Usually without lyrics, often with music, always with movement
Putting a man and a boy on stage together - upper body bared; in today's times, that means asking for trouble. Our gaze, saturated by paedophilia scandals, leaves little in the way of intimacy between what could also be father and son, brothers or friends. But 'Victor' by choreographer Jan Martens and director Peter Seynaeve is no good, politically correct repartee. In their search for a loving look at the relationship between husband and child, they also consistently push the boundaries of what is permissible.
On the premiere day, an official announcement went out that choreographer and former artistic director Jirí Kylián is washing his hands of NDT after 36 years of involvement. In addition, from September 2014 to 2017, no work by
Fransien van der Putt, together with choreographer and dance filmmaker Angelika Oei, saw five new Dutch dance films during Cinedans. Some of the results were promising. The films all transcended the level of visual gimmick. In its place is a struggle with fiction and physical credibility.
Being active on social media like Facebook or Twitter is now a must for any dance company. But broadcasting a dance performance (live) via 600 cinemas worldwide is no mean feat either. NDT (The Hague) has been chosen by Pathé theatres to join the illustrious list of The Metropolitan Opera (New York), The National Theatre (London) and the Bolshoi Ballet (Moscow) as a partner in high-level performing arts.
Emerging British-Indian dance idol Aakash Odedra manages to hook top choreographers with the programme Rising. The dance diptych premiered in London earlier this year and was shown at the India Dance Festival at Korzo dance theatre in The Hague on 14 October 2012. Rising consists of four solos danced by Aakash Odedra himself. In the first choreographed Nritta (A. Odedra), the young dance prince starts inconspicuously with...
In the production Bill & Mr B, the Dutch National Ballet dives thematically into history with reprises of works by George Balanchine and William Forsythe. Balanchine's Symphony in Three Movements (1972) is considered the breeding ground for Forsythe, who then went 'the extra mile' with Steptext (1985) and The Second Detail (1991). From protocol to photocall: dance as a photo session. Movement - click,...
The 1923 Afro-Cubist dance classic can be seen at Music Theatre today and tomorrow, commented on by Congolese choreographer Faustin Linyekula. "Europeans have no idea that they are denying the shared history of Africa and Europe. Belgium is part of everyday life in Congo, but Belgians hardly know anything about Congo, or it is the clichés about poverty
Eleven poles are atmospherically lit like a nightclub. Dancers enter and make their way to their work stations. They will walk around their poles in a two-hour shift. They are not the only ones: audience members also start walking, towards the exit. Yet the dizzying repetitions of the hard-working ladies are effective. However, the transcendental minimalism will turn into a...
With enfant, choreographer Boris Charmatz broaches a difficult topic: how do we as adults deal with ourselves, and how do we deal with children? Charmatz draws on the French philosopher Lyotard, who pondered the "inhumanity" of adults and saw real people in children. The current image about physical contact with children is distorted and it is...
Kat Válastur claimed that it is almost impossible to describe the dynamics of her performance with words. She is right. It is rare skill how with only two dancers in one place, so much can be depicted and the audience is sucked into a maelstrom. In the small hall of Theatre Kikker, mechanical thuds sound and two giants appear in the middle of the stage. They turn out to be dancers:...
Elk festival smeekt om vrijwilligers en in de begindagen van Springdance waren er zelfs helemaal geen betaalde krachten. Dat zegt ook iets. Nu Springdance na dertig jaar gaat fuseren met Festival aan de Werf is het thema van deze laatste editie ‘scupltured bodies & body sculptures’. Bij SYLPHIDES is dit treffend van toepassing. “Hoe mensen bewegen interesseert mij niet, ik wil…
Europe in Motion is een reizend talentontwikkelingsprogramma en fungeert als ‘battleground’ en plek van ontmoeting voor jonge choreografen. Wat urgent is in dans, wordt een week lang besproken om dansmakers te stimuleren in hun artistieke ontwikkeling. Deze tweede editie, met partners Dance4 (Nottingham), iDans (Istanbul) en Imagetanz (Wenen), eindigt in Utrecht. Op Springdance was eerder dans uit high tech laboratoria in Israël (Batsheva Dance…
Met twee voorstellingen, ”The Toxic Exotic Disappearance Act” en ”House” laat Batsheva Dance Company indrukwekkende, sublieme dansbeheersing zien en frisse dynamiek. Maar ook onrust, zoeken en verwarring. Het tijdperk van happy, harmonieuze dans is voorbij. Tijdens een lezing over dans, voorafgaand aan de voorstelling, wordt benadrukt dat hedendaagse dans zich niet compulsief hoeft af te zetten tegen andere dansstromingen. Deze artistieke…
Our team agrees: Springdance really took off on Saturday. With Ibrahim Quraishi's installation 'Wildlife Take Away Station' for sure. Reviewer Daniel Bertina made his own recordings, which will appear in his review. And it was even more tasty for him at '(M)imosa. Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (M)....
“I love it when movement moves people”, zegt de Britse choreograaf Russel Maliphant in dit interview na afloop van de voorstelling The Rodin Project. In de Hekmanfoyer van de Utrechtse Stadsschouwburg voelde onze collega van Danspubliek.nl de maker ven the Rodin Project aan de tand over zijn drijfveren. Interessant is wat Maliphant te zeggen heeft over het eerste deel van…
Dit jaar wordt Springdance voor het laatst gehouden. Na bijna 30 jaar werd het tijd voor iets nieuws, al was het alleen maar omdat de wind in Den Haag opeens van rechts komt en dat is bad for business. Als je tenminste vernieuwende kunst wilt laten zien. Daarom fuseert Springdance in de loop van dit jaar met het andere Utrechtse…
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