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Why Noorderzon's opening performance is a gem

Some critics thought the opening performance of Festival Noorderzon in Groningen was so bad it made you cry. Others were less negative. Those certainly have a point. But then you have to look beyond what you are used to. When Bear, the hero of Noorderzon 2019's opening show, is imprisoned in a tower, he laments his fate through an eloquent yet sad... 

'Playing a game is fun, especially if it's a sneaky game.' What is Yan Duyvendak doing at Noorderzon with his spectators?

Slechts gewapend met instructies, die bestaan uit een kort scenario en getuigenverslagen van eerdere deelnemers, voer je samen met maximaal elf anderen een aantal stiekeme opdrachten uit. Op straat.  Wat deze subtiele verstoringen van het alledaagse precies zijn, blijft geheim totdat de voorstelling begint. Het belooft een van de bijzonderste projecten te worden op Festival Noorderzon, dat van 15 tot… 

In search of pleasure and secret spots, you sometimes stumble upon very special things during Festival Boulevard

Het centrale personage in Lo Lie Taa van theatermaakster Marijn Graven was er vroeg bij. Althans, zo vertelt hij aan de spiegelende vloer en de toeschouwers in zijn monoloog Lo Lie Taa. Als negenjarige was hij al smoorverliefd op zijn moeder en niet lang daarna werd zijn leven bepaald door het nastreven van zo veel mogelijk spetterende resultaten van zijn… 

White wine and black pain at finely diverse Theatre Festival Boulevard

Een van de voordelen van de voortschrijdende ontkerkelijking is dat er op steeds meer plekken mooie gebouwen leeg komen te staan. Met die gebouwen kun je dingen doen. Met kunst bijvoorbeeld. Studio Orka uit België heeft deze week in Vught dus iets heel moois gedaan in de Mariakerk. Het leegstaande neoromaanse gebouw hebben ze veranderd in, jawel, een leegstaande kerk.… 

Boulevard opens with great ambition. It will be exciting regardless.

The Theater aan de Parade is slowly but surely starting to become the blot of cultural politics in Den Bosch. The outdated theatre has too low ceilings, too much plush, asbestos and past to still be a credit to the Brabant provincial capital. Viktorien van Hulst, director of the now 35-year-old Theatre Festival Boulevard, made a point of saying during her opening speech on 1 August that the... 

The Netherlands' Flemishest festival. Theatre festival Boulevard sees artists searching for a way forward

'As programmers, we are more often in Ghent than in Amsterdam,' says Viktorien van Hulst, director of Theatre Festival Boulevard. The Bossche arts festival, which this year takes place from 1 to 11 August under the Sint Jan and at unexpected locations around the North Brabant capital, has for years stood out for its close ties with our southern neighbours. 'The Dionysian artists are sitting... 

Colonisation is not a relationship. But we still need to establish that relationship, this Holland Festival showed.

Post-colonial criticism and reflection ran like a thread through this year's Holland Festival programme. Not only William Kentrigde and Faustin Linyekula, the associate artists with whom the festival's programmers collaborated, their work addresses the devastating effects of centuries of Western European trade and commerce. In reframing political and social history and reclaiming... 

'Congo' is another highlight of one of the most meaningful Holland Festivals in years.

'I think they understood.' Faustin Linyekula says it, very quietly, a little apologetically almost, to his fellow actor at the end of the performance Congo. A slightly relieved laugh can be heard in the main auditorium of Frascati, where Princess Beatrix is also seated. Shortly before, Daddy Moanda Kamono had erupted in an increasingly desperate tirade against our shared past.... 

Crash Park, la vie d'une île - Philippe Quesne. Photo: Martin Argyroglo.

Until the laughter dies down. Crashpark stages the downfall of the world as a beautiful landscape full of partygoers

Crash Park – La vie d’une île (2018) van de Franse regisseur Philippe Quesne voert 19de eeuwse waarden op in hun 21ste eeuwse uitwerking. De elitaire ontdekkingsreiziger is een modale toerist geworden, die zich in goed georganiseerde groepen naar iedere uithoek van de wereld beweegt, op zoek naar ultieme ervaringen, mits deze een retourticket westerse wereld niet in de weg… 

Antony and Cleopatra, Tiago Rodrigues. Photo: Magda Bizarro.

'I have no problem at all if spectators want to see Anthony and Cleopatra. But for me, it's about something else.' Tiago Rodrigues writes theatre for dancers.

Anthony and Cleopatra is exactly the kind of repertory piece that people look forward to during the Holland Festival, or any other prestigious stage. Director and writer Tiago Rodrigues manages not so much to deflate that grandiose expectation as to reduce it to the intimacy of a duet and a play with extremely basic theatrical gestures. His two actors are dancers, an experienced choreographer duo 

Naked men and black bronzing under philosophical veneer. Is Angelica Liddell overshooting the mark with The Scarlet Letter? (Why the Holland Festival can expect a riot)

That you cannot shamelessly treat a black man as a rutting primal beast and a faceless object for your unlimited lust fantasy as a white woman? Seems logical to me, but for Angélica Liddell, world-renowned performance artist, it is typical of the new puritanism that threatens free art. She now brings The Scarlet Letter to the Netherlands, a theatrical performance that is rather... 

'We have become spectators rather than actors'; Philipp Blom tells performing artists on SPOT-Live what is at stake.

'We are on the brink of a new cultural revolution. We need to move away from our paradigm and art can play a role in this. Art can show us images of a different future, a different thought. Artists can help bring that realisation in.' Speaking is writer and journalist Philipp Blom. In 2017, his... 

Culture funds want slow renewal. But it is far too late for that.

On 11 April 2019, the Council for Culture put a shovel in the dykes of the polder that is the Dutch cultural system. After all, the basic infrastructure, established in 2009 to finally bake renewal and flow into the system, is dead. The structure carefully conceived over years has been turned into a ruin by 10 years of cultural policy in which the... 

On the death of a teacher (on Wil Hildebrand and the fate of the theatre scholar)

Learning is less about what you learn than from whom you learn it. Not that what you learn doesn't matter, but you simply learn more from an inspired person than from a teacher running down his list. Fortunately, I have had many good teachers. Some of them are now demented or dead, with almost all of them... 

Innovation in dance: give young creators space and you'll get it!

Water and dance have agility in common. Yet there is much more to be gained from this interface. Two choreographies in the New Adventures series give audiences a water experience that is both playful and reflective. Under the title New Adventures, Dansmakers Amsterdam presents work by selected dancers and choreographers that they created during a four-week study residency at the production house,... 

TivoliVredenburg during construction. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Without TivoliVredenburg, the improvement of the Utrecht station area would have come to nothing.

There is an artist café in Utrecht that few Utrechters know about. And I don't mean Theatercafé De Bastaard, where by now a whole generation of actors, filmmakers and writers come from, but the artists' foyer of TivoliVredenburg. I've eaten and hung out there a few times, as an embedded reporter of De Nacht van de Poëzie, when it's very late into... 

Petra Gerritsen goes to a concert almost every night off. 'You're with your own group. But how bad is that?'

‘Ik werk vijf avonden in de week en dus moet ik speciaal uitzoeken wanneer ik naar een concert kan. Soms neem ik er vrij voor. En dan zeggen ze wel: “hé, ga je alweer naar een concert?”, en dan zeg ik: “Natuurlijk ga ik weer naar een concert”. Maar ik vind het ook niet extreem.’ Petra Gerritsen is proces expert… 

Fred Wondergem: 'There is always more that you don't see than what you do see.'

'When I look in the auditorium at a classical concert now, I do think: it's full now, but in 20 years eighty per cent will be dead. So the bottom has to be fed, and TivoliVredenburg does that well. They do it, for example, with Out of the Blue, which is a programme where you get great food and by a special host 

Kind of a recovery in the performing arts, but pay particular attention to what's happening in the southern Netherlands

In het kader van ‘Hoi, Cijfers!’ kwam het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek vandaag met de geüpdatete cijfers over de podiumkunsten in Nederland. Die laten een voorzichtig herstel zien, al zijn de gevolgen van de ingrepen door de VVD en PVV in 2011 nog steeds pijnlijk zichtbaar. Uit de cijfers blijkt dat vooral het toneel het moeilijk heeft. Daar nam… 

The Lower House has become youth art. This is how the first five million of the Culture Budget dissipates

Duizend scholieren per dag in de Tweede Kamer. Niet minder dan dat. Dat wil Cultuurminister Ingrid van Engelshoven. Kost 4,8 miljoen. Geld dat u feitelijk gaat betalen via uw theaterkaartje, het bibliotheekboek, de museumticket. Want van die 4,8 miljoen had ook echte kunst gemaakt gemaakt kunnen worden. Het is een grote vraag waarom het verplichte Tweedekamerbezoek bekostigd moet worden vanuit… 

Without memory, our theatre continues to innovate mindlessly, it turns out at the @theatrefestival

Dutch theatre is remembering less and less. This was evident last Friday during two meetings at ITA, the building that once housed the Stadsschouwburg. During Nieuwe Grond, part of the Dutch Theatre Festival, the topic was heritage. One meeting will possibly be remembered by the six attendees: the two guests plus presenter, and their three audience members. The other... 

Dusty Woo Hah! gets off to a slow start, but after that the audience is overwhelmingly eager

Het hiphopfestival Woo Hah! barstte bij de vierde editie, vorig jaar, bijna uit de voegen. Voor de vijfde editie week het uit naar de Beekse Bergen in Hilvarenbeek. We liepen er een dag rond. ‘Maak die cirkel groter, maak ‘m groter! Grooooter!’. Aan het woord de Nederlandse hitlijstbestormer Ronnie Flex. Ken je hem niet van zijn gigantische hits, dan wel… 

Dimitris Papaioannou turns heritage Pina Bausch to his advantage with Neues Stück 1 Seit sie for Tanztheater Wuppertal, Holland Festival #HF2018

Neues Stück 1 Seit sie - Ein Stück von Dimitris Papaioannou is a long title for an overwhelming piece, which Tanztheater Wuppertal is bringing to the Holland Festival this year. Nine years ago, on 30 June 2009, a month before she was to turn sixty-nine, Pina Bausch died suddenly. The world-famous and highly influential choreographer of experimental, haunting and unparalleled dance theatre left behind a... 

Podcast: Would the Netherlands ever be ripe for Science Fiction? @Hollandfestival provides context with Octavia E. Butler

Of course, we have Chriet Titulaer. But it kind of ends there. And to say we took those very seriously, back in the day? No. The future, and fantasising about it, is not really a thing in the Netherlands, at least not with the big publishers and broadcasters. A writer dealing with science fiction will never join a big... 

Poets with evergreens and hits make a poetry festival. But what about the table talk? #pifr

Alí Calderón heeft een flink oeuvre bij elkaar geschreven, maar van dat oeuvre heb ik, tijdens mijn verblijf op Poetry International, niet zoveel gehoord. Wel kwam drie keer het gedicht ‘Democracia Mexicana‘ langs. Een geducht gedicht, want het eindigt met een rottend babylijk, dus niet voor de weekhartigen onder ons. Democracia Mexicana is Calderons hitgedicht. Zoals popzangers een hit kunnen… 

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