Landru: French Bluebeard with Flemish accent
De uitvoering is uitmuntend, er is duidelijk veel tijd aan besteed. Dit kan echter niet verhinderen dat de voorstelling halverwege een beetje inzakt.
De uitvoering is uitmuntend, er is duidelijk veel tijd aan besteed. Dit kan echter niet verhinderen dat de voorstelling halverwege een beetje inzakt.
Anno 2020 bruist de Muziekweek als nooit tevoren. Zelfs corona heeft er nauwelijks vat op gekregen. Hoeveel ‘Mozarts’ er inmiddels zijn opgestaan wil ik in het midden laten, maar het rijke en gevarieerde off- en online aanbod creëert enige keuzestress. Op haar 75e is de organisatie jonger dan ooit: Gaudeamus is the place to be.
From small dance schools to large dance companies, the Dutch dance world is daring to expose itself on a stage again. Dance lovers can get back into the studios or theatres, or both, thanks to protocols, and bookings are being made enthusiastically as many performances are already sold out. After all, nothing beats dance art in the flesh. In the words of dance dramaturge Jochem Naafs: 'If you...
‘Als ik niet over drie dingen beschikt had die niets met muziek te maken hebben, was ik al vroeg aan eenzaamheid en ontgoocheling te gronde gegaan’, schreef Ethel Smyth (1858-1944) op haar zestigste. Die drie dingen waren: ‘Een ijzeren gezondheid, een uitgesproken vechtersmentaliteit en een bescheiden, maar zelfstandig inkomen.’ Waar vrouwen in de negentiende eeuw waren veroordeeld tot het componeren…
‘Toen ik onverwacht het “Dies Irae” uit Verdi’s Requiem Verdi moest dirigeren voelde ik hoe rauw en impactvol muziek kon zijn. Ik wist meteen: ik kan niet langer weglopen van de muziek.’ Elim Chan gaat als een speer en maakt 17 januari haar debuut bij het Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest. In 2014 was Elim Chan (Hong Kong, 1986) de eerste vrouwelijke…
‘Alles wat ik maak komt voort uit gevoel, uit geraaktheid’, zei Joost Kleppe (1963) eens over zijn muziek. Die sensibiliteit wordt vaak getriggerd door poëzie en zijn oeuvre telt dan ook veel vocale werken. Zijn lyrische, ritmisch gevarieerde stukken staan geregeld op de lessenaars van zowel professionele- als amateurkoren. Met zijn aansprekende stijl treedt Kleppe in het voetspoor van illustere…
Woensdag 16 januari presenteert Reinbert de Leeuw in Paradiso zijn cyclus Im wunderschönen Monat Mai. Een unieke kans hem nog eens aan het werk te zien in zijn wereldwijd geloofde meesterwerk. In 2003 verraste hij vriend en vijand met deze op liederen van Schumann en Schubert geïnspireerde compositie. Was dat niet vloeken in de kerk? Arnold Schönberg had de romantiek…
Sounding Alchemy, is the name of the chunky volume recently published by music publicist Maarten Brandt (1953). It has 715 pages, including illustrations and an extensive index. In 98 articles, Brandt unfolds his views on music and music programming. He dedicated the beautifully designed book to Marius Flothuis, whom he admired and who was programmer of the Concertgebouw Orchestra for many years. His heirs received a first copy during...
Amsterdam, 8 March 2018. Today is Women's Day, no one can fail to notice. The media are brimming with articles about women's unequal pay and their still limited representation in prestigious positions. Whether in politics, business, academia or the arts. Perhaps the most conservative is the classical music world. There, the female composer has yet to...
Joel Fried, artistic director of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra visibly startled for a moment. I asked him if there is really only one female composer scheduled in the 2018-19 season. Indeed, during the presentation on Monday 26 February at the Concertgebouw, I only heard the name of Lotta Wennäkoski. Indeed the Finn appears to be the only one to defend the honour of composing women....
Bij de eerste de beste gelegenheid laat hij haar in de steek. Hij leidt een liederlijk leven, trouwt een ander en eindigt in het gekkenhuis. Toch blijft Anne Truelove houden van Tom Rakewell, de hoofdpersoon in The Rake’s Progress. De Nationale Opera presenteert vanaf 1 februari zijn vierde productie van Stravinsky’s opera, in samenwerking met Aix-en-Provence. Daar vond afgelopen juli…
On Wednesday 24 January, the Nederlands Kamerkoor presents an adventurous concert at Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ to kick off a short tour. On the lecterns are rarely heard music by Lili Boulanger and Ton de Leeuw. The highlight is Igor Stravinsky's famous Psalm Symphony in a version for choir and piano four hands by Dmitri Shostakovich. Ralph van Raat and Bobby Mitchell sign...
The AVROTROS Friday Concert cherishes mainstream masterpieces as well as less heard and new repertoire. In the 2017-18 season, no fewer than five (world) premieres are on the programme, three of them composed by a woman. - Come and see that among the national orchestras. Friday 17 November will hear the brand new double concert Together Remember to Dance by British/Bulgarian Dobrinka Tabakova. She composed it on...
Among classical music-loving audiences, the two young pianists Lucas (1993) and Arthur (1996) Jussen need little introduction. For many years, the talented piano brothers have been filling halls like the Concertgebouw with four-handed or otherwise, interpretations of classics such as Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert. With the avant-garde piece Mantra by Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007), to be performed as part of the Holland Festival,...
Rito de Primavera, on show at the Holland Festival early this week, is a group choreography for fifty young dancers. Choreographer José Vidal has loosely based himself on Sacre du printemps, Stravinsky and Nijinsky's 1913 piece for the Ballet Russes. Fragments of Stravinsky's music have been turned into 4-quarter beetz by DJ Jim Hast, while Vidal has minimised the ritual aspect of the sacrifice, essential to the many versions made throughout the 20th century (besides Nijinsky's primal version, Massine, Béjart and Bausch, among others).
What remains is an overwhelming visual experience of a gigantic mass of dancers looming out of the darkness. The coordination of the group, at times dancing wildly through each other, at other times circling the stage in long procession, is impressive. It produces a fascinating, eye-opening aesthetic, but the group dance in no way challenges the audience. You could call it a pile of kitsch, or opium for the people. Either way, it is a form of spectacle that I consider unworthy of the Holland Festival.
The performance begins like a school trip. Near the box office, spectators are prepared in groups for what is to come. They are kindly requested to take off their shoes upon entering the theatre, and then walk barefoot, hand in hand with fellow spectators, through the dark. Regularly, someone calls loudly for silence, as the performance has already started. There is also something uncomfortable about the nervous manner in which the audience, which is supposed to line up in rows after the instructions, is marched away to the performance space two buildings away.
The initiation of the visitors continues in the Purification Hall, when they pass through the pitch darkness hand in hand with the cool sand at their feet. It provides one of the few ambiguous moments during Rito de Primavera. Where is this going? What fairy tale are we being led into here? From which tourist boat have we fallen off, to now attend the rituals of which people again?
At first, the total experience that so many contemporary theme parks are looking for really takes shape. For half an hour, I stare at a stage in the dark. I see and feel a lot of people there, I think naked because sometimes there is a clever flash of soft light, but the dominant darkness prevents me from getting a grip on it. Ethereal singing composed by Andrés Abarzúa - a single chord sounds gurgling from many throats - accompanies the entrance of all the other spectators for half an hour.
The bleachers surround the playing surface. It is only the red and white bicycle lights of the guides of the many groups of spectators that give you some orientation in the space. It has something of Tintin in Takatukaland. An audience paying to be at a miraculous, never-before-seen, spring nymphing ritual.
The artificiality of the setting gives a certain tension. In the darkness, as a spectator, you can imagine all sorts of things about what is to come. But at some point, the bicycle lights go out, a sign that all spectators are seated, and the dancers all put on trousers. The light increases and the first beetz cum stravinsky supplants the singing. When, after the uncertain introitus, the actual spectacle begins, its logic becomes all too clear. A perfectly organised group choreography takes over.
In what follows, nothing is left to chance. And that is no luxury with so many dancers in semi-darkness, especially as half of them are also new to the work, because from the Modern Theatre Dance Department of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. The group makes pulsating movements, dialogues with a neighbour, runs in groups, starts singing again, postures and occasionally lifts a single person in the air.
But just as the darkness gets used, so does the group. They are all very young people, fairly relaxed dancing together. The uninhibited attitude with which the complicated group choreographies are performed is touching. A naive kind of surrender or faith speaks from it.
But gradually the effects, of the group choreography, of the light that creates the photographic vistas, the repetitive singing and beetz get boring. The repetition of moves is effect-laden, rhetorical, self-affirming. Nowhere a moment of debacle, of faltering. No one who has a question, can't keep up, is mistaken
Ruth Mackenzie has achieved an enormous amount in the short time she has been boss of Holland Festival. I've experienced the festival now since the late 1990s and watched it evolve from something very personal and sometimes obscure (under Ivo van Hove), to an ethereal feast of sizzling aesthetics (with Pierre Audi), to what it...
In 1975 organiseren de jazzmusicus Misha Mengelberg en de kunstenaar Wim T. Schippers Een behoorlijk kabaal in het Amsterdamse Mickery Theater. Een week lang onderzoeken ze in ‘onnavolgbaar muziektheater’ de verschillende betekenissen van een concert. Jacqueline Oskamp koos het als titel van haar recent verschenen boek waarin zij de Nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis van de afgelopen eeuw beschrijft. Treurige conclusie: er is…
Thursday 15 September saw the kick-off of arts festival Musica Sacra in Maastricht. While I was in a traffic jam, Bobby Mitchell played the eighth and final movement of Frederik Rzewski's piano cycle The Road, who himself was present. It also marked the conclusion of last year's festival, which was dedicated to 'the road', the journey made by pilgrims ...
Afgelopen woensdagnacht, 27 juli overleed Einojuhani Rautavaara in zijn huis in Helsinki, ten gevolge van complicaties bij een operatie. Hij werd 87 jaar oud en gold algemeen als de ongekroonde troonopvolger van Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), die rond 1930 zijn laatste noten schreef.
Erik Voermans (1958) is one of those people who writes down what you think yourself, but would never air publicly. The music editor of Het Parool likes to pose as your unsuspecting neighbour's boy, watching the music world with amazement. Take the phenomenon of opera: 'That's when someone with a knife in his taas walks around for half an hour singing that he's going to die.' If he...
Op donderdag 21 januari start de negende editie van het Storioni Festival, gewijd aan het vijfhonderdste sterfjaar van Jeroen Bosch. Vrij naar diens beroemde triptiek Tuin der lusten kozen de musici van het Storioni Trio en Frank Veenstra, artistiek manager van Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, voor het thema ‘Dromen en Demonen’. Composer in residence is de Pool Krzysztof Penderecki, die beroemd werd…
In 1985 won Unsuk Chin (Seoul 1961) de Gaudeamus Muziekprijs met Spektra voor drie celli, zes jaar later brak ze door met haar voor het Nieuw Ensemble gecomponeerde Akrostichon-Wortspiel voor sopraan en ensemble. In 2004 won ze de Grawemeyer Award, de meest prestigieuze muziekprijs ter wereld, in 2007 maakte ze diepe indruk met haar opera Alice in Wonderland. Morgen, donderdag 22 oktober…
Cimbalom and harmonium are not the first instruments you immediately think of when you think of classical music. Yet, the ever-adventurous Ludwig collective puts precisely these mavericks at the centre of two concerts, on Saturday 26 September at the AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert in Utrecht and on Sunday 27-9 at Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam. In 1915, Igor Stravinsky and a friend visited a...
Previously, he created the show Being Arthur for Kameroperahuis Zwolle, in which the famous knights of the round table travel across the country by coach. On Friday 4 September, during the Stadsfestival Zwolle, you will sail by boat to the premiere of his latest opera, Ik Vertrek. A love couple leaves the hectic world behind and returns to nature, where...
Drie dagen klassieke muziek tussen de bomen en de koeien. Festival Wonderfeel presenteerde afgelopen weekend van 24 tot en met 26 juli, onder de rook van ’s-Graveland, een uniek klassiek muziekfestival. Topmusici uit binnen- en buitenland gaven tientallen concerten. Er werden lezingen gegeven en zoals dat hoort op een festival, viel er ook veel te eten, te drinken en te…
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