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How can people with a refugee background remember their first place of residence in the Netherlands if there are no longer any traces of this place?

Thousands of Dutch people have memories of a time spent in AZCs across the country, but there is no physical archive of this part of Dutch heritage. How can people with a refugee background remember their first place of residence in the Netherlands if there are no longer any traces of this place? How can we reflect on and dwell on... 

For God's sake, keep an open mind! Rolf Orthel on Making is Most Beautiful

Making is most beautiful, Rolf Orthel's latest film, is an ode to making and its makers. Why does the process of making fascinate? What is creativity or artistry? We meet at bodega Keijzer in Amsterdam, where the waiter knows his coffee preference. We talk about film, parents, getting older, primary school, forests, taking detours to see new things. If... 

The cultural sector needs to be protected from itself. Maryam Hassouni makes that crystal clear in What the Fak!

Patronisation! Woke terror! These were some of the reactions from the film world when there were calls for the appointment of an intimacy coordinator at Dutch film productions. As if anyone could allow or display sexually transgressive behaviour in a studio with 40 other staff around it. Impossible! Yesterday, the book Wat de Fak! by award-winning actress Maryam Hassouni was published and in it, it states... 

IDFA 2022 - Artistic director Orwa Nyrabia on statements and an open eye: 'Rather ask tough questions than confirm our prejudices.'

The 35th edition of the IDFA documentary festival will kick off on 9 November. About the film selection, he remarked that it is "not only a judgement, but also a statement". In this interview, he talks about the choice of filmmaker-activist Laura Poitras as guest of honour, and much more.


On Sunday 30 October, the winner of the BNG Bank Circus Prize 2022 was chosen at the special closing performance of Festival Circolo in Tilburg. Despite sitting at home with corona, Harvey Cobb managed to convince the jury with his video presentation of his hilarious act ' Something about Pink'. A fellow nominee received a cheque for €5,000 for him from the hands of... 

4 Reasons why theatre performance Light in Leidsche Rijn is not all that nice by chance

Light is the name of the latest production by NUT, a theatre company with close ties to Utrecht's Leidsche Rijn district. It is theatre in a bubble in Utrecht's largest city park, and it starts with good food and drink. I went to see it, and again became even more of a fan than I already was. A few reasons, why that came about.

November Music 2022 kicks off on 3 November with record number of concerts and premieres | 3 to 13 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

November Music kicks off on Thursday 3 November with 50 premieres by makers and performers from home and abroad, 21 composition commissions and more than 100 different concerts. November Music's 30th edition showcases the diversity and vitality of cutting-edge music. November Music 2022 takes place from 3 to 13 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch and opens for... 

November Music presents FAQ Festival from 3 to 5 November 2022 in 's-Hertogenbosch

November Music kicks off on Thursday 3 November with 50 premieres by makers and performers from home and abroad, 21 composition commissions and 100 different concerts. November Music 2022 takes place from 3 to 13 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch and opens for the second time with the FAQ Festival for electronic music. About FAQ Festival From 3 to... 

Jeroen Spitzenberger lets New Rotterdam Jazz Orchestra shine

Jeroen Spitzenberger lets New Rotterdam Jazz Orchestra shine So typically Rotterdam is this performance, just right, because of the space the lauded actor grants to a rather unknown 11-member male orchestra. For weeks, we happily watch Spitzenberger as Tim in the excellent TV series Oogappels, just as we intensely enjoyed The Year of Fortuyn at the same NPO in which he (also)... 

'We will be surrounded by fiction.' Jeroen Olyslaegers on his new novella, the illusion of possession and modern escapism

They are quite the characters, the main characters in the books of Jeroen Olyslaegers (55). Laughingly, he talks about Wilfried Wils, the protagonist of his 2016 bestseller Wil, who never stopped talking to his creator. 'He kept commenting. I hadn't experienced a book staying alive like that before. When the book was awarded... 

'In the life I invent, the darkness disappears.' Writer Thomas Verbogt on his new novel 'Make it beautiful'

Make it beautiful is the title of his new novel, but actually it was a book Thomas Verbogt (69) had been carrying around inside for many years. Now that it has finally been written, he feels lighter. Good person How can you be of essential importance to another person? And what do you have to do to be a good person?.... 

The attack on The Girl with the Pearl Earring is the provisional low point of Instagram madness.

A temperature record will be broken in the Netherlands on 28 October. Yet another, and it is indeed incomprehensible that on this day people still book a plane for a weekend in Barcelona. It is unfortunately also incomprehensible that on this 27th October 2022, a young man sticks his head next to the head of The Girl with the... 

The Hague Connection: premieres, Hague masters & young talent

Thu 10 Nov, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ / Sat 12 Nov, November Music Asko|Schönberg maintains warm ties with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. It is a breeding ground for many composers who have since earned their spurs, such as Michel van der Aa, Martijn Padding and Peter Adriaansz, but also for a whole new batch of young, talented makers such as Petra Strahovnik,... 

Genevieve Murphy, composer and theatrical performer: 'I like music with rhythm, feeling and drive. Music that makes me dance.' #novembermusic

'I have a special relationship with my stuff. It has to do with certain emotional experiences in my life.' With "The Spot Where I Find Myself", Genevieve Murphy (Scotland, 1988) breaks new ground in exploring her potential as a composer, musician, but above all, a theatrical performer. Those who have been following Murphy for a few years have already noticed her versatility,... 

Inez Wolters creates family performance with Strawinsky circus: 'I believe ten-year-olds can handle a lot' #festivalcircolo

Tilburg-based chamber orchestra Kamerata Zuid, with dancer and choreographer Inez Wolters, performs Igor Stravinsky's L'Histoire du Soldat as a family performance. The performance will premiere this week at Festival Circolo, Holland's largest circus festival, also in Tilburg. Wolters is an all-rounder. With Swarmers, she stages dance on location, with audience participation. She also leads with her wild and... 

IN PERSPECTIVE #10: Tea, biscuits and a working title: Cultural Netherlands

I had coffee, tea and snacks ready. I had also asked my son, the designer, to sketch an example of a future logo for 'Cultureel Nederland'1. Although the Federation of Culture (FC)'s heyday took place at the chairman's house and not on the heath, it was meant to be a heyday. That is, an informal conversation about... 

House of Circus' queer nights have humour with teeth #FestivalCircolo

When I was about 16 and a bit clumsy, I did a clowning workshop at the cultural centre nearby. It taught me how to trip over my own feet. Unfortunately, I haven't forgotten that since. This pretty much finished my knowledge and love of circus. Because however clever it all was, I was... 

EZ: Investigating pain, power and manipulation at the interface between philosophy and circus #festivalcircolo

The circus performance EZ pulls you out of your comfort zone and raises uncomfortable questions like: what do we agree to without knowing it, and: what do you do when someone on stage voluntarily tortures and manipulates themselves? In their performance, the non-binary Elena Zanzu, a graduate of Montreal's National Circus School and master in philosophy at the University in... 

Why you wish every artist peace of Camiel Corneille #festivalcircolo

There he sits, at the top, enjoying the view. Camiel Corneille has just conquered his own work, a hellish instrument made of a four-by-four wooden plate that can turn in all directions except the right one. A moving balance beam that can also give you a big whack. Camiel Corneille designed it himself and tackles the thing... 

Black Pencil meets Gamelan ensemble Kyai Fatahillah: "let it happen, let's experience it, let's see what happens". #Novembermusic

Indonesian gamelan ensemble Kyai Fatahillah is coming to the Netherlands, joining forces with the contemporary music specialists Black Pencil. During November Music, they can be heard together on Saturday 5 November in the Grote Zaal of the Verkadefabriek in Den Bosch. Mask mystery The chamber ensemble Black Pencil has an original line-up: recorder, pan flute, viola, accordion and percussion. Played by five international... 

Fernanda Melchor's new novel will leave you gasping for breath

Paradais - 'paradise' - is the cynical title of Fernanda Melchor's new, disconcerting novel. The world the Mexican writer conjures up is more like hell. Polo, a dark-skinned 16-year-old boy living with his mother in a small Mexican village, has rather fucked up his life so far. He has been kicked out of school, smokes and... 

A Skin of Sound: Composition by Corrie van Binsbergen to the powerful poetry of Antjie Krog by Asko|Schönberg, Vuma Levin Trio, Beatrice van der Poel

When composer/guitarist Corrie van Binsbergen heard South African poet Antjie Krog recite her own poem a few years ago, she was floored. She was overwhelmed by the sound, that diction, that timbre of South African. Van Binsbergen has been working with writers and poets since 2003. Literature and poetry are a great source of inspiration for her.... 

House of Circus kicks off in drag and brothers Simon and Vincent Bruyninckx open Festival Circolo hanging by their teeth

After another year of dreaming and planning, the 10th edition of Festival Circolo - the largest circus festival in the Netherlands - is finally here today! Until Sunday 30 October, Tilburg's Spoorpark will transform into an oasis full of spectacle, acrobatics and humour. The opening shot was given on 20 October 2022 at 20:00h by two circus performers... 

'We will have to learn to live together better.' Writer Julia Navarro explores the why of terrorism in her new novel

Navarro's eighth novel From Nothingness revolves around Lebanese-Frenchman Abir Nasr, whose parents and sister are shot dead before his eyes by Israeli soldiers. Abir vows to take revenge one day. He and his little brother Ismail end up with strict religious family in Paris, who later move to the Molenbeek district of Brussels. While Abir's cousin Noura adopts the freer lifestyle of... 

Contemporary version L'Histoire du Soldat premieres at Festival Circolo - Unique costumes, acrobatics and live music by Kamerata Zuid in collaboration with Inez Wolters 

L'Histoire du Soldat, Stravinsky's famous work, has been performed in many performances. But never as in this new production by Tilburg-based orchestra Kamerata Zuid i.c.w. performer Inez Wolters. Dressed in extravagant costumes, she interprets the various characters in this musical tale. Together with live music by Kamerata Zuid and input from circus performer Júlia Campistany, this... 

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