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Voice artist Cathy Berberian was NOT 'the wife of...'

American-Italian voice artist Cathy Berberian (1925-1983) has gone down in history as 'the wife of Luciano Berio', the Italian composer with whom she realised such high-profile pieces as Circles, Sequenza III, Recital I for Cathy and Thema, Omaggio a Joyce. Yet they were married for only 14 years, from 1950 to 1964. Moreover, it is widely known that she had a large compositional share 

Thijs Borsten (left), briefly active as a guitarist, with singer Tania Kross and his regular bassist Xander Buvelot. PHOTO MARIE-JOSE ELDERING

Thijs Borsten breaks through with unique musical concept 'The Challenge'

Thijs Borsten blurs boundaries. Under the slogan 'The Challenge', he puts completely different artists on stage together. After years of struggling, the concept is now being embraced by media and audiences. Thijs has a chance of winning his 6 minutes of fame in DWDD in the near future. Bringing artists from different cultures together and labelling such a thing as a 'challenge';... 

Björk - Vulnicura album cover

Björks Vulnicura: reis door de emoties van een gewond dier

Eigenlijk is het nog veel te vroeg voor een recensie van Vulnicura. Björks nieuwe album laat zich niet in een paar dagen of luisterbeurten doorgronden. Maar omdat wél direct hoorbaar is dat hier iets bijzonders gebeurt, doe ik toch een poging deze nieuwe ontwikkeling in Björks kunstenaarschap te duiden. Björk is een artiest van wie ik ieder album met bovengemiddelde… 

Giya Kantsheli: 'I never wanted to compose Georgian music'

Georgian composer Giya Kantsjeli (Tbilisi, 1935) composes archaic-sounding, expressive works with slow progression, tremendous tension and heartbreaking melancholy. Characterised by fierce dynamic contrasts, his music often suddenly switches from an almost inaudible pianissimo to an oorsplitting fortissimo. On 23 February, Vredenburg's broadcasting series The Friday presents his monumental Styx for viola, choir and orchestra.... 

Photo: Monique van de Wijdeven

The 10 theatre performances you actually wanted to see in 2014, even if you had to leave Amsterdam for half of them

It's raining annual lists and we're merrily joining in. As subjective as anyone, after all, no one sees everything, and opinions on taste can always differ. Of course, also in this list many performances in or from the Randstad, but half of them were not yet shown there. And all genres mixed together. As long as it is theatre. With the only limitation: no repeats, apologies Ring and Lohengrin (DNO), St John Passion (NRO). And no dance, because for that our partner dance audience

The best CDs of 2014

What would the end of a year be without favourites lists? Therefore, herewith my choice of the three best CDs/DVDs of 2014. Unsuk Chin: 3 Concertos Korean-German composer Unsuk Chin is considered one of the most important composers of our time. She was awarded many times, including the prestigious Grawemeyer Award (2004) and the no less important South Korean Ho-Am... 

Carlo Boszhard as a gnome: 3 reasons why 'Maestro' does suck

Tonight (Thursday 18 December), the second season of TV programme 'Maestro' will have its finale. Dutch celebrities such as schlager singer Frans Duijts and presenter Sylvana Simons try to conduct a symphony orchestra under supervision. They will be judged by conductor Otto Tausk, violinist Isabelle van Keulen and double bassist Dominic Seldis. Letter writers and columnists tumble over each other in condemning the programme. 'Maestro' would be a knee-jerk... 

La bohème 2: verismo of the highest order

Na de première van Puccini’s wellicht meest geliefde opera La bohème bij De Nationale Opera afgelopen donderdag, reageerden de critici verdeeld. Trouw roemde dirigent Roberto Palumbo, die ‘Puccini’s meesterlijke effecten kan maximaliseren’, Place de l’Opéra kapittelde de Italiaan omdat hij ‘wel erg veel vrijheid in de frasering van de melodieën’ nam. Collega Henri Drost van Cultuurpers hield het niet droog… 

Bird twittering instead of revenge

Saturday 6 December sees the start of the first edition of Music Theatre Days, the successor to the annual Babel Festival. To present the work of young makers, the Ostadetheatre and production core Diamantfabriek joined forces again, for a programme that offers flash performances by conservatory students alongside world premieres by professional makers. Splendor's monthly Salon also takes place at the Ostadetheatre. Red thread... 

Camerata Trajectina 40 years young

In a sold-out Geertekerk in Utrecht, Camerata Trajectina exuberantly celebrated its fortieth anniversary yesterday. In those four decades, the ensemble has worked tirelessly to put the Dutch song repertoire from the Middle Ages to the Golden Age on the map, not only on stages, but also on sound carriers. Entirely in style, attendees were treated to a varied... 

Brian Ferry, Send in the clowns: don’t bother, they’re here

Brian Ferry covert op zijn nieuwe album Avonmore Stephen Sondheidms Send in the clowns. Maar zijn versie illustreert boven alles de verzuchting die op ‘Isn’t it rich? Isn’t it queer?’ volgt: ‘Losing my timing this late in my career.’ Het lijkt zo makkelijk. Je hoeft niet zelf een goed nummer te schrijven, maar je neemt er een van een ander… 

Google en facebook nemen rol galerieën, uitgeverijen en impresariaten over

Voor de meeste kunstenaars is het een ideaal. Vertegenwoordigd worden door een galerie. Schrijvers hebben hun zinnen gezet op een contract bij een uitgeverij. Muzikanten kijken verlekkerd naar labels en theatermakers staan in de rij voor een impresariaat. Makers hebben een haat-liefde verhouding met zulke bemiddelaars. Want hoewel de gemiddelde creatieve professional wel een teen zou willen missen in ruil… 

Austin Peralta has been dead for 2 years. But he gave us the jazz of the future

Stories about jazz are more often about dead heroes than about the future. If they do reflect on jazz's prospects, they are usually bleak. The genre has been declared dead more than once, and if jazz is not dead, it has at least moved or smells funny. British essayist Geoff Dyer published a decade... 

Roos Rebergen surprises with translation Bowie classic at party in Paradiso

Five years. You have to get through it. Not everyone is always charmed by the petite girl diction of Roos Rebergen (Roosbeef). But what a throat. And what a presence. So it is more than ok that Roos Rebergen did something daring at David Bowie's career anniversary party: perform a translation of Five Years, the opening track of David Bowie's classic album... 

Bowie keert zijn carrière om. En het werkt

Beginnen met het meest recente nummer. En dan chronologisch terug in de tijd tot ergens diep in de jaren zestig. En dat dan de titel ‘Nothing has changed’ meegeven. Briljante zet van David Bowie. Alle biografen kunnen ogenblikkelijk hun werk in de prullenbak mieteren. Immers, wie chronologisch met de muziek van David Bowie opgroeide kon niet anders dan steeds verbijsterd… 

4 lessons you can learn from Stromae: everything is about connection

We staan er meestal niet bij stil, maar marketing is overal om ons heen.  En dat terwijl we heel veel kunnen leren van al die goede voorbeelden. En zeker ook van de minder goede. Onlangs zag ik op TV een interview met de wereldster Stromae.  Deze jonge Belgische rapper en muzikant is de laatste jaren zeer succesvol. Of je nu… 

De Denen snappen het niet. Welk orkest durft de peper daar te stoppen waar die hoort?

Update: tekst aangepast na tips van onze oplettende lezer Sebastiaan Smits. Het Deense Nationale Kamerorkest stopt per 31 december. Wegbezuinigd. Maar niet vanwege dit filmpje dus, zo wist Sebastiaan Smits te melden.   @cultuurpers Is geen protestactie, maar een promotie voor chilipepers. — Sebastiaan Smits (@sebastiaansmits) November 7, 2014 @sebastiaansmits Dank voor de aanvulling dan. We zullen het corrigeren. To… 

Four reasons to go to Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun

Na afloop van de wereldpremière van Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun van Seung-Won Oh gisteren in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, stond het publiek als één man op om Slagwerk Den Haag en de solisten toe te juichen. Het was dan ook een magische voorstelling, die herhaald wordt in De Doelen in Rotterdam en in Theater aan de… 

Spectacular slow down in Bruges: Slow (36h) makes 'nothingness' palpable.

We are moving too fast. Politics moves too fast, the news moves too fast, and nobody takes the time anymore to spend a quiet time listening to a piece of music, reading a thick book, or listening and watching slow art for 36 hours at the Concertgebouw in Bruges. So the concert hall in Bruges is organising a festival with... 

World premieres by MacMillan and Roukens at Vredenburg's Friday

After years of concerts in the 'Red Box' on the A2, AVROTROS' De Vrijdag van Vredenburg on Radio 4 returned to the centre of Utrecht last summer. The new TivoliVredenburg was built entirely around Vredenburg's former Great Hall, renowned worldwide for its fabulous acoustics. Many a tear was shed at the reopening. To a new hall belongs... 

Book becomes radio: Thea Derks presents Panorama De Leeuw on Concertzender

For seven years, Thea Derks worked on her biography of Reinbert de Leeuw. And it did not go unnoticed. Except for the reaction of the person portrayed, unanimously rave reviews and soon a second edition. Rightly so, as the book offers an indispensable description of modern music in the Netherlands, with many composer portraits and an understandable leading role for Reinbert de Leeuw. 

Prince makes five-star record and hides it from Warner

Two new records in one day? Thirty years after Purple Rain? That involuntarily evokes memories of the days of Guns 'n Roses and Bruce Springsteen in the early 1990s. Back then, Prince was still under contract to Warner, but his quarrels with that company were notorious. Four records in a single year went way too far for Warner at the time, as did triple albums.... 

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