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Maartje Wortel lives through the Oosterpark

'The book is a declaration of love to Niña, I dedicated it to her unborn child.' Writer Maartje Wortel (38) lived right by Amsterdam's Oosterpark until recently. Her friend and fellow writer Niña Weijers lived on the other side. For five years, they walked laps of the park together, sometimes several times a day. In The Groove, Carrot tells about... 

These are the winners, losers and newcomers in Amsterdam arts

Diversity in the Amsterdam art world is not yet flourishing. The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, which announced its grant awards today, is getting a bit tired of it: "Across most disciplines, committees note that cultural diversity of audiences, staff and governance is disappointing, as are efforts to change this. Outside the specialised organisations for which cultural diversity is a core business, ambitions are still not high, despite two decades of cultural policy in this area. If the ambitions are there, organisations do not always manage to give them hands and feet. There often seems to be a certain discomfort or 'not knowing how'."

So to start with the good news: Marmoucha grows 398 per cent compared to the previous grant round. The capital's producer and promoter of performing arts in the field of North African and Middle Eastern arts and culture in the Netherlands was severely cut back in 2013, but the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts found its work over the past four years to be so good that the grant has been more than deserved. In the new round of awards which became known on 1 August they rise from 25,070 euros to a tonne, adding that perhaps they should not be so ambitious.

agenda culture Council for Culture

Culture Council sounds alarm: 29.5 million needed to preserve arts sector

What is already going on on a small scale in Groningen, Enschede, Zaltbommel, Amersfoort, Gorinchem and Vlaardingen, is threatening to happen nationwide as well: cultural institutions falling over while politicians look on helplessly. According to the Council for Culture, the situation is alarming: 'Institutions are draining their own funds, cultural funds are maintaining schemes by drawing on reserves. We therefore make the urgent... 

Lower chamber talked about art. We followed the debate for you

We kept a liveblog. Nice and old-fashioned, from the days when every month there was uproar somewhere about the government's handling of art. Now there is peace in the tent, as the PVV sardonically points out, because 'The Left' is now the bearer of policies devised by the PVV. The PVV predicts a black future for 'The Left' once the PVV comes to power.

Collectieschuiven, de nieuwe hobby van Rutte II

The Geldmuseum gaat over een maand dicht, maar de collectie (voor zover belangrijk) gaat naar De Nederlandsche Bank. Het Tropenmuseum is opgeheven, maar de collection wordt elders ondergebracht. De bibliotheek wordt echter maar voor de helft gered: alles van na 1950 is volgens minister Bussemaker niet interessant genoeg om te bewaren. Dit blijkt uit de antwoorden die de minister van Cultuur Bussemaker heeft gegeven op vragen van de SP.

Saving Tropenmuseum paid for from art acquisition budget

Het Tropenmuseum is gered, dat wisten we al, maar de Tweede Kamer wilde nog weten waar dat uit betaald werd. Immers: meer geld gaat de overheid niet uitgeven, dat moeten wij doen. Enfin. Uit de beantwoording van de kamervragen door cultuurminister Jet Bussemaker blijkt dat de musea in ieder geval in 2016 5,5 miljoen minder uit kunnen geven aan kunstaankopen.… 

Nederland sluit een bijzondere ambassade

Deze week viel officieel het doek voor de Theatre Emabassy, een club bevlogen mensen die Nederlandse kunstenaars liet samenwerken met kunstenaars in ontwikkelingslanden als Honduras, Bhutan en Congo. De voorstellingen die dat opleverde waren maar sporadisch in Nederland te zien, maar zo nu en dan maakte een project ook hier breed indruk, zoals een ‘Op Hoop van Zegen’, gespeeld door echte vissers, maar dan uit Mali.

Museums, Boxmeer theatre, IKON, ANP, regional broadcasters, impoverished library

MuseumgoudA not expelled MuseumgoudA may still remain a member of the Dutch Museum Association (NMV). A majority of the members were still of the opinion in September that the museum should be expelled because it had auctioned Marlene Dumas' The Schoolboys at the end of June without consulting other museums. That is against the NMV's rules. It did, however, decide to change the rules for the... 

Library not culture, EU money for visual culture, Corbijn in The Hague, VAT implications in Maastricht

Tropenmuseum a bit exotic due to international contacts (...) "The Tropenmuseum still seems to be an issue for political The Hague, but I don't hear anything about the library service and the theatre." There seems to be no question of transfer to subsidy by the Ministry of OCW. Heemskerk also wonders whether state secretary Knapen has sufficient insight into the importance of the library. "The library service... 

Daily news: Sale in Rotterdam, protests in Amsterdam and an arts centre closes in the south

Culture sector signs agreement on youth pass Eight umbrella organisations in the culture sector signed a covenant on Wednesday advocating the continued existence, albeit in modified form, of the Culture Card. It should remain free, but will henceforth only give discounts on cultural outings. The 15-euro credit will disappear because the state will no longer provide subsidies. Instead, students in the... 

Fransche School in jeopardy, blind library closed, nibbling on VAT measure via CJP and Volkenkunde/Tropen Institute merger possible

Arnhem - Scepticism over success of cultural heart Rijnboog Arnhem city council has many doubts about the financial feasibility of the Rijnboog arts cluster. (...) [Alderman] assumes 16 million subsidy from the province and another 4 million in contributions from sponsors for the new arts centre containing the Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, the Schouwburg and Focus Filmtheater.... 

Tropenmuseum perhaps saved, fate of bakery museum uncertain Local politicians already cut 100m from art

Cultuursector krijgt al in 2012 klappen: 100 miljoen (..) Al in 2012 wordt zeker 100 miljoen bezuinigd op cultuur en erfgoed. Niet door Halbe Zijlstra, staatssecretaris van cultuur, maar door gemeenten en provincies. (..) De stad [Eindhoven] bezuinigt vanaf volgend jaar een half miljoen euro op de cultuursector. Dat is een schijntje vergeleken bij Den Haag, waar de kunsten in… 

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