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Everything to do with letters

Anna Enquist: 'I wish I could be a bit angrier'

Because Evening, Anna Enquist's new novel, is a book full of pent-up exasperation and anger. Never before has she written so freely as with this book, without knowing where the story was going. "I would like to be able to be a bit angrier myself." After the poetry collection Hoor de staden and her memories of Gerrit Kouwenaar, A Garden in the... 

Podcast. Love cures in Scheveningen. You don't need LSD or magic mushrooms for transcendence.

The miracle happened right at the first location. On a bare piece of dune in front of beach café Oscars there are rocking benches. From one of those benches I looked, swaying, over a slope of marram grass, then a couple of terraces and beyond that the sea. As it was a weekday, but summer warm, some bathers had already settled into beach chairs. Crowded it was... 

Poets with evergreens and hits make a poetry festival. But what about the table talk? #pifr

Alí Calderón has written quite a body of work, but I didn't hear much of it during my stay at Poetry International. However, the poem 'Democracia Mexicana' did come along three times. A formidable poem, as it ends with a rotting baby corpse, so not for the soft-hearted among us. Democracia Mexicana is Calderon's hit poem. Like pop singers can make a hit... 

Podcast: Hear the Buddingh Prize nominees and results here #pifr

Welcome to the culture press podcast. Episode I don't know how many. Today, once again, I am keeping my mouth shut, because the floor belongs to the new poets of the Netherlands. I saw and heard them on Thursday, 31 May 2018, during poetry international. The evening was dominated by the presentation of the Cees Buddingh Prize. The prize for the best Dutch poetry debut of 2018.... 

'Fleshy, divinely bawdy at times.' - Buddingh Prize 2018 for Radna Fabias during sizzling Poetry International (#pifr)

Danez Smith is quite something. Or rather two, because the American poet likes to be addressed in the gender-neutral, or rather gender-plural plural form. A form of address not yet very common in Dutch, and thus avoided by everyone. Thursday night, 31 May at the former ro theatre, now Theater Rotterdam - Witte de With, fell around the... 

Podcast: This is how to freshen up the opening of a poetry festival. Poetry International Rotterdam successfully deploys rejuvenation.

The lectern. The lectern. The paper holder, if possible with its own light, which, shining upwards, draws stern shadows of the reading glasses on the poet's face. It is the kind of necessary evil that every poetry or literature festival has to deal with. Only the powerpoint is missing to make it a boring seed onion conference. Poetry International Festival Rotterdam has in... 

Why Italian women struggle with motherhood. Writer Silvia Avallone cuts taboos in new novel

She is young, beautiful and well-spoken. Writer Silvia Avallone, known for her bestseller Staal, does not shy away from sensitive themes in her compelling new novel Levenslichtde either, such as the economic crisis, infertility and unevenly divided parenthood. 'Claiming freedom for yourself is something terrifying for an Italian woman.' Rough edges Poverty, economic malaise, gender inequality...... 

Untitled's Lenny Oosterwijk opens door for @poetry_en: 'I love accessible work that captivates an Albert Heijn cashier as much as a university professor.'

Als je Lenny Oosterwijk voor het eerst ziet, denk je niet: ha, een galeriehouder. Op de een of andere manier verwacht je daar een meer chique uitstraling bij. Maar de man die in 2011 in Rotterdam Noord Galerie Untitled oprichtte komt uit een andere hoek. Hij is fotograaf en art director en werkte een tijd bij het meest gestolen tijdschrift… 

A Tale of a Tub: 'Poetry is a new way of looking at the world.' @poetry_en Rotterdam offers fascinating collaboration with visual artists

What lies on the ground, spread over a white sheet? Hard to determine. Shrapnel? Aircraft parts? Battered remains? Upon entering A Tale of a Tub, the impression is unsettling, and slightly overwhelming. A crime scene, but unclear who, what or where it is about. They appear to be plants, but magnified and cast in bronze. But that see... 

René Ten Bos vertelt op SPOT-Live waarom we toneelspelen: ‘Op vier poten zien we er niet uit.’

‘Ik heb laatst een dag gewerkt met gemeentebestuurders. Het ging over bureaucratie. Nou, als er iets gaat over bureaucratie, dan is dat wel het werk van Samuel Beckett. Ik heb daarom ook theatermensen uitgenodigd om dat wat ik vertelde te illustreren met Becketiaanse teksten.’ Filosoof René ten Bosch, momenteel Denker des Vaderlands, is een van de drie curatoren van het… 

Podcast: This year, Poetry International explores the role of nationalism in poetry.

Jan Baeke has been associated with Poetry International as a programmer for many years. In this podcast, I talk to him about the programme and the theme of this 49th edition: The Nation of Poetry. It's about nationalism, of course, but also about identity. And about what role poetry plays in that. And then, of course, it's not primarily about folk songs. We... 

The Conscience of Ferrara. How writer Giorgio Bassani held up a mirror to his compatriots against their will

Een vlak en desolaat landschap strekt zich uit aan weerszijden van de oude weg naar Ferrara. Landbouwgebieden, ontstaan op de vruchtbare gronden van de Po-delta, laten een indruk achter van verval. Gaandeweg vloeien ze over in buitenwijken met een overwegend industrieel karakter. Weinig wijst op het naderen van de Italiaanse stad die door UNESCO tot werelderfgoed is benoemd. Castello Estense… 

That's why Iris Hannema is the best travel writer in the Netherlands: 'Anyone who has not made a good fool of himself on a trip has not really been somewhere.'

‘Iris Hannema schrijft als een vent’, schreef ik een paar jaar geleden in een recensie over haar Het bitterzoete paradijs (2016). Daar zou je nu niet mee wegkomen. Ik bedoelde eigenlijk te zeggen: Iris Hannema schrijft stevige, beeldrijke, onafhankelijke én kritische teksten die je zelden bij vrouwelijke én mannelijke reisjournalisten tegenkomt. Waarom dat zo is, vertel ik straks. ‘Opsodemieteren’ Typische… 

Millennial Poets at Poetry International (@poetry_en) - Social Justice with Self-mockery and Laughing at Rape... Is it possible?

Poets Danez Smith and Patricia Lockwood once broke the internet with their virtuoso wordplay. Smith with a frothy tirade about ineradicable racism and police brutality in America (Dear White America) and Lockwood with a heartbreaking/funny poem about her rape (Rape Joke). Both have outgrown their hypes. They have secretly been doing a fantastic job for years, using Twitter, YouTube, paper and stage... 

Culture Council: 'The roots of the literary sector are being gnawed at'

In the week when defenders of the Dutch language are flying into each other's hair over whether or not a schoolgirl should read Multatuli in the original language, the Council for Culture comes out with its advice for the literary sector. Already in the first chapter, it reads: 'those who start reading at a young age become more language literate, start liking reading more.... 

From a skateboard to a divorce: how writer Henk van Straten ended his marriage by letter

From one day to the next, writer Henk van Straten (38) broke up his marriage and moved into a tiny house. About his struggles with loneliness, single parenthood, booze, pills and a sex addiction, he wrote Messages from the halfway house: a witty and ruthlessly honest account of his early midlife crisis. Skateboarding veteran Your crisis began, at least according to your book, with a... 

Poetry Performance Workshop teaches poets what 'taking a rest' means: 'my next performances will be a lot longer now.'

'There would be a difference between paper poems and poems that only fit into a recitation. I don't think it's a good poem in either case then. A good poem you can read well, and also reread, but it also fits very well in a performance.' Poet Anne van Winkelhof has clear views on what makes poetry good poetry.... 

We gaan een drukke tijd tegemoet. En jij wil van FB af. Mis niets. Abonneer je op onze gratis nieuwsbrief.

Abonneer je op onze gratis nieuwsbrief. Omdat het kan! Dit is waarom. Holland Festival, Poetry International, een zomer vol kunst. En ondertussen wordt een heel nieuw kunstbestel in elkaar gerommeld. Nederland staat te springen om naar buiten te gaan, muziek te beleven, kunst mee te maken en foodtrucks leeg te eten. En het subsidiestelsel om te gooien. Het is een… 

'I just wanted to show that comfort is a beautiful thing.' Esther Gerritsen, in her new novel Faith and Conscience, explores

With her new novel, Esther Gerritsen takes a surprising path. De trooster is more serious in tone than we have come to expect from her in recent years. "In the past, I would not have dared to do this, write about religion and then also without it being very funny." Uncanny "Beautiful isn't it, the cover? Esther Gerritsen is delighted with the cover 

Flemish Press Award for Watou report Harri Theirlynck

De beste culturele blog van 2017 is volgens Toerisme Vlaanderen de reportage ‘Waarom in Watou alles een andere betekenis krijgt (en het is niet eens vanwege het bier), geschreven door Harri Theirlynck. Dat is natuurlijk een fantastische eer voor Harri, die sinds een klein jaar publiceert op deze site. Het is natuurlijk ook heel fijn voor Cultuurpers zelf. Zo’n bekroning… 

A wolf inside you: the rage of Kristien Hemmerechts

Wolf is Kristien Hemmerechts' first novel since her non-fiction book on breast cancer, and it is about rage. What it's like to be furious, the Belgian writer knows all about that. "When I had breast cancer, I experienced intense feelings of aggression." Why is it that some people who have experienced trauma or tragedy can give it a place,... 

Success as a choice is one of the most dangerous fallacies of our time. The social implications of this fallacy are immense.

Late last year, the organisers of an alumni evening for research master's students asked me to defend a thesis from my current position as a cultural leader. It had to be about my position as a literary scholar by telling them about my professional path since graduation. I could frame this article hopefully and hopeful and elaborate on the competences that the... 

Addicted to 'real' books? You're selling yourself short. Put your e-reader next to your omelette and Let Three Million Books Bloom

Feet in the warm sand, Caipirinha with parasol, murmuring sea in the background and you are lying on a deckchair with 600 books. All I'm saying: you're seriously shortchanging yourself without an e-reader. And the benefits are much bigger than just having to lug around less on holiday, which I'm going to explain below. Downloading in Luang Prabang I now read... 

Playwrights and cultural exploration (3): 'Contemporary musical, a new tradition among writers?'

On 25 January 2018, the Musical Awards were presented with, as we are used to, many translated reruns and calibrated repertoire. Also notable was the appreciation for new Dutch work. Many a writer will have been cheering on the sofa when 'Was Getekend, Annie M.G. Schmidt' won the awards. Does that bode well for the future? Can today's (small)... 

'Black' is unique collection of 'Afropean' literature: 'African-Dutch authors are directly compared to black American writers.'

The book may be called 'Black', but the stories collected in it make it clear that there are as many shades of black, as white and everything in between. We, and by that I mean myself and my largely white network, just need to look more closely. And listen. Take Olave Nduwanje's story, titled Imana Ikurinde (God save you), in the middle of the book. The... 

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