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Slogging through the mud: on lust, the body and imaging

The female body has been the subject of scrutiny and imaging for centuries. From art to Hollywood, from myths to modern feminist statements-how is the female body seen, and how does that influence our ideas about sexuality and self-determination? This essay explores how lust, imagination and social expectations come together in films, books and the real world. How much freedom does a woman really have over her own body-and her own story?


In de serie In Perspectief kijkt Erik Akkermans terug en vooruit naar ontwikkelingen in cultuurbeleid en -praktijk.  Vandaag: wat is echt nodig voor cultuurspreiding? In de Glazen Stad In een van de grote ruimtes van het veilingcomplex In Naaldwijk repeteerde het Westlands Mannenkoor onder leiding van dirigent Piet Struijk. Het koor, bestaande uit meer dan honderd tuinders, chauffeurs, middenstanders en… 

Holland Festival brings unique stream of Armenian 'Bird of a thousand voices'

During Holland Festival 2024, The Bird of a Thousand Voices was performed at the Muziekgebouw. For those who could not be there then, or would like to see this special performance again, it is possible to watch the performance online (as a video on demand). The stream will be available from Friday 28 February 00:01 until Sunday 2 March 23:59. 'Phenomenal musicians, stunning storytelling and... 

VPRO Books, 10 years of Podium Klassiek and Groenteman in Amersfoort: cultural TV Sunday nights bravely hold their own

Floris Kortie has come of age. The classical-music industry's merriest curmudgeon has proved in 2024 that he can carry Podium Klassiek on his own. That he managed to get the continuation of Podium Witteman, where he was allowed to freewheel as the insightful nephew, through a deep crisis is to his credit. After the departure of Mike Boddé, who he says is more... 

STREAM: ARTHUR VEROCAI & METROPOLE ORKEST, ft. Paula Santoro, Rogê and Ricardo Verocai 

5-8 December, Digital Theatre During the past Holland Festival, 79-year-old Brazilian music legend Arthur Verocai presented a memorable concert in a packed Concertgebouw. Together with the Metropole Orchestra and guest artists, he performed the music from his iconic 1972 debut album: a mix of bossa nova, samba, jazz, psychedelia and funk. Early this century, major hip-hop artists such as Snoop Dogg,... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Rural public broadcasting concession period extended by 2 years

Minister Eppo Bruins (Culture and Media) wants to extend the current concession period of the national public broadcaster by two years. This requires a change in the law. The current period runs until 2026. This extension will give the Lower House and the cabinet enough time to carefully decide on a review of the national public broadcasting system. The NPO and broadcasters... 

VAT on underpaid artists benefits 'working middle income'

There are finer ways to wake up than with the finance minister. This Eelco Heinen was speaking to the Radio 1 News on Wednesday 18 September, and he really felt like it. Cheerful, perky, and full of good cheer, he told how they were going to energetically implement VVD policies in the Schoof Cabinet. And then followed the next... 

Liesbeth Zegveld, Summer Guest Full of Love, gave a lesson in ingenious storytelling

You tell the best story by putting your audience on the edge of their seats right from the start. Using well-chosen fragments, Liesbeth Zegveld managed to build a story in which the climax stunned everyone. Even the excellently prepared Margriet van der Linden sat at the moment suprême with eyes like saucers and chin on... 

28 July 2024 brought us the best #Summerguests in years, courtesy of Sana Valiulina. And Jelle. And Paris.

We had barely recovered from the rebirth of Celine Dion. The traditionally long-winded and kitschy 'Son et Lumière' with which France had this time made the opening of the Olympics a quintessentially French event had also unleashed a storm of protests with a tableau vivant after the sadly just short of famous painting 'The Feast... 

PR image provided by ICK Amsterdam


Met trots kondigt Internationaal Choreografisch Kunstencentrum (ICK) aan dat zij voor de tiende keer een EU-projectsubsidie heeft ontvangen, dit keer voor het baanbrekende HAMLET, onderdeel van het EU Horizon Heritage 2024 programma. Het project dat loopt tot 2027, heeft als doel de digitale transitie van de Europese Culturele en Creatieve Industrie (CCIs) te ondersteunen. Om AI toegankelijk te maken voor de Europese culturele… 

Floris Kortie on Podium Klassiek's new webpage

TV Sunday night is fun again for people who don't like farming and baking. 

Het oude domein van de VPRO, gevestigd in decennia van Nauwgezet en Wanhopig Simplisme, Tegenlicht en Zomer- dan wel Wintergasten, kwakkelde een hele tijd. Kijkcijferterreur versnipperde het veilig elitaire aanbod. BNNVARA zocht naar een toon en vond die niet. Culturele omnivoren als ondergetekende konden niet meer straffeloos de tv op 2 zetten om hem na een avond vol inhoud tegen… 

Jonas Staal (left) during his speech. Audience members from left to right: neske Beks, Charles Landvreugd and Karin Amatmoekrim. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Becoming a member of NSC? - Academy of Arts stage of desperate search for engagement

“De stem op Wilders is dan misschien een tegenstem, maar kennelijk is expliciet racisme geen dealbreaker voor al die mensen. Dat is voor iemand van kleur verschrikkelijk.” In het statige Trippenhuis, zetel van de Akademie van Kunsten, klonk dit hoge woord van Karin Amatmoekrim extra nadrukkelijk. Ze reageerde vanaf het podium op een laat binnengekomen toeschouwer, die vond dat ‘we’… 

Joris Linssen, photo by Jerney Hakkenberg

'I need others to flourish.' Six life insights from TV presenter Joris Linssen

In zijn leven en werk maakt de bekende presentator Joris Linssen (1966) veel mee en ontmoet hij tal van bijzondere mensen. De levensinzichten die hij daarbij heeft opgedaan heeft hij gebundeld in zijn net verschenen boek Als je met de stroom meegaat, sta je wel stil. ‘Als je durft te kiezen voor avontuur, word je daarvoor beloond.’ Van risico’s nemen word… 


Festivals full of theatre, dance and music from the comfort of your own living room

ITA, HOLLAND FESTIVAL AND NDT PRESENT BIBERATING PROGRAMS ONLINE, IN DIGITAL THEATER International Theatre Amsterdam, Holland Festival and Nederlands Dans Theater will present groundbreaking programmes online, in the Digital Theatre, during the Christmas holidays. In order to connect makers, companies and (inter)national visitors, the initiators choose a programme during the Christmas holidays. The ideal period to be together, to feel... 

Theatre Maas and Tobias Kokkelmans at ITA, screenshot television broadcast Mon 18 Sept 2023

The flash marriage between theatre and television could hardly be any shorter. Or could it?

15 minutes of television. Theatre Maas, who used to be called Cornald, has managed to get Dutch theatre's biggest party back on kind of prime time television. On Monday 18 September, we saw his recap of this gala of Dutch theatre, which included awards, snippets of speeches and elated actors. I wondered if we could... 

Floris Kortie on Podium Klassiek's new webpage

Floris Kortie verdient alle steun bij zijn Podium Klassiek-solo.

Zondag 10 september opende Podium Klassiek het seizoen in een wel heel uitgeklede versie. Floris Kortie stond er helemaal alleen voor. In de wereld van publieke omroep en klassieke muziek, waarin dingen meestal drie jaar van tevoren al vastliggen, was er iets aan de hand. Ik voelde een einde naderen. Podium Witteman was hier in huis een vaste waarde geworden.… 

Gaudi at Fabrique de lumiere. Screenshot cut-out broadcast WNL

Broadcaster Wakker Nederland on art: make a damned effort yourself. 

'While many regional museums are struggling, commercial museums are popping up like mushrooms.' Omroep Wakker Nederland, since we associate 'awake' with 'woke', preferring to be known as broadcaster 'we' the Netherlands, had to do something with 'art'. The opening lines of the first broadcast of 'de Stand van Nederland', their 'research programme', were an instant hit, so were the images: the museum association in the ball pit of a... 

In #Zomergasten 2023#6, Alida Dors asked the best questions. 

In #Zomergasten 2023#6 guest, Alida Dors, asked the best questions. 

The counter stood at 8 minutes and 45 seconds when it went wrong. Pretty fast for a three-hour interview programme like Zomergasten, but Theo Maassen grabbed the record with verve. His guest Alida Dors, the woman who, as a self-taught dancer, grew into a forewoman of Dutch hip-hop culture, and who is now tasked with managing the mismanaged... 

Image from Rikkie and Slingertje

#Zomergasten 2023#5 was the three and a half television nights with Theo Maassen on which women did not exist.

Nice how things coincide, on 'Summer Chairs'. Last week, I reported on the BBC breakfast show's Red Bench, and what a torture device it is. On Sunday 20 August, an almost exact equivalent of that semi-circular Red Bank came along in Summer Guests with Kamagurka. This Red Bench was in a Flemish theatre with Johan Anthierens, who in his show 'At... 

The BBC's bank in Manchester (photo by author)

After the #Zomergasten with Bibi Dumon Tak, the main question remains: how to proceed with books on TV?

Adriaan van Dis with an intensely coquettish Renate Dorrestein, who (rightly) got him on the ropes with a few well-aimed pussy remarks. This excerpt from 1991 opened Zomergasten 2023 #4, and it chopped. Nostalgia all around, and during those first minutes of Theo Maassen with animal and children's book author Bibi Dumon Tak, the bar was set high. Would Theo Maassen with this... 

Chatham House, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Remains the question after #Summerguests s23a3: What was that snippet killed from The Singing Detective?

Fascinating television, for sure. Cabaret artist Theo Maassen, who is emerging as an excellent interviewer in this Summer Guest year, went 'full Paxman' on Khadija Arib. Following in the footsteps of famous BBC Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman, he pulled out all the stops to elicit a confession from the former Lower House Speaker. It didn't work, and at half past 12, after a very tense hour of interview television, it stood... 

Fisherman's friend

'Darkness with something of hope' - Second #Zomergasten under Theo Maassen delivers impressive Fishermansfriend moment

At a little before half past eleven, Sunday evening 30 July, cabaret performer and gifted interviewer Theo Maassen asked world-famous cameraman Hoyte van Hoytema: "What's the question you don't get answered?" Hoyte: "Shit, are you going to close with that?!" It was in the telling finale of an extraordinarily impressive second episode of Zomergasten 2023. An episode, too, in which we talked a lot about cinematography... 

Muziekgebouw aan t IJ Grote Zaal cr Postman81 (Postman81, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

Music building big loser at glorious start of #Zomergasten 2023 under Theo Maassen.

The motorhome sank. The theatre group Vis à Vis-inspired studio set of the legendary summer series Zomergasten had had its day. Was probably also because of the new presenter. Theo Maassen is very tall and lanky, and likes to flap his legs, so he would never have lasted without a wet suit to spend six summer Sunday evenings on the... 

logo authors' union

14 June Action Day Screenwriters Everywhere: Dutch screenwriters and directors in solidarity with striking US colleagues

Op 14 juni 2023 sluiten het Netwerk Scenarioschrijvers van de Auteursbond en de Dutch Directors Guild zich aan bij de wereldwijde actiedag Screenwriters Everywhere. Hiermee steunen we de 11.500 leden van de Writers Guild of America West en Writers Guild of America East, die sinds 2 mei staken. Er zijn acties gepland in meer dan 20 landen. Scenarioschrijvers in de… 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Streaming services to invest 5% turnover in Dutch productions

Major streaming services operating in the Netherlands will start investing 5% of their Dutch annual turnover in Dutch productions. The House of Representatives has agreed to a bill by state secretary Gunay Uslu (Culture and Media). Thanks to this investment, more money will be available for making Dutch offerings. With this measure, state secretary Uslu wants to ensure that enough... 

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