen in cultuurbeleid en -praktijk.  Vandaag: wat is echt nodig voor cultuurspreiding? In de Glazen Stad In een van de grote ruimtes van het veilingcomplex In Naaldwijk repeteerde het Westlands Mannenkoor onder leiding van dirigent Piet Struijk. Het koor, bestaande uit meer dan honderd tuinders, chauffeurs, middenstanders en… 

logo council for culture

Culture Council still dissatisfied with Reisopera and LKCA plans 

"LKCA only partially meets the first condition: providing insight into the activities to be undertaken for the 2025-2028 grant period. The requested planning and budget are missing. The addendum gives a picture of which activities will be divested, but only partly clarifies how these activities will be secured elsewhere and how the acquired knowledge will be safeguarded." The... 

Why we should never talk about the 'earning power' of culture again.  

"Strengthening earning capacity is a necessary condition to improve the labour market position of workers in the sector. Martin Verboom is happy to share what came out of the evaluation of the Cultural and Creative Sector Labour Market Agenda in this area. Platform ACCT is forging a coalition with partners in the sector to take up the priorities for the coming years." This was why... 


On Thursday 7 November, a spin-off campaign from the cultural sector will be launched: Don't Tax My Audience. In this campaign, we ask creators, artists, performers, and everyone working in the cultural and creative sector to tell us why they do not want to burden their audiences with 21% VAT. In a promo video, Huub Stapel, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Jeangu Macrooy and Gijs Scholten van Aschat call on everyone to... 


ICK Dans Amsterdam will end its production house function by 2025. This decision follows the advice of the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), which has decided not to grant this function and the corresponding funding. Besides its own productions, ICK will focus in the coming years on research especially the confrontation between the body and artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary collaborations,... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Campaign 1TP5Lettheclothnotfall collects over 30,500 statements of support

Amsterdam, 8 October 2024 - The "Don't let the curtain fall" campaign has successfully collected more than 30,500 expressions of support from loyal audiences. The initiative was launched by 59 members of the NAPK (Dutch Association for Performing Arts), which are in danger of closing down due to the lack of multi-year subsidies. Campaign results The signatures were presented on 8 October to the culture spokespersons of... 

An oxygen mask for society: Winnie Sorgdrager and a government case

It was with a certain scepticism, I must confess, that I began Winny Sorgdrager's book "Oxygen of Society. Why Culture is a Government Issue".1 I won't elaborate; let's just say that a book about Dutch cultural policy has been published before. More than once, in fact, and in those books... 

Boulevard on the Parade

Positive opinions for Theatre Festival Boulevard

This week, Fonds Podiumkunsten and the Province of North Brabant announced that Theatre Festival Boulevard will also receive subsidies for the next four years. On Wednesday 3 July, the Performing Arts Fund issued its advice on national cultural subsidies for the period 2025-2028. Theatre Festival Boulevard is extremely proud of the Fund's positive advice. Thank you to the committee who gave us... 

Bafflement at Silence over Culture Council's negative opinion

Today, completely unexpectedly, dance company de Stilte received a negative opinion from the Youth Performing Arts Committee of the Council for Culture. From January 2025, the company will no longer receive a subsidy from the Ministry of OC&W. Like a bolt from the blue, the assessment fell on the mat. In 2023, the company still had a positive monitor interview with the Youth Performing Arts Committee in which... 

Performing Arts Fund publishes decisions on multiannual grants 2025-2028 

On Wednesday 3 July, the Performing Arts Fund will present its decisions on applications for multiannual grants for the period 2025-2028; 52 festivals and 127 companies, makers (collectives) and ensembles will receive an award for multiannual support from the Fund. The annual total is €7.3 million and €40.2 million respectively. The Fund thus invests in making topical and distinctive... 

'Let's fill this town with artists', slogan on bookshop in Manchester. Photo by Wijbrand Schaap

New lesson from Manchester? 'Free the arts from colonisation by the middle class'

“Er leeft een angst onder de kunstzinnige middenklasse voor versimpeling, alsof mensen uit de arbeidersklasse niet slim genoeg zijn voor kunst. Ik vind dat echt beledigend. Mijn overgrootvader zou zich beledigd voelen.” Dit strijdbare citaat vond ik in The Mill, een uiterst succesvolle lokale nieuwssite voor de Greater Manchester Area, een soort Noord-Engelse Randstad met een paar miljoen inwoners. Het… 

In Brabant, arts subsidies are already going under

In Noord Brabant gaat vanaf 2025 de jaarlijkse provinciale subsidie voor professionele kunst met 629.000 euro per jaar omlaag. Konden prestigieuze, en zeer vitale organisaties als Boulevard, Bosch parade en Matzer tot nu toe rekenen op een bedrag van 8,25 miljoen, vanaf de nieuwe cultuurplanperiode is dat nog maar 7,6 miljoen.  De Brabantse culturele instellingen, verenigd in De Kunst van… 

Roy Kemmers by Michelle Muus

Sociologist Roy Kemmers: 'It is not the cultural institutions that should be protected, but the values they stand for.'

"The unease of the voters who gave Wilders 37 seats is not solved by the position of power the PVV has now achieved." Roy Kemmers (43) is an associate professor at the sociology faculty of Erasmus University in Rotterdam. On Tuesday 28 November, he wrote an opinion piece in De Volkskrant, commenting on the rise of populism. He obtained his PhD... 

DALL-E 2023-12-01 11.58.18 - A photorealistic image of an elephant rampaging through a china shop, with shelves of delicate porcelain items being knocked over and shattered. The e

The Arts and Culture discount can start as early as 13 December

On 6 December, the new House of Representatives will be sworn in. a week later, the deliberations on the budget tabled by the incumbent caretaker cabinet in September will begin. The then secretary of state for culture, Gunay Uslu, has since flown the coop and cannot be challenged on her budget. Someone else will now have to defend that budget. Those who wondered whether the peace... 

Overview of additional costs per sector (Source Kunsten92)

Research: fair pay in arts sector will cost an extra 180 million by 2025

The research is there, and the figures are not uplifting. In the arts sector, underpaying especially freelancers and not honouring overtime is standing policy. If that is to be made up from now on, with the existing budget, small institutions and festivals in particular will fall over immediately. The study on this was presented yesterday to outgoing Culture Secretary Uslu. Principal Arts... 

a photorealistic image inspired by the text you provided. It depicts a lively and colourful debate scene during a cultural event at the Herz hall of TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. The scene illustrates part of the 'Collective Creative Culture Debate', with a diverse group of participants including artists, policymakers and political figures. The atmosphere is a mix of serious discussion and informal conversation, with a focus on arts and culture policy. A digital display of DALL-E-generated interpretations of political party programmes can be seen in the background, transitioning into a series of socialist-realist artworks.

Collective Creative Culture Debate shows desperation art sector 

"But in the next week, can't you still come up with a law that enshrines art education in primary education?" A striking moment in the 'Collective Creative Culture Debate' held in a packed Herz of TivoliVredenburg on Wednesday 15 November. The Creative Coalition and Kunsten '92 made one last attempt to put arts and culture on the agenda of the... 

DALL·E 2023-11-14 17.16.50 - A noir-style, black and white illustration of modern jazz musicians performing in the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

IN PERSPECTIEF 18: Is het al begonnen, of is jazzbeleid in Nederland alweer voorbij?

In de serie In Perspectief kijkt Erik Akkermans terug en vooruit naar ontwikkelingen in cultuurbeleid en -praktijk. Vandaag: beleid voor jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek. Van de Oude Schans naar Rijswijk Mei 1983, maandagochtend, kwart over acht. Locatie: de zielloze kantoortoren in Rijswijk waar het Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur is ondergebracht. Minister Brinkman heeft de leden van de Werkgroep… 

How can local culture reach a high level against the odds?

A major musical theatre performance, an adapted classical play, an opera and a painting festival. The small municipality of Noordwijk - like that other coastal municipality of Bergen - offers an abundance of culture. All four events rely heavily on talent, subsidies and donations, volunteers, pragmatic thrift. And good weather. Noordwijk aan Zee has been a more than average municipality for centuries. Famous Dutchmen... 

Michiel1972, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

'Cabinet, reign on!', says Arts '92. How did it come to this?

Above all, we must continue with the favourable arts policy initiated by the fourth Rutte cabinet. That is what the arts umbrella organisation Kunsten ´92 says in a letter in response to the fall of the last cabinet under that name. This is a remarkable turn of events after 13 years in which most of the art world wanted nothing more than to get rid of the... 

Marianne Versteegh neemt afscheid - foto Cultuurpers

Arts sector yearns for freedom - Marianne Versteegh bids farewell to Kunsten'92 after 31 years, with rare inspiring symposium

Wie uit nieuwsgierigheid onderzoek wil doen, moet vooral niet bij de overheid aankloppen voor geld. Of je nu wetenschapper bent of kunstenaar: in Den Haag wil men graag dat je van tevoren al weet wat je gaat vinden en wat dat gaat opleveren. Anoek Nuyens, die furore maakt met haar voorstelling ‘De Zaak Shell’, kon daarom een volgende voorstelling over… 

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