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The Utility

Leonie Kuhlmann appointed business director at the NUT

Utrecht, 27 January - Leonie Kuhlmann will start as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) from 1 February. Kuhlmann brings with her a wealth of experience both inside and outside the theatre sector. She will apply her skills to NUT's strategic and organisational growth. Leonie Kuhlmann studied Administrative & Organisational Science and Teaching Theatre Making. She worked in recent years as... 

Grandma Final Boss: A loving and light family show about loss 

On tour along Dutch theatres - for young and old from 6 years old After a successful premiere in spring 2024 and performances for more than 1,600 children at primary schools in and around Utrecht, the light and loving family show Oma Eindbaas, produced by the NUT (text: Floor Leene, direction: Lara van Hoof), is now touring throughout the Netherlands. This extraordinary performance... 

Shakespeare lives and comes from Utrecht

The less real theatre is, the better it works. That insight dawned on me again this weekend, in Utrecht's Stadsschouwburg. Twice, in fact. Friday with the reprise of Aluin's Twelfth Night, Saturday with Koning Krump, the masterpiece by Het Nut. Two Utrecht groups, once sprung from the same theatre school, and drunk in the same theatre cafe, where... 

The NUT presents King Krump during presidential election USA

A breathtaking Shakespearean royal drama during the 60th presidential election in the United States. Utrecht, 2 September 2024 - In November, all voting Americans will go to the polls and choose their new president. In the weeks leading up to and during the election, the show King Krump can be seen in theatres across our country. King Krump is a breathtaking Shakespearean... 

pr image by Sjoerd Derine

Star actress Sigrid ten Napel says 'yes' to King Krump

Ster-actrice Sigrid ten Napel is dit najaar in het theater te zien in de nieuwe voorstelling van het Het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel): Koning Krump. Koning Krump is een adembenemend Shakespeareaans koningsdrama in een modern jasje dat ten tijde van de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen te zien is in de Nederlandse schouwburgen. De nieuwe toneeltekst is van Jibbe Willems, in regie van Greg Nottrot.  Naast… 

Business leader Jannet van Lange leaves NUT 

Utrecht, 26 June 2024 - Jannet van Lange (1982) will step down as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) in October 2024. She worked together with theatre producer and artistic director of NUT Greg Nottrot for more than 16 years. Van Lange and Nottrot have worked together since 2008. As a freelance dramaturge, Jannet was involved in his work and stood... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Three days of Good Gold Money yields over €11,000 in excess capital

Theatermaker Greg Nottrot werkt doorlopend aan een idealistische droom. Drie dagen Goed goud geld levert ruim € 11.000 aan overtollig kapitaal op Utrecht – Afgelopen weekend leverde de reprise van de voorstelling Goed goud geld maar liefst € 11138,16 op. In drie dagen tijd speelde theatermaker Greg Nottrot (het NUT) voor divers publiek op Heimland Festival en in Utrecht voor… 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Groundbreaking theatre show Good Gold Money returns

The NUT is (far) from finished with the future of money After a successful run and rave reception in summer 2023, the groundbreaking theatre production Good gold money returns on 21 and 23 June 2024 at the Heimland Festival in Diepenheim. Good gold money has not only impressed audiences at previous screenings, but also raised €101,332.80 in surplus... 

KING KRUMP: A breathtaking Shakespearean king's drama during the 60th presidential election in the United States.

Utrecht 8 May 2024 - In November, all voting Americans will go to the polls and choose their new president. In the weeks leading up to and during the election, the play King Krump can be seen in theatres across our country. King Krump is a breathtaking Shakespearean king's drama in a modern twist. Tug away from talk shows, 'America connoisseurs' and... 

Forever and ever and ever © Sjoerd Derine

Forever and ever and ever and ever

Een feestelijk huwelijk over de dood Van 9 mei t/m 2 juni speelt het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) haar 11de zomervoorstelling op locatie in Utrecht Leidsche Rijn: Voor altijd en altijd en altijd en altijd. Theatermakers Greg Nottrot en Floor Leene ensceneren hun eigen bruiloft, bijgestaan door muzikant Pascal van Hulst en in regie van Maurits van den Berg. Voor… 

Forever - Campaign image

The NUT explores 'the future of death' in 2024 with theatre productions on endings and eternity

Utrecht, februari 2024 – In 2024 maakt het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) een familieproductie (6+), een locatieproductie met diner in Utrecht en (voor het eerst!) een tournee langs grote zalen in het hele land. Ieder jaar onderzoekt het NUT de toekomst van een bepaald thema. In 2023 was dit de ’toekomst van geld’ en in 2024 duiken we in de… 

Illustration © Mart Veldhuis 1920x1080

Exhibition Other people's guilt at the NUT - Open house and theatrical talks at Berlin Square

From Wednesday 6 to Friday 15 March, you will find a special exhibition at the NUT studio (Berlijnplein, Utrecht). Other people's debt explores the world of debt through the lens of visual art. One in five households in the Netherlands faces money problems. Unfortunately, help often comes only when debts are already sky-high. In Andermans... 

PR image The Utility

The NUT presents in collaboration with Podium Hoge Woerd: 12 Good intentions

12 grapes. 12 courses. 12 wishes for the new year. Utrecht, 6 December 2023 - It was a busy year for the NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel), which included their already tenth summer performance on location in Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht. However, it is not the only tradition the NUT faithfully continues, as in January 2024 they will return... 

Scenebeeld door Rogier Boogaard

Frank Masmeijer gaat geen spijt krijgen van Nottrots Holiday Show

Of het wat minder oppervlakkig kan, was de vraag van een toeschouwer halverwege het eerste deel van De Grote Holiday Show van Het Nut. Greg Nottrot, in de rol van quizmaster van deze pastiche op de grote televisieshow uit de jaren tachtig, belooft dat er nog een laagje gaat komen. Want dat is hij verplicht, omdat hij subsidie krijgt.  Welkom… 

Illustration Mart Veldhuis

From start: Andermans schuld - Art project on debt by NUT in collaboration with Mart Veldhuis, De Buurtwerkkamer and Poverty Coalition Utrecht

The NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) presents, in collaboration with illustrator Mart Veldhuis, Andermans schuld: a social project at the intersection of visual art, podcast & language aimed at making the world of debt visible. From autumn 2023, various artists will engage with people with debt, a debt story or people working in the world of debt. The... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Theatre maker exposes inequality: performance raises €101,332.80 in surplus capital

Utrecht - With the performance Good Gold Money, theatre maker Greg Nottrot (artistic director of the NUT) managed to raise €101,332.80 from his audience this spring. This production was received with high praise by both the press and the audience and responds to that strong feeling that ''something has to change'' from both the creator and the audience... 

decor Good Gold Money in Utrecht

Greg Nottrot is a brilliant seller of dreams in Good Gold Money.

In Anton Chekhov's legendary play 'Seagull' (1896), the young, ambitious playwright Konstantin shoots a seagull. It is a symbolic act, giving 'wings' to his desperate love for the young actress Nina. On 29 June 2023, the no longer very young (40) actor, writer and storyteller Greg Nottrot stops every now and then to... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Performance at Oerol generates €40,000 in excess capital 

Utrecht – Met de voorstelling Goed goud geld wist theatermaker Greg Nottrot tijdens het Oerol Festival maar liefst 40.000 euro op te halen bij zijn publiek. Deze productie werd met veel lof ontvangen door zowel de pers als het publiek op Oerol Festival en geeft gehoor aan dat sterke gevoel dat er ‘’iets moet veranderen’’ van zowel de maker als het publiek… 

pr-beeld Het Nut Holiday Show

Het NUT en Stadsschouwburg Utrecht presenteren: De Holidayshow  Theater, spelshow en diner vol glitter, glamour en prrrijzen. 

Op donderdag 26 oktober 2023 gaat De Holidayshow in première, het najaarsspektakel van het NUT i.s.m. de Stadschouwburg Utrecht. Op zondag 4 juni jl. is de kaartverkoop gestart via de website van de schouwburg. De voorstelling speelt een maand lang elke donderdag t/m zondag op een nog geheime locatie in Utrecht. Regie is handen van Ellen Goemans, tekst en spel door Joep Hendrikx, Floor… 

Yara Piekema and Roan Ten Cate answer questions from the audience (Photo: author)

Go see good youth theatre if you no longer believe in the adult offerings.

We have a huge need for magic and a miracle in our time. Some people think you lose that when you grow up and/or have children, but nothing could be further from the truth, of course. And in case you had any doubts, I'd give it to us if more theatre-makers for adults would once again revisit the magic you still had in your childhood... 

flyer The Utility

Committed theatre maker seeks surplus capital - Het NUT presents Good Gold Money at Oerol Festival and Berlin Square in Utrecht

Utrecht, March 2023 - Theatre producer and actor Greg Nottrot, artistic director of the NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel), will create and perform this summer's show Good Gold Money. Theatre about inequality, excess and the discomfort and necessity of money. The performance can be seen at Oerol Festival on Terschelling from 9 to 18 June and from 28 June to... 

Poster image king bling bling of The Utility showing an actor in a huge gold robe

The NUT explores the future of money in 2023

Utrecht, december 2022 – Het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) onderzoekt in 2023 in alle theaterproducties die het maakt en speelt ‘de toekomst van geld’. Het is een feestjaar: het NUT viert de 10e editie van hun bekende zomervoorstelling op locatie, dit jaar is dat Goed goud geld (concept en spel: Greg Nottrot), te zien op festival Oerol op Terschelling en… 

4 Reasons why theatre performance Light in Leidsche Rijn is not all that nice by chance

Light is the name of the latest production by NUT, a theatre company with close ties to Utrecht's Leidsche Rijn district. It is theatre in a bubble in Utrecht's largest city park, and it starts with good food and drink. I went to see it, and again became even more of a fan than I already was. A few reasons, why that came about.

Lighting designer Uri Rapaport on stage for the first time, in self-designed, dazzling theatre experience

Light design central in new performance by the NUT | Di 4 October 2022 - Utrecht In collaboration with SHIFFT, the NUT presents the visual theatre spectacle Light, in which light design is central. Light is the extraordinary story of lighting designer Uri Rapaport who goes through life blind for a fortnight after surgery on a tumour on his eye. Theatre-maker Greg Nottrot takes him... 

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