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Dutch youth film in dire straits too? Plenty to talk about during the Cinekid festival

The Cinekid youth film festival opens this week with Binti, a catchy, highly topical youth film brimming with optimism. That sounds good, because optimism is what the Dutch youth film can use right now. Too bad, then, that Binti, about a girl from Congo who does everything in her power to be allowed to stay in Belgium with her father, is a largely Belgian production.... 

Lazarus in Nederlandse première: it’s Valentine’s Day!

Voor ik iets inhoudelijks zeg over Lazarus, zondag 13 oktober dé musicalpremière voor mensen die nooit naar musicals gaan, een paar misverstanden de wereld uit. Allereerst, het album Blackstar, dat David Bowie drie dagen voor zijn dood op 11 januari 2016 uitbracht, is níet de soundtrack van Lazarus, de musical van zijn hand die een maand voor zijn dood uitkwam.… 

Wereldberoemd ‘broddelwerk’ – waarom Monets waterlelies en blauweregens nog steeds zo bijzonder zijn

Vroeger vond men het drie keer niks, tegenwoordig zijn de schilderijen van waterlelies en blauweregens de beroemdste doeken van de Franse schilder Claude Monet. We bezochten zijn tuinen in Giverny en keken even door de ogen van de meester. Mokken en sokken Denk je aan de schilder Claude Monet, dan gaan de eerste gedachten waarschijnlijk uit naar diens kleurrijke doeken… 

'I decided to make an unabashedly grand romantic gesture and blow people away' - Mathilde Wantenaar writes new piece for Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

Being creative on demand? That's impossible, you might think. Yet it is the reality for composers and artists who work on commission. Mathilde Wantenaar (1993) therefore got acute choice stress when the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra asked her for a new piece. She was just working on a commission from De Nationale Opera. 'I felt like a rabbit in the... 

'I am interested in situations or people that are overlooked in everyday life.' - Meriç Artaç two seasons guest composer of Day in the Fire.

'I always draw out my characters before I start composing. They are inspired by people I see on the street, personalities I admire, details that make someone special... I usually focus on one specific aspect of a character, a dominant mood that I then highlight in my composition.' Born in 1990 in Istanbul, Meriç Artaç was already... 

Zeitgeist and chance cannot be captured by an algorithm. Why a robot should not replace the music programmer.

Last Wednesday, 2 October, at the annual congress of the Vereniging Nederlandse Poppodia en Festivals in Tivoli/Vredenburg, I saw an interesting presentation by Jonas Kiesekoms, research coordinator at PXL-Music in Hasselt, Belgium, and musician. The question is now classic: can a robot replace the music programmer? With his research group, Kiesekoms is working on several applications that use data science to improve ticket sales for concerts,... 

Red flags, pretty words and a resolute plan: Dogma 19. Turn a feature film like a documentary.

Following Denmark, the Netherlands now has its own Dogma manifesto. A modest but also ambitious statement from two young filmmakers who present a surprisingly clear plan after a season full of noise and concerns about Dutch cinema. Whether it is a pebble or a big pebble in the pond remains to be seen. In any case, they are going to do something,... 

'Too much arbitrariness in heritage law'. Pechtold committee wants us to take our cultural heritage seriously.

We treat our cultural heritage too casually. This is evident from the report 'Reserved and Involved', presented on Monday 30 September, drawn up by the Pechtold committee at the request of minister Van Engelshoven. In 110 pages (with pictures), it says that the current design of the Heritage Act leads to arbitrariness and uncertainty. This means that unsavoury situations like... 

'Quite a few ex-believers have thrown out the baby with the bathwater: the music, the rituals, the language.' Composer Daan Manneke turns 80.

Daan Manneke wordt binnenkort tachtig. Op 5 oktober staat deze grootleverancier van vocale muziek en ‘kapelmeester van de ruimte’ centraal tijdens een programma van het Groot Omroepkoor in de Utrechtse Jacobikerk. Voor dit programma componeerde hij het gloednieuwe Geistliche Dämmerung, in opdracht van het AVROTROSVrijdagconcert. Ook op zijn tachtigste is Manneke één en al levenslust en energie. ‘Ik blijf verder… 

"'Well nice' is not good enough, that falls right off." Film critic Jan Pieter Ekker on possibly the last Directors' Forum at the Dutch Film Festival

The Dutch Film Festival is about to erupt. A spacious week with a broad overview of everything moving on Dutch screens, from public film to short student film. Last year was noisy: directors, editors and cameramen expressed gloom about the quality and guts of patriotic film. Visitor numbers don't seem to be overblown either, although... 

In the end, we all go. Why Boukje Schweigman's 'Fall' is irresistible. 

Boukje Schweigman's world is exciting, but never deadly. Whether she makes an experiential performance in a beautiful location during a summer festival, or takes a more artful approach in the plays she makes for theatres: you only see nice people. Even in Val, her latest. In it, we see a lot of nice people falling. Falling deep, sometimes.... 

Why does the fair practice code really only apply to the arts?

Our administrators and elected representatives will not openly admit it, but they do not really care about a healthy cultural sector, let alone the position of individual creators and artists. Indeed, making a Fair Practice Code compulsory without increasing the budget for culture is a slap in the face for everyone working in the arts sector. 'Then be... 

PODCAST! Why so modest? Modest Fashion celebrates exuberant covering as a new fashion trend.

Since a still-famous, superbly dressed theatre deity declared me unfit for a future in his theatre in 1991 because of my shabby wardrobe, things have never really worked out between me and fashion, although these days my wife guards me from making too big a mistake. Not a very good starting point for a report on a fashion exhibition in Schiedam, but go ahead.... 

'It deals with a serious subject, but I also laughed a lot.' This is why Anne-Gine Goemans wrote a cheerful book about nuclear weapons

A cheerful novel about nuclear weapons, that was to be Holy Trientje. Writer Anne-Gine Goemans based the book on the true story of American nun Megan Rice, who - at an advanced age - managed to enter the United States' most heavily secured nuclear bomb complex with nothing more than a pair of concrete scissors. 'I thought it was so beautiful, brave and naive.' Hiroshima 'failure' Every... 

The flip side of Fair Practice: Kunstenbond in impossible split after 'relaunch' Utrecht Centre for the Arts.

'Poignant to see how a lack of decisiveness, clarity and leadership - at both the Utrecht municipality and the management of the KLA - could lead to a split and even rupture among employees.' Karin Boelhouwer of the Kunstenbond is stuck with it, and she has a point. The Utrecht Centre for the Arts (UCK) recently went officially bankrupt. A major... 

'Art tax cuts and a cultural fund will be created as an incentive for homeowners to invest in works of art.' (How we think the throne speech should have read)

Members of the States General, This year about 72 years ago we had the first Holland Festival. After years of enslavement and tyranny, hope for a better future literally came from above, in the form of Maria Callas. Eyewitnesses who saw the lights in the Stadsschouwburg turn red that day would never forget that image. 72 years later, it seems... 

Clara Schumann in 1878

Clara Schumann: still in Robert's shadow even after 200 years

Exactly 200 years ago, on 13 September 1819, Clara Schumann was born in Leipzig as Clara Wieck. She is among one of the greatest pianists of the nineteenth century. Against her father's wishes, she married Robert Schumann, whose work she fervently promoted. She also wrote well-received compositions of her own and was more famous than Robert. Yet after her... 

 ‘Weet je, waarom we dat vroeger De Gouden Eeuw noemden?’ Waarom nieuwe verhalen oude woorden nodig hebben.

De poppen zullen dansen, de rapen zijn gaar en de poep heeft de ventilator geraakt. Het Amsterdam Museum vervangt ‘Gouden Eeuw’ door het neutrale ’17e eeuw’. Een typisch voorbeeld van oikofobe omvolking en politiek correcte taalzuivering, of een nuttige aanpassing aan een veranderende tijdgeest? Tijd gaat het leren, maar explosief is het wel. Bij mij roept het vragen op. Dat… 

Smartphone-less new novel by Stefan Brijs

'A manuscript gets angry if you leave it alone,' Flemish novelist Stefan Brijs (Genk, 1969) once stated in a broadcast of Kunststof Radio, referring to his working method. Brijs writes in long, continuous periods in which the writer says he does not even run errands. Recently, Brijs, who made his international breakthrough with The Angel Maker (2006), published his new novel Zonder... 

Who again said modern music was humourless and cerebral? American Kelley Sheehan wins in Music Week full of humour and reflection

For a moment, the envelope seems unopenable but then Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven conjures up the redeeming paper after all. 'The winner of the 2019 Gaudeamus Award is Kelley Sheehan!' The little American almost falls off her stool in amazement. Probably not entirely by chance, the new music organisation has positioned her right in the middle of her four fellow candidates. - She herself would... 

At Leiden University, the end of patriarchy is shining. 

This weekend, there was some fuss on Twitter. Something about a Nazi comparison that didn't quite work out. Now there is quite often a fuss on Twitter because of a Nazi comparison that doesn't quite work out, but this time it concerned one of our cultural figureheads. Kees Vlaardingerbroek, artistic director of the NTR Saturday matinee and former head of programming at the Rotterdam... 

Wat hebben we toch met grenzen? In theaterstuk De Grens leren we waar het leven altijd beter is.

Er is nogal wat te doen over grenzen, de laatste tijd. Daar hebben auteurs Floor Leene en Greg Nottrot een voorstelling over gemaakt, samen met Wil van der Meer, Tijs Huys en Pascal van Hulst. Het ensemble van het Nieuw Utrechts Toneel (NUT) speelt, in een regie van Daniël van Klaveren, het stuk op de oudste grens die we kennen,… 

Social Fund Performing Arts turns out to be moneypit: assets halved in five years. Why is this bad news?

'If we continue at the current rate, the fund will be exhausted in the foreseeable future.' This can be read in the 2018 annual report of the Performing Arts Social Fund. Plenty of reason to sound the alarm, indeed. Is this yet another victim of the cabinet's cuts? Not really, it turns out. When you look at the documents in detail, you see mainly that... 

New Lights at Filmclub Hyena - how young makers are breathing life into documentary

Good news for anyone who has so far missed If you grow up later, Max Baggerman's double award-winning graduation film. This documentary look at working people, as poetic as it is socially critical, can be seen again on 1 August as part of New Lights. This evening is the second instalment of a new bi-monthly event that introduces us to... 

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