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Lessons from Weimar (2): how in Germany politics and art celebrate an uneasy marriage.

"The government is demanding that we only show artists from our own region. That would be a huge drain for us, because we are an international art space. But we have found a way around it. We now invite top international artists who live here, or we offer them a residency, so they live in the city temporarily. That way, ... 

The most revealing summer festival: theatre festival Boulevard 2022 in Den Bosch

It could be because of the weather, or my mood, but 2022 was one of the best editions of Theatre Festival Boulevard I have experienced in decades. From the interesting, and also a little disruptive opening to the final night, which I experienced yesterday, I saw guts, passion and pushed boundaries. Not everywhere all at once, but... 

Two Rotterdammers who made a deep impression at Theatre Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

John Buijsman and Helmert Woudenberg make a very funny duo. Buijsman the archetypal Rotterdammer, certainly also in terms of tone of voice, but also the actor who is role-steady, playing distinct characters. In De Recreanten, a play he made for and about his own holiday resort in Hoek van Holland, he plays together with Helmert Woudenberg. The creator of continuous improvisation has a... 

Perfecte lichaamsbeheersing en poëtisch activisme op Theaterfestival Boulevard

Na bijna dertig edities heb ik eindelijk mijn Boulevard-vuurdoop gehad. En wat een verademing was het. Publiek van 2 tot 80, een festivalterrein waar je gewoon overheen kunt banjeren zonder kaartje. Sterker: een festivalterrein waar je ook op een buitenpodium naar acrobatiek en dans kunt kijken zonder kaartje! Ik zag mensen hun hondje uitlaten en even kijken of er nog… 

With Theatre Festival Boulevard looking for a way out of the crisis of two-year restriction #tfboulevard

It was a bit much of a good thing, but the closeness of so many happy people in a small room, with no air conditioning but enthusiastically sweating dancers, was nice to experience. It's called 'Out of the Box' and is being danced and acrobatched together by The100hands from Breda during the Bossche Theatre Festival Boulevard. A performance for people from... 

Boulevard opent midden in de tijdgeest met welkom ongemak en een ode aan fake news #tfboulevard

Het leek er even op of we in een live versie waren terecht gekomen van The Square, maar het was gewoon de officiële openingsvoorstelling van Theaterfestival Boulevard in Den Bosch. Nu staat dat festival mijlenver van de inzichzelfgekeerde elitaire kunstwereld die in die Deense film wordt opgeschrikt door een menselijke gorilla-act die volledig uit de hand loopt, maar ongemakkelijk was… 

Into the open: dancing on stage and in the auditorium

A dance concert with a standing audience promises to be something new. Because how often does it happen that in the audience, whipped up by music and dance, you have to sit on your hands. This sounds like the outcome! We get to watch and move ourselves to Krautrock, mixed with trance-like repetitive parts. Lisbeth Gruwez and Maarten van Cauwenberghe invite us... 

There is still romance in the Royal Conservatory of Dance's dance performance. But for how long?

Amare hosted for the first time the final performances of one of the new residents of The Hague's cultural colossus: the dance department of the Royal Conservatoire. What stands out. The pandemic over Last year, in the old conservatory, a maximum of 50 visitors could attend the final performance, with mouth caps on and with two chairs away from each other. The new dance theatre in Amare... 

Louise LeCavaliers Stations is a dialogue with space and the limits of the body

Expectations are high for Stations, the latest work by dancer and choreographer Louise Lecavalier. She has been a household name in the dance world for decades, first as dancer and muse of Edouard Lockes La La La Human Steps, and since 2006 with her own Fou Glorieux. Her intensity and athletic abilities are impressive, she terrifies the limits of her body. Also. 

And the category is: shamanism

Voguing and religion in Yishun is Burning at Julidans Joke: A policeman from the US says he once got three armed drug dealers in handcuffs at the same time. A firefighter from England brags that he rescued 10 people from a burning flat. A Singaporean says he lives in Yishun. Everyone claps for the Singaporean. Yishun is the dystopian suburb... 

Jelinek's Kein Licht offers extra suffocation in already dark times. #HF22

Actually, it was too bad to persevere. Perhaps I should indeed have followed my impulse to walk away hard, but I stayed with Kein Licht. Indeed, this play, written by Elfriede Jelinek, composed by Philippe Manoury and directed by Nicolas Stemann, was technically quite good. Only that little dog, I so did not like that. Animals and... 

Three hours of vogue in Harrell's Porca Miseria might be a little too much of a good thing. #HF22

There is at least one reason to go see Porca Miseria, Trajal Harrell's latest work. The Holland Festival hosts the American choreographer best known for his Vogueing work this weekend, and the soundtrack to his trilogy is nothing short of stunning. Starting with Willie Nelson and ending with the Lamento della Nimfa with which Claudio Monteverdi... 

Moby Dick

Moby Dick for the twenty-first century, genderqueer and layered #HF22

Moby Dick; or, The Whale is the latest gesammtkunstwerk by artist collective Moved By The Motion, Schauspielhaus Zürig and Wu Tsang. Her adaptation of the great American classic as layered as the book. Where Herman Melville uses accounts, scholarly sources and monologues, Tsang deploys film and music. In a collage of theatrical performance, dance, found footage, animation and documentation nature footage,... 

Turning against the dying of the light at the direction of Katie Mitchell #HF22

If humanity goes extinct, there has been a woman somewhere who was the last not to have a child. To whom does that honour belong? At the Holland Festival, an ensemble of 12 performers now perform a requiem for that last non-mother. Actress and singer Joy Wielkens is the extraordinarily disarming high priestess in this at times quite heavy evening, in which the end of... 

Yemandja, in setless version, is very much neatly American though.

Het getuigt of van enorm lef, of van grenzeloze naïviteit, om een musical te maken waarin een slavenhandelaar in Afrika door een liedje bekeerd wordt tot een leven in liefde en respect voor de medemens. Toch is Yemandja, het stuk dat in een decorloze uitvoering werd gebracht in het Holland Festival, eigenlijk precies dat.  Ik zou het ook kunnen uitleggen… 

Wallen, the grande dame of French R&B world, returns for exclusive performance in Amsterdam

"You know, I am just a little man, I want to introduce you my wife," France's Abd al Malik told the Holland Festival audience. Right he was, as his Moroccan wife Wallen was undoubtedly one of the queens of the French R&B world from 2001 to 2008. This set the tone, as the acclaimed singer shone 18... 

Hearing and seeing pulled apart in fascinating project by C de la B at Holland Festival #HF22

What does trauma do to people? A lot, I can say now, after hearing and especially seeing Le Moindre Geste at the Holland Festival. The performance is very special in its conception, and for that reason alone beautiful to experience, and confronting, for both the amateurs who performed it, and the fans who watched it. Le Moindre Geste can be... 

Spatial overall experience in the Gashouder

'Where is that sound coming from anyway?' I heard someone whisper behind me. Right above the audience, I saw a man playing tubular bells, idiophones and other percussion. Behind the stand of 1,000 people, a piano resonated. A celesta sounded in the corner of the Gashouder. Different sounds travelled around the venue like the earth makes its round in by starry sky.... 

30 appearances out of darkness by Arno Schuitemaker excites the senses

Upon entering the Transformatorhuis on Amsterdam's Westergasterrein, we are blinded by a row of bright lights on the floor. A low tone creates a kind of pleasant unease, a sound of possibility. Then the light goes out and we are in pitch darkness, red half-moons from staring into the lamps still burnt on our retinas. The tone persists... 

Moving during Bolojo star Zeynab Abib's performance at Holland Festival

Benin singer Zeynab Abib had some making up to do. And she did. As a guest artist in the opening performance of the Holland Festival last week, she performed in the limelight with Holland Festival associate artist Angélique Kidjo, but didn't quite pan out. This time, not in the big Carré but in the more intimate Great Hall 

Marina Jarre: a woman and writer who was always just out of step

Gebrek aan wortels en ouderlijke liefde tekent een mens voor het leven, laat Marina Jarre zien in haar autobiografie Verre vaders. Welverdiende plek in de literatuur Waarom wordt Marina Jarre, behalve door een aantal kenners, niet beschouwd als een van de grote schrijvers van het naoorlogse Italië? Dat vraagt collegaschrijfster Marta Barone zich af in het voorwoord bij Jarres autobiografie… 

Earth eater seeing the hard, naked truth

De duistere, spannende debuutroman Aarde eten van Dolores Reyes brengt de lezer op het puntje van z’n stoel. Wie slecht slaapt van spannende films kan Aarde eten, de indringende debuutroman van de Argentijnse Dolores Reyes, misschien maar beter niet lezen vlak voor het slapengaan. Want het is een macaber verhaal dat onder de huid kruipt. De vertelster is een meisje… 

Boukje Schweigman offers best way out of two years of lockdown stress

Kunnen we vanaf nu afspreken dat we alle DJ’s vervangen door echte drummers? Ik bedoel, wat ik meemaakte bij de première van Eros, het nieuwste project van Schweigman&, was zo overweldigend, dat ik me niet meer kan voorstellen dat ik ooit op een drummachine uit mijn dak ben gegaan. Twee levende drummers, spatgelijk en tegelijkertijd afzonderlijk de sterren uit de… 

Yara Piekema, Earth star in disarming play about Bob, who invented the world. 

Ok. Eén keer zal ik het zeggen. Dat Yara Piekema de dochter van Harry Piekema is. Je weet wel: die man die eigenhandig die Zaanse Grootgrutter een menselijk gezicht gaf. Harry was al een grote in het Utrechtse, en nu blijkt hij stiekem, jaren geleden, een nog grotere het leven gegeven te hebben: Yara Piekema, niet langer de dochter van,… 

David Diop impresses with new novel about French colonial times

Nederland leerde de Frans-Senegalese auteur David Diop enkele jaren geleden kennen met zijn roman Meer dan een broer, een indrukwekkende vertelling over een stukje Frans-koloniale geschiedenis, die werd bekroond met onder meer de Europese Literatuurprijs en de International Booker Prize. Ook zijn goed ontvangen nieuwe roman, Reis zonder terugkeer, of de verborgen cahiers van Michel Adanson is een belangrijk boek… 

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