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Five weeks of Bambie in Utrecht? Could just be the way to a more diverse culture

Speaking of diversity, within the dominantly white theatre audience, it is also full of bubbles. Over the past two weeks, for instance, I have just let it dawn on me how little overlap there is between the audiences of the two art theatres in my city, Utrecht. At least: for a while I sort of immersed myself in the world of... 

String theory inspires organ concert: Peter Eötvös conducts KCO in Multiverse

On Thursday 19 October, Peter Eötvös conducts the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in the Dutch premiere of his organ concerto Multiversum, which he commissioned for the company. His brand new composition is flanked by works by György Ligeti and Claude Vivier. Transylvania's rich musical tradition Hungarian composer and conductor Peter Eötvös (Székelyudvarhely, 1944) grew up in Transylvania. Towards the end of... 

Cornelis de Vos, portrait of Abraham Grapheus (detail, author's photo)

Southern neighbours at the Mauritshuis: you'll never look at portraits the same again

You know that? That sometimes you look at the caption longer than at the painting? And then especially at who the artist is, because we don't usually know the person portrayed anyway? The Flemish portraits in the exhibition Zuiderburen at the Mauritshuis intelligently turn that around. But first, more on the Mauritshuis' extensive collaboration 

Beatles tour bus (replica) Photo: Chris Samson CC.BY 2.0

You had one chance to sustainably improve arts subsidies

The decision will be official in mid-September, but behind the scenes it has already been made. The Netherlands will have a very small basic cultural infrastructure for the performing arts, and a very large fund that anyone who wants to make theatre, dance, mime or music must apply to. I asked around a bit recently, and so that's what it's going to be. That way, politicians can't... 

Beyond the breasts? Recap Game of Thrones 7 episode 1 'Dragonstone' (Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!)

If you're reading this, I assume you know what Game of Thrones is. Who Daenerys Targaryen is, and Jaime Lannister and Sansa Stark. Ramsay Bolton? We are never going to talk about that again. Nor am I going to explain that it is one of the most successful TV series of all time, based on the book series 'A Song of... 

Hier word je gegarandeerd vrolijk van. Hoe kunstenaarscollectief toyisme al 25 jaar blijft verrassen

Ze bestaan al 25 jaar maar bruisen alsof ze gisteren zijn opgericht. Met de creatie van een kunstwerk bij vliegveld Eelde – vanaf vandaag live te volgen – én exposities op 25 locaties in en rondom Groningen vieren de kunstenaars van het internationale kunstenaarscollectief toyisme hun jubileum. Eigenzinnig, origineel en geëngageerd zijn misschien wel de belangrijkste kenmerken van dit internationale… 


Documenta 14, schuld, boetedoening en schaamte: Hoe jaag je de liefhebbers in de gordijnen?

Van de 100 dagen waarin Kassel zich dit jaar, zoals elke 5 jaar opnieuw omvormt in ‘het wereldmuseum voor hedendaagse kunst’, zijn er alweer 20 dagen weggetikt. Dat is zeker niet geruisloos gegaan. De formule die artistiek leider en hoofdcurator Adam Szymczyk en zijn staf op Documenta hebben losgelaten, heeft een groot aantal liefhebbers in de gordijnen gejaagd. Voor mij… 

Thriller writer Jo Nesbø: 'Harry Hole is a very intense character'

Hij is een getormenteerde, eenzelvige en tegendraadse kerel, maar ook een van de beste rechercheurs die het politiecorps van Oslo rijk is. En: een zeer geliefd personage. Harry Hole is terug, in de nieuwe thriller De dorst van Jo Nesbø. Of het interview een paar uur later kan, want hij heeft last van een jetlag. De populaire Noorse bestsellerauteur Jo… 

Anna Woltz: ‘Ik vind normale mensen saai’

Op woensdag 21 juni worden de Zilveren Griffels, Zilveren Penselen en Paletten en de Vlag en Wimpels uitgereikt – de opmaat voor de de uitreiking van Het Gouden Penseel en Het Gulden Palet in september en de Gouden Griffel in oktober. Interview met de Gouden Griffel-winnares van vorig jaar, Anna Woltz, over schrijven, volwassen worden en de Griffels natuurlijk. Door Tijmen… 

'The Green Hand was a super-secret club'. Susan van 't Hullenaar on her children's book series

Later, when I grow up... Lawyer Susan van 't Hullenaar (1970) always dreamed of becoming a writer. As her 12.5-year work anniversary approached, she realised: I have to take the plunge now, otherwise it won't happen. She quit her job, became her own boss as a copywriter and picked up her pen - well, the computer. 'I gave... 

This is what devastation looks like: The Gabriels is the perfect mirror for stumpers like us. #HF17

Endless chatting at the kitchen table. While cooking. That's all they do, the brother, the sister, the ex, the two daughters-in-law and the mother of the Gabriel family. About recipes, about the old piano. About Thomas, the brother who died of parkinson's, about his wife, who due to informal care had no time to renew her doctor's degree. All very casually, without... 

Holland Festival blames itself with Orphanage of Music #HF17

The Orphanage of Dutch Music presents monthly 'forgotten Dutch masterpieces' at Amsterdam's Splendor stage. 'To discover the finer points', these are performed twice, interrupted by 'a short commentary or interview with special table guests'. On paper, a golden formula. Rightly so, the Holland Festival adopted three episodes. With the music, during the opening concert on Thursday, it was all in... 

Order, peace and disorder in the Orphanage #HF17

Roaring programmers announce new compositions: "World premiere!" jubilate the posters. Superb, but in contemporary music practice, that primal performance is often immediately the last. The score goes into an archive folder. The notes fall silent; the roar falls silent. The Orphanage takes care of those forgotten works. Context David Dramm snatches such pieces from oblivion and presents them with context at the Orphanage 

‘We zouden nog De Groene Hand lezen!’ Hoe een 8-jarige ineens van het gamen geneest

A Quattro Mani’s pop-uprecente Afke Bohle ging de uitdaging aan om met haar oudste zoon een boek te lezen. Na het eerste deel in De Groene Hand-serie van Susan van ’t Hullenaar volgt al snel het tweede. En wat schetst haar verbazing: nu duurt het wachten op deel drie eigenlijk te lang… Mijn jongste zoon is dol op boeken, maar… 

Go see how Romana Peace takes The Nation to the highest level. #HF17

At last. The Nation, the hyperactual theatrical serial with which the revamped Nationale Toneel, sorry Theatre, presents itself to the country, feels like a refreshing splash of water on a soggy day. Newly appointed boss Eric de Vroedt lives up to his reputation by delivering a work that will no doubt draw new audiences into the theatres. An audience spoiled by... 

(Un)heard Spring: 'Waking up again, Xenakis is nothing like it.'

Each month, in the (Un)heard series, I present extraordinary sounds that do not go unnoticed and unsung. In this episode: Plan Kruutntoone, Horse Lords, Luc Ferrari, Anemone Tube, Jaap Vink and Kraftwerk in 3D. Plan Kruutntoone - What Do the Hands (LP on esc.rec.) "woke up again. xenakis is nothing like it. shoving myself and stuff in search of safety. how... 

Op zoek naar Carthago. Tekeningen van Elisa Pesapane in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

In de opdracht die kunstenares Elisa Pesapane kreeg van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden kwamen haar passies samen: tekenen, de oudheid, onderzoek en portret. Vanaf vandaag zijn er in het RMO twaalf tekeningen te zien over ‘le solitaire des ruines’: de militair ingenieur Jean Emile Humbert, op zoek naar de stad Carthago. Portret De Italiaans-Nederlandse kunstenares Elisa Pesapane (1977) is onder meer… 

The Nation at the Holland festival: a theatre addiction in the making #HF17

Netflix and HBO are now purveyors of our conversations with friends, family and colleagues. The ultimate icebreaker at a party with strangers is talking about series, about beloved characters. Is Jon Snow still alive? Where is Barb? Having seen the first two working performances of 'The Nation', I have a strong impression that in Eric de Vroedt I have a fellow lover... 

Why we're losing more and more music thanks to 'digital' #HF17

For new music, the primal performance is often also immediately the last time a piece is played. The scores await the archive or dusty drawer; recordings are nowhere to be found. David Dramm searches for these gems of stilted notes. He presents them in the Holland Festival's Orphanage: three evenings of forgotten compositions from the rich... 

Baudet's art vision blamed for old battle between Rotterdam and Leiden

For those who like to be around art, politics has become a bit more fun again, since 15 March. Since the 2017 elections, Thierry Baudet has been in the House of Representatives. Thierry Baudet knows a lot about art, he thinks, and we will come to know it, too. In fact, Thierry Baudet is the best thing about art these days... 

Three kilos of Raster-Noton over then, with three options in advance for tomorrow

Het Duitse platenlabel Raster-Noton bestaat twintig jaar. De verjaardag wordt gevierd met showcases op meerdere festivals en met een drie kilo zware catalogus. Plaatjes voor bij de plaatjes dus en géén boxset met de muzikale hoogtepunten. Een bijzondere aanpak, van een hoogst bijzonder label. Geluid én beeld Een label dat een forse catalogus uitbrengt, dat is geen alledaags verschijnsel. Een… 

Composer Brechtje: 'The musicians are the core of the universe'

'Thanks to a radio presenter, my grandfather found an entrance to classical music. With my new piece, I am in turn paving a path to him.' On Thursday 30 March, Elements by Brechtje (1993) will have its world premiere in the fifth episode of An Evening of Today at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. In this series by the Nieuw Ensemble, conservatory students are given ample opportunity.... 

Podcast: Tomas Ross on his thriller The Viceroy of the Indies

'My father was secret agent 007, long before James Bond' Tomas Ross is the Dutch grandmaster of the faction novel, a genre in which fact and fiction intermingle. His first thriller, The Dogs of Betrayal, about the South Moluccans' struggle for freedom, was published in 1980. He now has over 70 titles to his name and also writes scenarios for... 

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