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Alles waarvoor mensen een podium betreden.

Sadettin Kırmızıyüz. Photo: Joost de Haast

Dutch version of The Wire moves from Rotterdam to The Hague

Nationale Toneel Theatre is working on its mission to bring society to the stage. The Nation, that insane marathon with Romana Vrede about a disappearance in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood, and Mark Rietman, will be ready this autumn. Anyone who thought it was time for another slice of tedious retro hag comedy after that is wrong. We do have a classic coming up in... 

Explosive emotions, deep waters and a refreshing spark in Dance Room 5

A field littered with landmines. This is what life feels like sometimes. In waiting rooms, for example. Uncomfortable situations. What should you say to each other? Timorous glances shoot past each other. Hidden tension pounds against your muscles. Everyone is afraid of everyone else. And of themselves. Fobia by Davide Bellotta is one of three works with which young choreographers present themselves in the programme 

Five weeks of Bambie in Utrecht? Could just be the way to a more diverse culture

Speaking of diversity, within the dominantly white theatre audience, it is also full of bubbles. Over the past two weeks, for instance, I have just let it dawn on me how little overlap there is between the audiences of the two art theatres in my city, Utrecht. At least: for a while I sort of immersed myself in the world of... 

String theory inspires organ concert: Peter Eötvös conducts KCO in Multiverse

On Thursday 19 October, Peter Eötvös conducts the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in the Dutch premiere of his organ concerto Multiversum, which he commissioned for the company. His brand new composition is flanked by works by György Ligeti and Claude Vivier. Transylvania's rich musical tradition Hungarian composer and conductor Peter Eötvös (Székelyudvarhely, 1944) grew up in Transylvania. Towards the end of... 

Conny Janssen Danst could turn the whole world into a dance set

I actually experienced it once! In the middle of a theatre performance, an elderly lady, who had nothing to do with the story, walked onto the stage. She must have got lost in the interval and ended up behind the wings through a door that was accidentally open. While the actors were engaged in a deeply serious Hamlet, she came laconic 

The theatre world is divided, but not diverse. A call to authors.

This week, two things already became clear about the Dutch theatre world. One: the topic of diversity is finally really on the map and two: the theatre world, however small, is hopelessly divided. During Het Theaterfestival, there were two debates/ meetings/ symposiums on the lack of diversity in theatre. One on Monday, the other on Thursday. Bit much in one... 

Choir and orchestra shine in La forza del destino #DNO

Van de onheilspellende klaroenstoten aan het begin tot de in het niets wegstervende fluisterstrijkers aan het slot: alles klinkt als een klok. Toch dirigeert Michele Mariotti La forza del destino van Giuseppe Verdi voor het eerst. Hij maakt met deze zelden uitgevoerde opera zijn debuut bij De Nationale Opera. Mariotti kwam, zag en overwon. Hij lijkt een geboren Verdi-interpreet, van… 

Culture Council doesn't have plans ready yet

This summer, all was well. In Theatererkrant, house organ of the performing arts, an article appeared, apparently also on behalf of the Council for Culture. It showed how a hitherto unknown company called The Transition Office had pretty much completed the new sector plan, employed by the Council for Culture. Many people had been spoken to and now there were still... 

Sound explorer Aart Strootman wins Gaudeamus Award 2017

On Sunday 10 September, the Gaudeamus Award for composers under 30 was presented in TivoliVredenburg. Winner was Dutch guitarist, composer and instrument designer Aart Strootman (1987). He was chosen from five nominees and received the prize from jury member Christopher Trapani. The jury also included Joe Cutler and Mayke Nas. Like last year, Gaudeamus invited its... 

Gaudeamus Music Week: the squeak-grunt definitively over?

De Gaudeamus Muziekweek lijkt het stadium van doorwrochte, maar publieksonvriendelijke ‘piep-knor’ definitief achter zich te hebben gelaten. Het gerenommeerde festival voor nieuwe muziek brengt in vijf dagen tijd 129 composities uit 32 landen. Asko|Schönberg en Cappella Amsterdam trapten woensdag 6 september af met een bonte variëteit aan stijlen. Aldus vormde het openingsconcert een graadmeter van wat modernemuziekliefhebbers tot en met… 

Theatre season opens with pep talk for paralysed artists.

Om maar meteen met het rotste nieuws te beginnen: volgens Ferry Mingelen gaat D66 de verkiezingsbelofte van 100 miljoen reparatie voor de kunstbegroting niet waarmaken. Dat maakte de parlementair journalist in ruste bekend tijdens zijn openingswoordje van Het Theaterfestival, donderdag 7 september in de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg. Hij had dinsdag nog met partijleider Pechtold gesproken. Die had gezegd dat de tien… 

Scenic photo Rishi. Photo: Joris Jan Bos

The sharpest theatre of 2017 comes from The Hague: Rishi of Firma Mes

If theatre can do anything, it is to put us outside reality. Not even to make you dream away, but to stop that reality for a moment and look at it in a different way. Call it the Ti-Ta-Wizard moment. To stop the action at the dramatic climax, to take the sting out of the wasp, or the fuse out of the powder keg.... 

Broken throats thanks to Loes Luca. Scheveningen sings again in 'Hard Hands'

The Zuiderstrand Theatre is having a nice time. When the theatre was built on the coast, there was a lot of resistance and grumbling from Scheveningers. 'That bunker' it was called. But with the (reprise) hit 'Harde Handen', free after Heijerman's 'Op hoop van Zegen', this own production touches a sensitive chord. For and by Scheveningen On Scheveningen, much has changed. The fishing village with... 

How intimate can choreography be? - Conny Janssen Danst celebrates anniversary with exhibition at Kunsthal

Conny Janssen Danst celebrates its 25th anniversary. To mark the occasion, the Kunsthal in Rotterdam will be stage and laboratory for Conny Janssen, her dancers and her team for three weeks. A video installation, performance, live rehearsals and an exhibition will portray the point at which the group has arrived on its development journey. Unorthodox "My start with the group 25 years ago was... 

Ten days of theatre with bollocks in Kikker Kiest (At once up to date)

'When Paul moves his little finger something happens. They have a scene where Jochem draws a picture of Paul. Paul is posing naked. And that lasts. That takes a long time. You and I, as amateurs, would fill that with all sorts of poses and movements, but Paul doesn't do anything. You think. And all sorts of things happen. HIj is doing something, then, but.... 

Beatles tour bus (replica) Photo: Chris Samson CC.BY 2.0

You had one chance to sustainably improve arts subsidies

The decision will be official in mid-September, but behind the scenes it has already been made. The Netherlands will have a very small basic cultural infrastructure for the performing arts, and a very large fund that anyone who wants to make theatre, dance, mime or music must apply to. I asked around a bit recently, and so that's what it's going to be. That way, politicians can't... 

Festival of Early Music goes topical with music theatre about refugees

You expect a lot from a festival dedicated to early music, but not contemporary music theatre. Yet that is exactly what artistic director Xavier Vandamme has in store for us. On Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 August, street theatre group Kamchátka presents Musica Fugit, a performance about refugees. Visitors become part of the story. This way, they experience for themselves what it means when fleeing is a... 

Chablis, riesling, bardolino and five indies: Boulevard succeeded

Wine tasting and listening to medieval music are usually things people only do with very serious faces. So it took five glasses, three drunken singers and a good hour before the mob in the sober Heilig Hart church in Den Bosch loosened up a bit. With a Frontignan to boot. You do start fantasising about the great dinner you had at... 

8 phenomena together on stage do not make phenomenal theatre at Theatre Festival Boulevard

Claron McFadden is a phenomenon. Josse de Pauw is a phenomenon. Arnon Grunberg is a phenomenon. LOD is a phenomenon. KVS is a phenomenon. Theatre Festival Boulevard is a phenomenon. I did not yet know pianist Kris Defoort, but he is also a phenomenon. As is Henry Purcell, but we've known that for a couple of centuries: also a phenomenon. After such an opening paragraph... 

Wunderbaum provokes revulsion with sacred performance about North Sea cruise at Theatre Festival Boulevard

Wie jong is, een beetje leuk opgeleid en verder in het algemeen van goeden huize, gaat niet op een cruise over de Noordzee. Een cruise op de Noordzee, dat doe je als je geen fantasie hebt, slecht ter been of te ziek voor iets anders. Vindt Wunderbaum. Het theatercollectief dat zich graag ontfermt over de kwetsbaren van deze planeet is… 

The Apocalypse is something to look forward to at Theatre Festival Boulevard

Het mooiste einde van de wereld zit in Melancholia van Lars von Trier. Zwevende populieren, een wollige planeet die ons opeet in een golf van sfeervolle mist. Ik zou ervoor tekenen. Alles beter dan de klotsende aardplaten vol gillende poppetjes in de mislukte rampenfilm 2012. Maar ook weer niet zo leuk als het einde der tijden in The Hitchhikers Guide… 

Boukje Schweigman makes you feel how weird time is at Theatre Festival Boulevard.

Industrial estates are weird. They lie souring on the outskirts of one city, only to seamlessly morph into the same site on the outskirts of another. Once they were A-locations, places of visibility and the incarnate dream of reconstruction. Now they are low-grade structures, halls with a front door, a visible office for the Dirk and a pathetic... 

Humour, marinated in tears on a bed of melancholy. Perfect day on Boulevard

The prize for the longest and most artful kiss of 2017 has been given away and goes to Conny Janssen Danst. In a small tent on the square below Bossche Sint-Jan, this danced kiss forms the technical and dramatic highlight of Clarity. Two dancers, spinning pirouettes while keeping their lips connected, a video artist and the floating music performed live by iET were on Saturday ... 

Thinking won't make you a hero. Artful Flemish musical theatre on Boulevard

Helden zijn niet altijd de slimste mensen. Sterker nog, de meeste daden die als heldendaad de geschiedenis in gingen, zijn ondoordachte acties geweest. Die toevallig lukten. Pure mazzel. Tegenover elke heldendaad staat dus een onbekend, maar niet te verwaarlozen aantal zinloze overlijdensgevallen van would-be helden. De hoofdfiguur van het theaterstuk De Helden, dat ik op 4 augustus in Den Bosch… 

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