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Pixar's Inside Out in five emotions

Pixar set the bar high. So high, in fact, that its recent output was downright disappointing. But Inside Out exceeds all expectations. It may be taking it a bit far to say that Pixar single-handedly revived the animated film. But ever since the software company founded by George Lucas started making great films, the competition was blown away. Toy Story broke all records in 1995,... 

Letter Bussemaker: butts in seats or artistic recognition?

Minister Jet Bussemaker's letter will keep tongues wagging for a long time to come. There are considerable gaps here and there between the Culture Council's advice and the minister's letter. Also in the field of film and media. A list of differences. Bussemaker notes that the film sector is changing considerably. Media consumption is changing due to the rapid rise... 

Amersfoort library realignment a success

Libraries are mostly negative in the news. Branches have to close, members walk away and there is an ongoing debate about their right to exist. But in Amersfoort, the library is on the rise. Over the past year, visitor numbers have risen sharply. An advance confession: I am a nostalgic library visitor. As a little boy, I used to borrow The Shipboys of Bontekoe, Eagle's Eye and... 

CinemAsia 2015: a continent of new film

The sixth edition of CinemAsia kicks off on 1 April in Amsterdam. The festival offers a broad and surprising overview of films from Asia. Ranging from anime from Japan to a documentary on Indonesian action films or a contemporary Filipino relationship comedy. Culture Press already dived into the programme. In itself, of course, there is plenty to choose from when you look at all those prolific studios in China, Japan, South Korea,... 

On the death of a peerless jazz legend: Clark Terry 1920 - 2015

Clark Terry was a legend and is no more. The American jazz trumpeter died on Saturday at the age of 94. He began his musical career with jazz greats Count Basie and Duke Ellington, who soon recognised his extraordinary talent. He said of the two: "Count Basie was college, but Duke Ellington was graduate school." [Tweet ""Count Basie was college, but Duke Ellington was ... 

Gooische Vrouwen beat Hobbit. Cinematic year 2014, eerily stable, with five caveats

Stable, stable, stable. That refrain sounded again and again at the announcement of the cinema industry's annual figures at the New Year meeting in Tuschinski. Hajo Binsbergen, vice-chairman of the Netherlands Association of Film Distributors, informed that in 2014, with the high number of 30.8 million visitors, the passage to the cinema was almost the same as 2013. The Dutch market share was with again... 

Thumbs up for Morgan Knibbe - Those Who Feel the Fire Burning nominated at IDFA

Morgan Knibbe doesn't do that badly at all. Graduated from the Film Academy two years ago, already on equal footing with the world's best documentary filmmakers at IDFA. Those Who Feel the Fire Burning is his unconventional portrayal of the world of refugees who ventured across to Europe. Now nominated for IDFA's top prize, the award for best feature-length documentary. It... 

2600 visitors for Supernova, couldn't be better? A tough issue in 7 scenes

Scene 1 - Expectations The main hall of film theatre 't Hoogt was filled with people from the film sector on Wednesday afternoon at the invitation of the Film Fund. The subject of the meeting is the chronically low attendance of more artistic Dutch films. This has been the case for a long time, by the way, and not only in the Netherlands. Should new avenues be explored? Should expectations be... 

Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (closing): 'But who knows anything about it? They are all generalists sitting there.'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'The amateur arts. I experienced the cuts myself at the Utrecht Centre for the Arts in Utrecht. First, they were heavily cut back there back in 2001 under Leefbaar. They survived that, and now they were just recovering a bit...' Joop Daalmeijer: ' ...and now everything is going to the schools.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'There are... 

'Are all priests gay?" and six more questions to the director of In The Name Of

Deze week in de bioscoop: In the Name of, een ouderwets stevig Pools drama over een priester die door het celibaat tevergeefs aan zijn homoseksualiteit probeert te ontsnappen. Hij werkt in een dorpje in de provincie met moeilijk opvoedbare tieners. “Ik zou al die jongens wel willen neuken”, roept hij

More films in cinemas due to digitalisation, says survey

The digital canvass battle in cinema is still some time away. For now, moviegoers are benefiting, according to research.

About two years ago, the digitisation of the Dutch cinema business was completed. All cinemas and film houses have been projecting digitally since 2012. In the projection booth, the disappearance of 35mm equipment meant a landslide.

Woman, man, film - does Cannes have something to make up for?

Vanavond opent de 67ste editie van het filmfestival van Cannes met Grace of Monaco, een biopic met een grote hoofdrol voor Nicole Kidman. Juryvoorzitter van ’s werelds belangrijkste filmevenement is de Nieuw-Zeelandse filmmaakster Jane Campion. Ook drie van de overige zes juryleden zijn vrouwen. Heeft Cannes iets goed te maken?

43rd Rotterdam Film Festival celebrates 25 years of Hubert Bals Fund with opening film Qissa

9000 Euro was tien jaar geleden het bedrag waarmee Qissa van de Indiase regisseur Anup Singh uit de startblokken werd geholpen. Dat geld kwam van het aan het International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) gelieerde Hubert Bals Fonds (HBF), dat nu al 25 jaar filmmakers in ontwikkelingslanden steunt. Gisteravond opende Qissa de 43e editie van het Rotterdamse festival. De havenstad is daarmee tien dagen lang wereldhoofdstad voor de onafhankelijke film, zoals zakelijk directeur Janneke Starink bij de opening in de Doelen stelde.

Cinema attendance growth stagnates, Verliefd op Ibiza Dutch frontrunner

Christmas saved the 2013 cinema year. While it seemed that cinema attendance was going nowhere at the beginning of December, the last three weeks of the year made up for a lot - thanks to Hobbit 2.

2013 closed with 30.8 million visitors, Wilco Wolfers, president of the Dutch Cinematography Federation announced at the cinema industry's New Year's meeting. Best-attended film

La Grande Bellezza and Borgman best films 2013 according to Dutch film press

Members of the Dutch Circle of Film Journalists (KNF) and other film critics reviewed the Italian tragicomedy La Grande Bellezza voted best cinematic film of 2013. According to the same critics, Borgman by Alex van Warmerdam the best Dutch film of this year, the KNF announced.

La Grande Bellezza by Paolo Sorrentino received the most points after

Curtain falls on film theatre and stage Provadja in Alkmaar

Al meer dan tien jaar tobt het Alkmaarse filmtheater en podium Provadja – een van de oudste Nederlandse filmhuizen – met een veel te krappe behuizing. Al meer dan tien jaar zijn er plannen gemaakt en gisteravond stemde de gemeenteraad over de herhuisvesting. En koos daarmee voor een optie die bestuur, medewerkers en vrijwilligers van Provadja al categorisch hadden afgewezen. Namelijk

A chamber opera blown up to impressive proportions at @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

,,The special thing about Quartett is that an intimate story between two people is blown up to impressive proportions. The characters find themselves in a room, which seems to float. In this seclusion, an isolated game between a man and a woman plays out. Giant video projections

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